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1、,Chapter 2 Subject Matter of an International Sales Contract,Part1:The name of goodsPart2:The Quality of Goods Part3:The Quantity of Goods Part4:Packing and Marking,返回目录,名称1.PURCHASECONTRACT 题注 章名WholeDoc.ContractNo:Date:TheBuyer:TheSeller:TheContract,madeout,inChineseandEnglish,bothversionbeing equ

2、allyauthentic,byandbetweentheSellerandtheBuyerwherebythe selleragreestosellandtheBuyeragreestobuytheunder mentioned goods subjecttotermsandconditionssetforthhereinafterasfollows:,合同开头的基本条款,章名SECTION1,1NameofCommodityandspecification 2CountryofOrigin&Manufacturer 3UnitPrice(packingchargesincluded)4Qu

3、antity 5TotalValue 6Packing(seaworthy)7Insurance(tobecoveredbytheBuyerunlessotherwise)8TimeofShipment 9PortofLoading,Part1:Name of commodity,the method of Naming the goods,The primary purpose of naming(织布机)To its main raw materials used in naming(玻璃杯)Named its major components(人参蜂王浆)Named for its ap

4、pearance modeling(喇叭裤)To figure named(东坡肉)Process for the production of name(二锅头),Chinese,编码协调制度由国际海关理事会制定,英文名称为The Harmonization Code System(HS-Code)。HS编码共有22大类98章。国际通行的HS编码由2位码、4位码及6位码组成。例如:“鲜苹果”的六位码为080810,其归类于4位码0808“鲜的苹果、梨及榅桲”,而4位码则归类于2位码08(即第8章)“食用水果及坚果;甜瓜或柑桔属的果皮”。6位码以上的编码及对应商品由各国自定。,Cautions

5、1、Specific and Concretenot vague and general 2、Can provideTo meet consumers needs 3、Use world standardized names 4、Choose to reduce import tariffs or facilitates import 5、Impossible or unnecessary descriptive words,should not be included in the Name Terms,Chinese,出口合同规定的商品名称为“手工制造书写纸”(Handmade Writi

6、ng Paper),买方收到货物后,经最终用户检验发现货物部分制造工序为机械操作,而我方提供的所有单据均表示为手工制造,按该国法律应属“不正当表示”和“过大宣传”,遭最终用户退货,以致使进口人蒙受巨大损失,对方要求我方赔偿。而我方拒赔,主要理由是:(1)该商品的生产工序基本上是手工操作,而且关键工序完全采用手工;(2)该交易是经买方当面先看样品成交的,并且实际货物品质又与样品一致,因此应认为所交货物与商定的品质一致。请分析:此笔交易争议的责任在谁?应如何处理?,case,合同成交品名为Apple wine,但实物包装为Cider。问直接发货会有何后果?,总结1 案例的起因通常就是因为合同、信用

7、证和实物三者之间不一致,case,Part2 Quality of goods,Chinese,The require of commodity quality:The quality of the commodity influences the use value and price of the commodity directly,It determines the use efficiency and influencing the market price.So,the customer will most likely stipulate the quality of the p

8、roducts at the time of inquiring.In international trade,as the products of the trade are various in style and characteristics,the methods that showing the quality are different,it can roughly be divided into two big classes:according to the sample and to the description.Different methods are fit for

9、 different commodities.,Chinese,According to the sample:generally,to those commodities which are difficult to confirm quality with the standard or the parameter,we resort to the sample,which can be divided into two groups,sale by the sample and sale by viewing the commodity.Arts and crafts,garments,

10、light industry products,agricultural and native produce are generally sold by sample.,1、sales by sample,Chinese,Sale By Sample,Sellers Sample,Produce and send the sample,Keep duplicate,Buyers Sample,Produce according to buyers sample and send it out,Sale by counter sample,Confirm Goods Quality,Cauti

11、on,Sales by sellers sample Send the sample:To promote business,the quality of sample is always better than that in ordinary production process.We should be cautious about it.If customer confirms the sample,the quality of products must be on the same level of the sample,including the outward appearan

12、ce and essential quality as well.Whether the samples quality is much higher or lower than ordinary,we will be in difficulty.So we ought to send the sample properly:when we have no absolute certainty about the quality or the products are not fit for“sale by sample”,we may add the statement“quality sh

13、all be about equal to the sample”or”quality is nearly the same as the sample”.,Chinese,Chinese,If the customer demands to conduct business according to the quality of commodity,it is left for the customer or its agents to examine the commodity and confirm the quality.In international trade,the negot

