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1、.综合练习一I.根据音标写单词。12%/klCk/ _/fUn/ _/frend/ _/WANk/ _/let/ _/laik/ _/neim/ _/daun/ _/plI:z/ _/pensl/ _/wCtF/ _/jes/ _II.判断每组单词画线部分发音是否相同。8%1. listen, unit2. eraser, act3. sorry, brother4. late, case5. phone, sofa6. please, pencil7. hat, desk8. book, BenIII.英汉翻译。12%yellow _draw _learn _ball _milk _eras

2、er _椅子 _唱 _写 _拼写 _白色的 _橙色的 _IV.写出缩略式。6%name is _who is _do not _I am _is not _you are _V.选择题。2% 1. -Lets learn English.-_. A. Thats all rightB. All rightC. Right 2. This is_ s and thats_ k. A. a, aB. a, anC. an, aVI.连词成句。8%1. name, your, is, English, what ,in _?2. case, my, pencil, its _.3. the, who

3、s, in, photo, that _?4. Chinese, flag, the, whats, for _?VII.填空。10% A: _ that? B: Its Kay, my_ friend. _ _, Kay. C: Morning. B: This is Amy, Kay. A: Nice to_ you, Kay. C: Nice to meet you, _. Sit_, please. A/B: _ _. C: Thats all _.VIII.根据答句写问句。6%1. A:_? 2. A:_? B: Its a chair. B: Its black.3. A:_? B

4、: My names Dale.IX.仿照例句写句子。6%例:This is a cap. Its Green.-This cap is Green.1. Thats an apple. Its red.-_2. This is a desk. Its yellow.-_3. This is my eraser. Its white.-_X.翻译句子。24%1.Amy是我的好朋友。_2.我的铅笔盒又大又漂亮。_3.我喜欢英语。_4.这是我的母亲Hellen。_5.不用谢。_6.你的帽子是什么颜色的?_7.这是什么字母?_8.这个用英语怎么讲?_XI.用六句话介绍你自己。6%_综合练习二I.选用

5、恰当的代词填空。 1. _ have a ruler. But _ ruler is short. Can you give _ a long ruler? 2. _ are a good boy. Whats _ name? 3. _ is a teacher. _ name is Wang Li. 4. David is an American boy. _ is twelve. _ English is not good. Please help _ . 5. This is _ school. _ study English here. Do you want to join _ ?

6、6. Look at _ ! _ are from England. _ names are Lucy and Lily. 综合: 7. _ have a good friend. _ name is Tom. _ parents work in China. _ are teachers. Look, this is _ photo. How happy _ are! 8. Thank _ for helping _ , Dale. I can do _ homework now. Let _ go to a movie. _ think _ is a funny movie.II.选择。

7、1. This is _ computer. Thats _ computer. A. I, heB. he, IC. his, myD. him, my 2. _ go to the park every Sunday. A. Tom and youB. Tom and IC. I and youD. Tom, I and you 3. _ have no time. Let _ go. A. Us, weB. We, usC. We, ourD. Our, we 4. Can you help _ with _ English? A. he, hisB. his, hisC. him, h

8、isD. him, himIII.翻译。1.他的问题 _2.你们的尺子 _3.我的手表 _4.她的双肩背包 _5. 她的电话号码是什么? _6.他们是中国人。他们的英文名字叫Tom和David。_IV.用动词be 填空。1. She _ a teacher. Her name _ Mary.2. I _ a boy. My name _ Li Ming.3. Who _ this girl? She _ Li Mei.4. How old _ you? I _ eleven.5. What _ this? It _ a bird. Its name _ Polly.6. David _ a s

9、tudent. His sister _ a student, too.7. These books _ blue. They _ English books.8. Li Lei _ at school today. He _ drawing a picture now.9. Amy and Kay _ here. They _ not at home.10. _ you teachers? No, we _ not. We _ students.11. My favorite color _ blue.12. Toms brother _ not in the room.V.将下列各句改成一

10、般疑问句并且给出简短的肯定和否定回答。1. This is my pencil. _2. His name is David. _3. They are from England. _4. Toms father is a doctor. _5. The desks are very heavy. _6. Mary is doing her homework now. _VI. 汉译英。1.你怎么拼写watch?_2.请打电话555给Mary。_3.这是你的卷笔刀吗?_4. 用英语 _ 5.一串钥匙 _ 6.回答 _7.家庭 _ 8.最后的 _ 9.第一 _ 综合练习三I.写出下列名词的复数形

11、式。1. desk _2. eraser _3. friend _4. boy _5. box _6. class _7. watch _8. wish _9. leaf _10. family _11. wife _12. dictionary _13. man _14. woman _15. child _16. foot _II. 句式转换。1. Thats my sister. _ are my _ .2. This is an egg. _ _ eggs.3. Those are her cousins. _ _ her _ .4. These are his brothers. _

12、 _ his _ .5. His brother is a worker. _ _ brother a worker ?6. These are your brothers. _ _ your brothers.7. She is my aunt. _ she _ aunt?8. His keys are on the sofa. _ _ keys on the sofa? Yes,_ _ . _, they _.9. Her backpack is on the bed. _ _ her backpack?10. The baseballs are under the sofa. _ _ _

