1、宝钢英语等级口语考试技巧,三级口语-第一部分Describe your job,You should say:What the job isWhat duties it would involveWhy you would like to do this job,三级口语-第一部分Describe your job,Could you tell me what you do for a living?I work in the foreign trade department,I am in sales.It is my job to bring foreign investors to th
2、e city to open up a business here.I work for a large European car maker.In fact,I run the design department and I manage a team of designers:20 people work under me.One of my main responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time.Im also in charge of design budgets.,三级口语-第
3、一部分Describe your job,What are your responsibilities at work?I work together with other departments to basically sell and promote Beijing as a good place to start a business.,三级口语-第一部分Describe your job,What is the most interesting part of your work?The most interesting part of my work is meeting peop
4、le from other countries.To me people are very interesting and I am keen on learning the customs and cultures of other countries.I do like my job,been here for 6 years!Its a small office;the work environment is great.I definitely love my job.It is something that I enjoy doing.I meet so many cool peop
5、le daily and I have opportunities to learn more about myself and others.I like dealing with people with different cultures and traveling.I also like the 30 days paid holiday.,三级口语-第一部分Describe your job,Is there anything you dont like about your job?The pay is one thing that I dont like about my job.
6、My boss is another thing that Idonnt like about my job.The distance to the office is the last thing that I dont like about my job.I work as a system developer.Im stuck with the same client,the same users,the same programs for the last 3 and a half years,so its now boring and not exciting as it was b
7、efore.Besides,I havent acquired any new knowledge,or have any new challenges.,三级口语-第一部分Describe your job,Whats your ideal job?My dream job would be:A job with flexibility of time.A job where I can learn and grow as a professional.A job with a nice environment.A job that pays well.A job not so far fr
8、om home.A job where I could feel security,and not feel that if the project finishes I have the risk of loosing it.A job where I could have better benefits than I have now.,三级口语-第二部分Picture talk,三级口语-第二部分Picture talk,Use as many descriptive words as you know to describe them At a zebra-crossing,cross
9、 the street,the three men work in the same company,a blind/disabled/handicapped person,go to work,carry a briefcase,walk off the crossing,with a stick in his hand,not be conscious of,help sb.To cross the street,smile from ear to ear,cover ones mouth with his hand,三级口语-第二部分Picture talk,Do you think t
10、he two people behind the blind man are decent?Explain.lack of human warmth,lack of loving care,make a fool of sb.,a mean person,be immoral,take pleasure in teasing otherswarn sb.of the danger,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,特殊疑问句句型以how开头的疑问句型How about.怎么样?出去散散步怎么样?How about taking a walk?把车停在这儿行吗?Ho
11、w about parking here?去旅游怎么样?How about going for a trip?How do you like?你以为怎么样?你觉得在中国的生活怎么样?How do you like living in China?你觉得新的工作怎么样?How do you like your new job?你觉得我的新车怎么样?How do you like my new car?你认为我的新裙子怎么样?-简直太漂亮了。在哪儿买的?How do you like my new dress?-Terrific.Where did you but it?你觉得广州的天气如何?-我
12、喜欢这里温暖的天气,但是这里雨水太多了。How do you like the weather in Guangzhou?-I like the warm weather here,but it rains too much.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,How much shall I pay for.?我该为.付多少钱?我要为此付多少钱?-我怀疑你能不能付得起。How much should I pay for this?-I wonder if you can afford it.宾馆住宿要多少钱?-事实上,宾馆住宿是免费的。How much shal
13、l I pay for the hotel room?Actually,its free.How often do you.?你多久.?你多久度一次假?-我从来不曾有机会度假。How often do you go on vacation?-I never had a chance to go on vacation.你们多久加一次班?-几乎每天都加班。How often do you work overtime.Almost every day.你多久到外面吃一次饭?-哦,我常在外面吃饭。我讨厌做饭,我太懒了。How often do you eat out?Oh,I eat out all
14、 the time.I hate to cook.Im too lazy.你多久去一次英语角?-我以前每个星期都去,但现在很少去了,因为我发现越来越没意思了。How often do you go to the English Corner?-I used to go to the English Corner every week,but now I seldom go because I find it more and more boring.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,How can you.?你怎么能.?你怎么能受得了这种恶劣天气?How can
15、 you stand such terrible weather?你怎么能受得了她整天唠叨?How can you stand her nagging all the time?你怎么能那样对我?-你太敏感了。我没作错什么事?How can you treat me like that?Youre too sensitive.I didnt do anything wrong?你怎么能做出这种蠢事?-我不知道。如果你处于我的位置,你会怎么做呢?How can you do such a stupid thing?I dont know.But,what would you have done
16、if you were in my shoes?How come.?怎么./为什么/他怎么会在考试中失败呢?他不是班里最优秀的学生吗?How come he failed the exam?Isnt he the best student in the class?你怎么不来看我们了?How come you never visit us any more?为什么要我这么早睡觉啊?How come I have to go to bed so early?,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,How long have you been.?你多久了?你们结婚多久了?