14、iations are always through letters and telephones because of the long distance between buyer and seller.It is inconvenient for the buyer to check the commodities in sellers place.So sale by viewing is always applied in consignment、auction、fairs and sales,and it is not fit for common business.,Chines

15、e,If customer require enterprise offer necessary goods symbol sample of goods their,mean customer choose and confirm the item quality of transaction in order to the quality of the sellers sample.The seller delivers goods quality must be totally unanimous with the sample,if the goods do not correspon

16、d to sample,the buyer has the right to dishonor the claim.,Keep duplicate:We ought to keep a duplicate of the sample in case of dispute in the future.Usually we keep two duplicate samples,one is kept by ourselves and the other is sent to the Inspection Bureau(if the product need inspection or legal

17、inspection).,CHINESE,Chinese,Explanation of buyers sample:If the customer sends the sample and requires enterprises to manufacture in accordance with kind so that the quality of the goods accords with ones own request,Mean that the customer chooses to confirm the quality of the trade goods with the

18、quality of the buyers sample.,Sales by buyers sample,Sale by counter sample:We submit the copy of buyers sample or our similar sample to the buyer.It will be the counter-sample after buyers confirmation,.,Chinese,Cautions:1、The buyers sample must be consistent with the foreign trade principles of ou

19、r country;2、We shall take into consideration the availability of the raw material and the possibility of providing the processing technology.3、We shall be cautious about whether the buyers sample encroaches other parties trademark or patent and so on.,Chinese,Chinese,According to the description:Ill

20、ustrate such the quality goods as to the target that be able to adopt the scientific knowledge,Piece the proof standard fit、The quality is fixed to rank either criterion;As to the quality is in good health the specified distinguishing feature high quality well-known goods have,Fit the proof trademar

21、k either the shop sign to fix the quality;As to the machinery that the performance is complex、Electrical equipment and bearing,Proof manual and the design business fit;As to have space special flavour and the distinguishing feature produce,yet proof place of origin。,Chinese,According to the descript

22、ion,Sale by specification,Sale by standard,Fair average quality,Good merchantable quality,Sale by grade,Sale by name of origin,Sale by trade mark or brand,Sale by description or illustration,Chinese,Sale by specification:The specification can reflect some quality of the goods,such as composition,con

23、tent,function,size,weight.Cautions:As to the specification,even the same goods,are different because of the use,so the request of the specification will be different.So the specification will be different.The specification shall be apply to the common use.,Chinese,Sale By Grade:Grade is the classifi

24、cation or arrange of the goods that which have the different quality while have the same use.If the customer provide the grade of the goods,so the customer choose the grade to assure the quality.Cautions:According to the grade,because the goods of different grades have different specifications,in or

25、der to make it convenient to fulfill the contract and avoid the dispute,should stipulate the concrete specification of every grade well before offer is offered.,Chinese,Sale by standard:The standard means that is sets up,sanctioned by one organization unanimously,and the specification or grade confi

26、rmed in certain written form.In the world,generally have enterprises standard,groups standard,national standard and international standard.Generally implement national standard,ministries and commissions standard and enterprises standard in our country.Cautions:When the customer demands to adopt the

27、 foreign standard,should pay attention to the year of the standard and edition,so as not to cause the dispute.,Chinese,Fair Average Quality(F.A.Q.)It means by trade council or examine organization,collect a small amount of material object mix separately from a regular period or season or the goods c

28、ome from some place,then keep to seal by organization for safekeeping,with this material object average quality competence shown,as the standard of quality of similar goods of this season.,Chinese,Good merchantable quality(G.M.Q.)It refers to sellers guaranteeing the its goods is good,suitable for s

29、elling.It is referred to as the goods to generally use for having many kinds of uses,the prudent buyer often needs to propose the special demand,could remove a hidden danger.The foreign trade of our country is seldom used.,Chinese,Sale By Trade Mark Or BrandGenerally,we use trade mark or brand to as

30、sure the quality,especially the famous trade mark.Cautions:Among some trade of goods,while regulate the trade mark,should stipulate the specification of goods also.The trader should also pay attention to the legal provisions of the countries concerned,the famous trade mark property right of the bran

31、ds used is legal and registering etc.,in order to safeguard exclusive right to use a trademark.,Chinese,Sell by description and illustration In international trade,when the seller cant offer the sample,the two parts of the trade have to sell by description and illustration.Cautions:When use descript

