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1、Level 2 - Unit3 - Part 1 - 1 Bus Schedule1. Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.2. It has the schedule for 3 buses between 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning.3. Bus No.38 has a regular schedule. It es every 15 minutes.4. 8:10, 8:25, 8:40, 8:55, 9:10, 9:25.5. Bus No.47 es less often. It es at 8:20, 8:45 a

2、nd 9:25.6. Bus No.60 is the earliest bus. It es at 8:05, 8:30 and 9:00.7. Bus No.38 has stops at the main train station and the airport.8. Bus No.60 stops at the main train station, but doesnt go to the airport.9. Bus No.47 doesnt go to either the main train station or the airport.Level 2 - Unit3 -

3、Part1 - 2 What is Lisa going to do?1. Lisa just returned home from school. 2. This is what she is going to do for the rest of the day.3. Shes going to clean her room first. Its going to take her 10 minutes.4. In about 10 minutes, at ten past four(4:10), shes going to practice the piano.5. She usuall

4、y practices for about 45 minutes.6. But today shes going to practice for an hour.7. Next week, there will be a piano petition. So she wants to practice more.8. After practicing, shes going to do some homework.9. She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00.10. After dinner, shes going to wa

5、sh the dishes.11. Then shes going to finish her homework.12. She usually does homework from 7:00 until around 8:30.13. But she has a lot of homework tonight.14. So she may work until 9:00 or later.15. After finishing her homework, she usually tests her friends.16. But tonight, shes going to read.17.

6、 Shes reading a very good book. She started it last week.18. Tonight shes going to finish it.19. After she finishes it, shell turn off the light and go to sleep.Level 2 - Unit3 - Part 1 - 3 Seasons1. Winter is the coldest time of the year.2. Winter nights are long and the days are short.3. Summer is

7、 the hottest time of the year.4. Summer nights are short and the days are long.5. Spring es after winter and before summer.6. Spring is when trees turn green.7. Autumn, or fall, es after summer and before winter.8. Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.9. Some countries

8、 have a rainy season.10. In rainy season, it rains almost every day.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 1 - 4 Health Problems1. This boy has a broken leg. He cant walk without crutches.2. This girl has a sore throat.3. She doesnt feel good because her throat hurts.4. This girl is vomiting.5. She ate something b

9、ad so she is throwing up.6. This boy has a fever.7. His temperature is 39.5 degrees Celsius.8. This girl has a headache.9. She doesnt feel good because her head aches.Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 1 - 5 Favorite Seasons1. Tom: I really hate this cold winter weather.1. Lisa: Really? I dont mind it. Its not

10、 so bad.2. Tom: First, its really cold. Second, I dont like the short days and the long nights. Its always dark.3. Lisa:Sure, but itll be over soon.Spring is ing and warmer weather.4. Tom: Yes, and longer days.5. Lisa:What about summers? Do you like hot weather?6. Tom:I dont like summer weather eith

11、er.7. Lisa: Is it too hot for you?8. Tom: Yes, its too hot. Every day is hot and humid. So I always feel tired and thirsty.9. Lisa: Yeah, me too. I take a shower twice a day.10. Lisa:So which is worse, summer or winter?11. Tom: Good question. I guess I prefer winter. What about you?12. Lisa: Well, I

12、 prefer winter too. I dont mind the long nights.13. Lisa: Of course the best seasons are spring and autumn.14. Tom: Which of those do you prefer?15. Lisa: Within those two, I prefer autumn.16. Tom: Why do you prefer autumn?17. Lisa: I love it when the leaves turn different colors.18. Tom: I agree wi

13、th you. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.19. Lisa: I was surprised, Tom. I thought you would prefer spring.20. Tom: Why is that?21. Lisa:Everything is young and new in spring, right?22. Tom:Well, maybe Ill change my mind.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 1 - 6 Bus Schedule1. M:Excuse me, when is the n

14、ext bus?2. W:To where?3. M:To the train station.4. W:Lets look at the bus schedule.5. M:Which bus goes to the train station?6. W:Buses 38 and 60 both go to the train station.7. M:Its 8:59 now. So I just missed the NO. 38.8. Right. It came a few minutes ago. The next bus to the train station es at 9:

15、00.9. M:Yes, I hope it isnt late.The traffic is heavy.10. W:Oh, look, the number 60 is ing now, right on schedule.11. M:Great, thanks for your help.12. W:Youre wele. Have a good day.13. M:You too.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 2 - 1 Yesterdays Schedule1. Dan is a pilot.2. He flies airplanes to all parts of

16、 the world.3. This was his schedule yesterday, which was Sunday.4. He woke up at 6:30.5. After waking up, he got out of bed and brushed his teeth.6. After that he took a shower.7. He and his wife ate breakfast together at 7:15.8. He had a big breakfast of eggs, potatoes and fruit.9. They finished ea