17、how long have you been married?你感觉这样多久了?How long have you been feeling like this?这个项目你们做了多久了?How long have you been working on this project?你上夜校多久了?How long have you been attending night classes?你跟日本人做生意多久了?How long have you been doing business with the Japanese?你节食多长时间了?-好象我一生都在节食。How long have you
18、 been on a diet?-It seems like Ive been on a diet my whole life.How long will it take.?.要多久?学好英语要多长时间?-这要看你有多用功,是不是常练习!How long will it take to conquer English?It will depend on how hard you work,and how often you practice!完成这个项目要多久?-我想至少要两个月。How long will it take to finish this project?-I think it
19、will take us at least two months.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,How do you know?你怎么知道?你怎么知道没用?How do you know it wont work.你怎么知道买哪些股票?How do you know which stocks to buy?How are you getting along with?你跟.相处得怎么样?你跟你的室友相处得怎么样?How are you getting along with your roommate?你跟新上司的关系怎么样?-我想还不错。我真的很少见到他。H
20、ow are you getting along with your new boss?Ok I guess.I really dont see him that much.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,以what 开头的疑问句型What about.?怎么样呢?这个句型除了用于征求别人关于某事或某物的意见,也可用于提建议,这一用法也“how about.?”相似。此外,它还可以用来询问关于某事物或某人的情况。What about your future?你的未来怎么样?What about that new restaurant?那家新餐馆怎么样?What
21、 about going together?一起去怎么样?A:我认为中国的学生比美国学生学习更努力,你认为呢?I think Chinese students are more hardworking than American students.What about you?B:我想两个国家都有勤奋的学生和懒惰的学生。I think both countries have some hardworking students and some lazy ones,too.A:我们国家的人到哪里都喜欢开车去,你们国家的人怎么样呢?People in my country like to driv
22、e everywhere they go.What about people in your country?:现在中国也有越来越多的人拥有自己的车了。More and more people own their own cars in China now,too.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,What else.?还有什么?What else can I do for you?我还能为你做什么?What else have you heard?你还听到了什么?What else do you want to know?你还想知道什么?What kind o
23、f.?什么样的.?What kind of person do you think you are?你以为你是什么样的人?What kind of fool do think I am?你以为我是什么样的傻瓜?What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么样的电影?:你喜欢什么样的工作啊?What kind of job do you prefer?:我喜欢具有挑战性、刺激的工作。我喜欢进取,喜欢发挥自己的能力。I like a job that is challenging and exciting.I like to push myself.I like to
24、use my ability.,三级口语-第三部分Asking for information,What do you think.?你认为.?What do you think I should do?你认为我该怎么做?What do you think he wants?你认为他想要什么?What do you think America will do to fight terrorism?你认为美国会怎样打击恐怖活动?:你认为我通过托福考试的机会怎么样?What do you think the chances are of my passing the TOEFL exam?:我认为
25、你的机会很大。你准备了很长时间,而且我发现你的口语有了很大进步。I think that your chances are good.Youve been preparing for a long time and Ive noticed a big improvement in your spoken English.What would you like to?你想.?What would you like to know?你想知道什么?What would you like to do next?你下一步想怎么做?What would you like to drink?你想喝什么?,二
26、级口语-第一部分something about Baosteel Company,Would you tell me when Baosteel went on public on Shanghai Stock Exchange?Do you know how things have changed after Baosteel listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange?Could you tell me one aspect/item of Baosteel corporate culture?What would you do to realize its val
27、ue?Would you tell me what kinds of crisis and challenge Baosteel will face this year?Do you know what measures Baosteel has taken to deal with the present situation?Could you name 2 of the top 10 Baosteel News in 2008?,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,曲线图分三部分来下笔引题:一般采用一到两句话综合介绍一下曲线图所表示的内容。第一句话一般给出图标的内
28、容是关于什么的.The curve illustrates the number of cases of A-type crimes committed in the UK between the years 1999 and 2004.注意时态,用现在时态,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,第二句给出总体的曲线走势 It can be seen that A-type crimes decreased dramatically to 200 cases around the middle of the 1990s and then increased to 200
29、0 before the year 2000.这里的内容是具体发生在过去的,所以用一般过去时。,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,正文:这是图表的正文部分,作为考生,要定好所要描述的内容和逻辑顺序。结尾:可以用一到两句话结尾,但不要加自己的评价,因为加入自己的主观意见或者看法和原图没有任何联系,所以被考官视为和主题无关。,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,Example 1,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,Smoking in UKThe graph compares the population of sm
30、oking in males and females in the UK between 1960 and 2004.It is clear that the population of smoking for both men and women made a steady decrease from 1985.In 1960,about 700,000 men were smoking,and this number dropped gradually to 50,000 by 1974 and continued to decrease until 2004.On the contrar
31、y,the population of smoking in women in 1960 was fairly low and was about 50,000.By 1970 this figure increased to 100,000 and 200,000 in 1980.But after 1985,the number of smoking in female began to decline and continued on this downward turn until 2004.In conclusion,the population of smoking in men
32、and women dropped significantly throughout the period.But the smoking population of women remained lower than that of men during the entire period.,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,Example 2,二级口语-第二部分describing the curves,The line curve above illustrates the number of patients recorded as having pneum
33、onia on different dates in December.During the first few days of December,the number of cases of the x disease remained steady,followed by a slight decrease before the numbers rose dramatically between the 8th and the 11th of December.The number of cases of the disease then reached a peak on the 12t
34、h,fluctuating slightly until the 15th,and then fell sharply over the following two days.There was a slight increase up to the 19th when numbers reported for the disease dropped steadily and finally reached their lowest point on the 30th of December.Overall,the number of pneumonia patients was high b
35、etween the 7th and 15th of December.It is clear that by the middle of the month,there were only a few cases of pneumonia recorded.,二级口语-第三部分Express your own opinion,1.What technological development do you think has been the most important in the 20th century?How has it changed peoples lives?Have all
36、 the changes been positive?2.Do you agree or disagree with the following view:“The best way to understand the true nature of a company is to study its corporate culture?3.How do you find a balance between the time you spend in the work and the time spent on the leisure activities?4.What kinds of peo
37、ple do you think are successful?5.“Increasing reliance on the use of new technologies at home or school has distracted from,rather than contributed to,the learning process.”Do you agree or disagree?Why?6.“Our lives today are too complicated.We try to do too much and,as a result,do few things well.”Do you agree or disagree?Give some examples to support your view.,Thank you!,