32、ion,should pay attention to stipulating in guarantee period of quality,on one hand reflected sellers assurance to product quality within quality guarantee period;It avoids to be responsible to product quality after the guarantee period such as quality even on the other hand.,Sale By Name Of Origin F

33、or natural conditions and traditional production technology in the producing area of great impact,the products of some areas with longer history,with better condition,especially agricultural and sideline local products,because best in quality and there are certain characteristics,can state the quali

34、ty level according to the producing area alone in the trade.Such as Northeastern soybean,Hangzhou silk,Suzhou embroidery,etc.,Chinese,Quality Clause,Tolerance Clause 1)Qulity to be considered and being about equal to the sample.2)Qulity Tolerance 3)Flexible Ranges a Given Range a Limit a more or les

35、s clause,CASE 1,A Chinese export company exported some boxes of apple to Japan,according to the contract two parties concluded,the apple should be Grade Two.But when the seller make the shipment,they found some of the apple was corrupt because of damp weather,so in order to deliver the goods in time

36、,the seller arrange goods immediately and sent the apple(Grade One)instead,and the Chinese company still marked“Price be still fixed on Grade Two.”Question:Do you think whether the exporter fulfill the duty on contract?Why?,ANSWER,The exporter didnt fulfill his obligation.Though the exporter made sh

37、ipment on time,in order to deliver the apples in good quality,he arranged the goods with higher quality,but the quality is not similar to the level on the contract.So the seller breaches the contract.If the buyer lodges a claim,the seller will suffer the loss.In order to avoid the problem,the seller

38、 should ask for the buyers opinion firstly.,CASE 2,A company purchased four kinds of steel plate:400M/T.and the type is 6 inch,8 inch,10 inch and 12 inch.The quantity is 100M/T each size,and the contract marked that:“5%more or less for each size,at sellers option”When the seller delivered the goods,

39、the quantity is:6 inch-70M/T;8 inch-80 M/T;10 inch-60 M/T;12 inch-210 M/T.And the total quantity is 420 M/T.When the exporter submits the full set of document,the importer refuses to receive the goods owing to quantity problems.Question:Do you think the importers action is reasonable?List your reaso

40、ns,ANSWER,In international trade,the more or less clause has ample meaning,it means not only the total quantity should be subject to the stipulation,but also the quantity in each type.In this case,though the total quantity has not surpassed the 5%,but the quantity in each type is far away from the s

41、tipulation in the contract.So we consider that the seller has breached the quantity clause.and the importer refuse the goods owing to quantity problems is reasonable.,商品命名的常见方法:1、以其主要用途命名(织布机、自行车)2、以其所使用的主要原材料命名(棉布、玻璃杯)3、以其主要成分命名(西洋参蜂皇浆、人参珍珠霜)4、以其外观造型命名(绿豆、纸管)5、以其褒义词命名(青春宝、太阳神口服液)6、以人物名字命名(孔府家酒)7、以制

42、作工艺命名(精制油、二锅头烧酒),English,品名条款的注意事项 1、内容明确、具体 2、使用通行的名称 3、选择有利于减低关税或方便进口的名称 4、做不到或不必要的描述性的词句,都不应列入品名条款,英文版,英文版,商品品质要求:商品品质的优劣直接影响商品的使用价值和价格,它是决定商品使用效能和影响商品市场价格的重要因素。因此,客户在询盘时多半会规定产品的品质。在国际贸易中,由于交易的商品种类繁多、特点各异,故表示品质的方法也不相同,大体可分为凭实物样品和说明文字两大类。不同的商品应采用不同的品质表示法。,英文版,根据实物样品:一般情况下,对于难以用标准或参数来确定品质的商品,多根据实物样


44、的品质。,英文版,凭样交易,卖方样品,生产并寄送样品,留复样,注意点,买方样品,根据买方样品生产并寄送回样,凭对等样品交易,确定商品品质,寄送样品:为了促成交易,样品的质量常常会比一般情况下生产的产品好,但要注意把握好度,应实事求是地备样。当卖方对品质无绝对把握,或对于一些不完全适合凭样成交的货物,应声明“品质与样品大致相同”或“品质与样品近似”。为了保证样品能尽快到达客户手中,多半采用邮递快件的方式将样品寄送出去。,英文版,留复样:寄送样品时要留取品质与样品相同的样品,以备将来交货和处理纠纷时核对之用。凭样交易买卖时,一般均留存复样(Duplicate Sample)12份,一份自存,一份送