17、ting at 7:30.10. After eating, he put on his uniform.11. At 8:00 they left the house and his wife drove him to the airport.12. The traffic was heavy, so it took 45 minutes to get to the airport.13. They arrived at the airport at 8:45.14. After going through security, he checked the weather along the

18、 flight path.15. At 9:30 he boarded the plane.16. He and his co-pilot talked about the flight.17. By 10:30 the passengers were all on board.18. They pushed back from the gate at 10:45.19. From the gate, it took 10 minutes to go to the runway.20. There were two airplanes in front of them, so they had

19、 to wait.21. They finally entered the runway at 11:10, which was 5 minutes behind schedule.22. Two minutes later,at 11:12, they took off for Beijing.23. The flight from San Francisco to Beijing took 12 hours.24. They landed in the afternoon, one day later.25. In Beijing it was already Monday.26. Aft

20、er leaving the aircraft, he took a bus to his hotel in Beijing.27. He checked in at 6:00 pm and went up to his room.28. When he got to his room, he took a shower.29. Then he went downstairs and ate dinner.30. After eating he went back to his room and watched some TV.31. At 10:00 he went to bed and f

21、ell asleep.32. The day after tomorrow, hell fly back to San Francisco.33. His wife and children will be happy to see him.34. They always miss him when he is away.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 2 - 2 Bens Lunch1. Ben often buys lunch at school.2. He usually spends around $5.00 for lunch.3. Here are the pric

22、es of some of the things on the menu.4. Sandwiches are $1.50.5. Ben likes sandwiches, but yesterday he had two slices of pizza.6. A slice of pizza costs the same as a sandwich.7. He also had some fruit.8. He had a banana, which was $1.00.9. He was hungry, so he also had a salad.10. The salad cost $1

23、.25.11. He had a bottle of water from home, so he didnt buy anything to drink.12. Altogether, his lunch cost $5.25,13. He enjoyed his lunch because the pizza was good. 14.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 2 - 3 Transportation1. Airplanes are the fastest way to travel a long distance.2. Airplane travel is one

24、of the safest ways to travel.3. This is a truck, or lorry.4. Trucks carry and deliver many of the things we buy and use each day.5. Buses are a good way to travel in a city.6. A bus can carry many passengers and is less expensive than a taxi.7. Buses can carry more passengers than a taxi or truck.8.

25、 Ships transport freight, such as oil or automobiles, across the oceans.9. Some ships carry passengers on ocean cruises.10. Ambulances carry sick or injured people to a hospital.11. If someone is in an accident, call for an ambulance.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 2 - 4 Sickness & injuries1. This boy has a

26、 cut on his finger.2. He cut his finger with a knife, so now its bleeding.3. This girl is coughing.4. She is coughing because she has a bad cold.5. This boy has diarrhea.6. He ate something bad, so his stomach hurts.7. This person is dead.8. He is dead because he was hit by the car. 9. This man is d

27、runk.10. Hes drunk because he drank too much wine.Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - 5 Earth & Seasons1. Lisa: Tom, can you help me? Heres a homework question.2. Tom: Sure, Ill help you if I can. Whats the question?3. Lisa: What would happen to the seasons if the earth stopped rotating?4. Tom: Stopped rota

28、ting? You mean the earth would always face the same direction?5. Lisa: Right, so a day would be a year long.6. Tom: Wow, thats a difficult question. So each season would be one fourth of year? 7. Lisa: I dont know, Im not sure.8. Tom: During the summer the Sun would always be up. It would be very ho

29、t.9. Lisa: And during the winter, it would always be dark, right?10. Tom: Yes, I think thats right.11. Lisa: Maybe there wouldnt be any spring or fall.12. Tom: Hey, I dont know.13. Lisa: OK, lets check that on the internet.Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part 2 - 6 Tom & Lisas Lunch1. Tom: Hey, why are you sitti

30、ng there? Wheres your lunch?2. Lisa: I left it at home.3. Tom: Lets go to the cafeteria and get lunch together.4. Lisa: No, I cant.5. Tom: Why not?6. Lisa: I dont have any money. I left my money at home too.7. Tom: Thats OK, I have enough money. You can pay me back tomorrow.8. Lisa: Thanks, Im hungr

31、y.9. Tom: What would you like?10. Lisa: That pizza looks good.11. Tom: I had pizza yesterday, and it wasnt very good. It didnt have much taste.12. Lisa: How about the sandwiches?13. Tom: Sometimes they are OK. The hot dogs are usually good and they are never bad.14. Lisa: So what are you going to ge