45、商检局备查,作为将来交货或处理品质纠纷时核对之用。,英文版,凭买方样品买卖:为了提高我国商品的适销性,满足用户需求,把买卖做活,可以接受按买方样品洽谈交易,订立出口合同。,英文版,注意点:采用买方样品买卖应考虑和注意以下问题:(1)要考虑来样是否符合我国对外贸易的原则要求,即商品不能有反动、黄色、丑恶的内容。(2)要考虑我方原材料供应、市场价格、技术设备和条件以及生产安排的可能性。(3)要考虑来样是否涉及第三者的商标、专利权益等问题。,英文版,凭对等样品交易:为了避免误解和日 后发生争议,我方还可以选择以下方法:按 买方来样复制或提供相似的我方样品提交买 方确认,经确认后的样品成为回样或对等样

46、。同时,为避免工业产权纠纷,应声明:如来样引起侵犯第三者商标、专利等工业产 权问题,概由买方负责。,英文版,英文版,用说明性文字表示品质:对于能采用科学的指标说明其质量的商品,则适于凭规格、等级或标准定品质;对于质量好并具有一定特色的名优产品,适 于凭商标或牌名定品质;对于性能复杂的机器、电器和仪表,适于凭 说明书和图样买卖;对于具有地方风味和特色产品,则可凭产地 名称买卖。,英文版,根据说明文字,凭规格买卖,凭标准买卖,凭等级买卖,凭产地名称,凭商标或牌名,凭说明书和图样,良好平均品质,上好可销品质,英文版,凭规格买卖:商品的规格是指用来反映商品品质的一些主要指标,如成分、含量、性能、大小、

47、重量等。注意点:凭规格买卖,即使是同一商品,因用途不同,对规格的要求会有差异,因此说明商品品质的指标也应用商品不同而异。卖方交付的商品必须适用于同一规格商品通常使用的目的。,英文版,凭等级买卖:(SALE BY GRADE)等级是指对功能用途相同但品质要求不同的商品所做的分类或排序。若客户在询盘中规定产品的等级,则意味着客户选择以等级来确定交易商品的品质.注意点:凭等级买卖,由于不同等级的商品具有不同的规格,为了便于履行合同和避免争议,在发盘报价前应规定好每一等级的具体规格。,英文版,凭标准买卖:标准是指经一致建立、由某一组织机构批准,并以一定书面形式确认的规格或等级。在国际上,一般有企业标准

48、、团体标准、国家标准和国际标准。在我国一般实行国家标准、部委标准和企业标准。注意点:在当客户要求采用国外标准时,应注意其所采用标准的年份和版本,以免引起争议。,英文版,良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality,简称F.A.Q.)。它是指由同业公会或检验机构从一定时期或季节、某地发运的各批货物中分别抽取少量实物加以混合,并由该机构封存保管,以此实物所显示的平均品质水平,作为该季节同类商品质量的标准。,英文版,“上好可销品质”(good merchantable quality,简称G.M.Q.)。它是指卖方只须保证其交付的货物品质良好,适合销售即可。一般用于有多种用途统称商品,谨慎

49、的买方常需提出特别要求,才能消除隐患。我国对外贸易很少使用。,英文版,一般情况下,在交易中常用商标牌名来规定品质,尤其是那些驰名商标,即凭商标或牌名买卖(SALE BY TRADE MARK OR BRAND)。注意点:在有些商品的交易中,在规定牌名商标的同时,还应订明商品的具体规格等。交易商还应注意有关国家的法律规定,所使用的牌名商标产权是否合法、是否登记注册等,以维护商标专用权。,英文版,凭说明书和图样买卖:在国际贸易中,有时卖方无法提供样品,在这种情况下,双方只能通过说明书来确定商品的品质.注意点:采用凭说明书买卖,应注意规定品质保证期,一方面体现了卖方在品质保证期内对产品质量的保证;另一方面也免除品质保证期后对产品质量所负责任。,英文版,凭产地买卖:对于受产地自然条件和传统生产技术影响较大,一些历史较长、条件较好的地区的产品,特别是农副土特产品,由于品质优良并有一定特色,在交易中仅凭产地就可以说明品质水平,即凭产地名称成交(SALE BY NAME OF ORIGIN)。例如东北大豆、杭州丝绸、苏州刺绣等。,


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