32、t?15. Tom: I think Ill have a hot dog and a banana. Im tired of pizza and noodles.16. Tom: What about something to drink?17. Lisa: Oh, just water. The soft drinks have too much sugar. I dont want to gain weight.18. Tom: OK, Ill have the same thing.19. Lisa: Great, so the total cost is how much?20. T

33、om: 2 hotdogs, 2 bananas and 2 bottles of water. Thats $6.21. Lisa: Do you have enough?22. Tom: No problem, Ive got $10.23. Lisa: Thanks again, Ill pay you back tomorrow.24. Tom: No problem, dont worry about it.25. Lisa: My mom isnt going to be happy.26. Tom: Why is that?27. Lisa: She made my lunch

34、and I left it at home.28. Tom: Oh, I see. My parents are like that too.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 3 - 1 Lisas Cold1. Last night Lisa came home later than usual.2. It was raining and she didnt have her umbrella.3. When she got home, she was cold and wet.4. She was tired and she didnt feel well.5. She go

35、t out of her wet clothes and went to bed. 6. She just wanted to sleep.7. This morning she woke up with a bad cold.8. She had a headache and a sore throat.9. Her mother took her temperature.10. Her temperature was 39 degrees. so she had a fever!11. Her mother told her to stay in bed.12. Lisas sore th

36、roat hurt a lot so her mother called the doctor. 13. She made an appointment for 11:00.14. Lisa got out of bed at 10:00 and got dressed. 15. At 10:15 they left their apartment.16.It was still raining, so they took a taxi.17.They got to the doctors office at 10:45. 18. Her mother gave Lisas name to t

37、he receptionist.19. Then they sat in the waiting room. 20. They waited for 10 minutes.21. Then a nurse came and took Lisa into another room. 22. The nurse weighed Lisa and took her temperature.23. Then Lisa waited for the doctor.24. When the doctor came, he looked down her throat. 25. He listened to

38、 her heart beat.26. Then he gave her a shot. 27. The shot hurt a little but Lisa didnt mind. 28. She wanted it to help her feel better.29. After leaving the doctors office, they went to a pharmacy. 30. Her mother brought some medicine. 31. Then they took a taxi home.32. For the rest of the day, Lisa

39、 stayed in bed. 33. She took some medicine and drank a lot of liquids.34. She slept for a couple of hours.33. Then she listened to some music. 34. By 6:00 she was feeling much better.35.Now shes think about tomorrow. 36. Shes looking forward to going to school.37. She doesnt want to stay home again.

40、38. But she may have to stay home.39. She cant return to school until her cold is gone. 40. She doesnt want her friends to catch her cold.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 3 - 2 An Accident1. Yesterday there was a terrible accident.2. It happened in front of a subway station.3. There was a crosswalk and the l

41、ight was red.4. Cars were ing from all directions.5. A young man wanted to cross the street.6. He didnt want to wait for the light to change.7. He looked both ways, and then started to run across the street.8. But he didnt see one car and it hit him.9. He flew up into the air and came down on the ro

42、ad.10. His head was injured and he was bleeding.11. Several people used their phones to call for an ambulance.12. It arrived a few minutes later and took the man away.13. We still dont know if he lived or died.14. Hopefully hes alive and will get better soon.15. So be careful when you cross the stre

43、et.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 3 - 3 Basic Needs1. Everyone needs food and water. 2. Without food and water we cannot live3. People need a place to live in and sleep. 4. We need a place to keep us dry in rainy weather.5. We need good health to keep us strong. 6. Daily exercise is a good way to stay in g

44、ood health.7. We need skills to find a good job.8. Without good job skills, we cant keep a good job.9. We need money to buy things, such as food. 10. Without money, its very difficult to have a good life.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 3 - 4 States of Matter1. Ice is the solid state of water.2. The freezing

45、 point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.3. This is the liquid state of water.4. Liquids take the shape of their container, such as this glass.5. Water vapor is the gaseous state of water.6. Water bees a gas at 100 degrees Celsius, which is its boiling point.7. We use a scale like this to weigh things.8

46、. One kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.9. This is a thermometer10. We use thermometers like this to measure temperature.Level 2 - Unit 3 - Part 3 - 5 Angelas Cold1. M:I didnt see Angela today. Did she e to the office?2. W: No, she didnt. She stayed home. Shes sick.3. M: Sick? Whats wrong with her?4.

47、W: She has a bad sore throat and a headache. Shes staying in bed.5. M: Oh, thats too bad. She looked fine yesterday.6. W: She was fine yesterday but last night she got wet in the rain.7. M: Didnt she have an umbrella?8. W:No, she didnt. So she really got wet. Its a long walk from the subway to her home. She didnt get home until late.9. M: It was really raining last night. I got wet too and I had my umbrella. It was that strong wind.10. W


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