13、 _ .III. 连词成句。1. great, for, of, your, thanks, the, family, photo_ .2. them, much, I, very, love _ .3. game, is, where, computer, my _ .4. these, please, to, things, brother, your, take _ .5. things, to, some, you, can, bring, school _ .6. walls, are, there, the, on, pictures _ .IV. 翻译。1.闹钟在哪里?在书橱上。

14、 Where _ _ clock? _ on _ bookcase.2.我需要一些钢笔。I _ _ _ .3. 在他的课桌上有一台电脑。There _ _ _ _ his desk.4. 他的背包在哪里? 对不起,我不知道。 Where _ _ ? _ , I _ _ .5. 我的帽子早门后吗? 不,不在。 _ my hat _ the door? No, _ _ .V.用have或has填空。1. He _ a new friend.2. We _ some photos.3. Jim _ lunch at 12:00.4. Does she _ a nice volleyball?5. T

15、oms father _ a new car.6. They dont _ many rulers.VI. 翻译。1.她有一粒篮球。 _ 2. 我们有一些漂亮的图片。 _3. 我没有足球。 _4. 他们有一台电脑吗?不,没有。 _5. 你有一个网球拍吗?是的,我有。_VII. 将下列各句改成否定句和一般疑问句。1. Their teachers is prom England.2. She has a nice volleyball. _ _ _ _3. Lucy and Lily are American.4. They have dinner at 5:30 every day. _ _

16、_ _5. Kate is playing with a cat.6. We have a small sports collection. _ _ _ _VIII. 填空。A: _ play soccer, Li Lei.B: Its _ . But I _ _ a soccer ball.A: Oh, thats a pity. _ you _ a basketball?B: Yes, _ .A: Is your _ in _ room?B: No, _ _ .A: _ it?B: Its _ my bedroom.A: _ , lets play basketball.B: _ _ go

17、od.综合练习四I.将下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句。1. Mary is having supper now. 2. David has many good friends. _ _ _ _3. Lucy and Kate are in the bedroom.4. Sallys parents have a big house. _ _ _ _5. The boy is very happy today.6. They like the park very much. _ _ _ _7. They work very hard on weekdays.8. Jim cleans his r

18、oom every day. _ _ _ _II.将下列句子改为复数。1. This pencil is long ang black.2. He has a red sweater. _ _3. The banana is yellow.4. His student is having dinner now. _ _III.翻译。1.做运动 _2.在电视上 _3.每天 _4.踢足球 _5.打篮球 _6.听起来不错!_IV.句型转换。1. I have many friends here. I have _ _ friends here.2. They like baseball. _ _ t

19、hey like?3. David likes Chinese books? _ _ David _?V.连词成句。1. are, much, T-shirts, white, how, these _?2. sweater, black, you, my, like, do _?3. likes, blue, she, shorts, his _.4. seven, this, backpack, green, dollars, is _.5. red, have, a, bag, dont, they _.6. color, like, do, what, you _?VI.翻译。1.大量

20、,许多 _2.健康食物 _3.别客气! _4.我要买下它。 _5.给你。 _6.到达 _7.看一看 _8.所有颜色的袜子_VII.句型转换。1. Is this his hat? 作肯定回答_2. Those pants are nine dollars. 画线提问_3. We have black and blue sweaters. 同义句 We have sweaters _ _ _ _.4. We need vegetables every day.改为一般疑问句并作肯定、否定回答_ you _ vegetables every day?Yes, _ _ . _, we _ .VIII

21、.运用 have 或 There+ is/are+名词某人或物+地点/时间.翻译句子。1.她有一个大背包。2.课桌上有本书。_ _3. Mary有一些红色的衬衫。4.墙上有两幅画。 _ _5. 我在学校里有许多朋友。6.一个星期有七天。 _ _IX.完成对话。X.写作。A: Can I _ you?写写你的朋友,包括他/她的名字、B: Yes, please. I _a pen.年龄、喜欢的食物、喜欢的运动和衣服A: How _ this black one?等等。B: It is nice, but I dont _black.My Good FriendA: What _ do you l

22、ike?_B: I like red. Do you _ red pens?_A: Yes. We have pens _ all colors._B: Let me have a _ . _ This one is good. How _ is it?_A: Five yuan and twenty fen._B: OK. Ill _ it. Here is the money._A: Thanks._综合练习五选择一个最佳答案: 1.A: Good morning, Mr Zhang. B: _ Mr Wang. A. Morning.B. Hi!C. Nice to meet you!D

23、. Hello! 2. A: How are you? B: _ A. Morning!B. Hello!C. I am Peter.D. Fine, thank you. 3. A:Linda is a _ . David is a _. A. girl, boyB. boy, girlC. girl, girlD. boy, boy 4. A: Hello! My name is Marry. B: Hi! Marry._ Jim. A. My name B. Im C. I are D. Hello 5. _ name is Tony. _name is Grace. _ name is

24、 Ben. A. Her, My, HisB. My, His, HerC. His, Her, MyD. His, His, My 6. A:Whats your name? B:My name is Kevin Smith. So my first name is _ . My last name is _ . A. Kevin , Smith B. Smith , Kevin C. Kevin Smith, /D./, Kevin Smith 7. A:Her name is Chen Jiayu. So her family name is _ . Her last name is _

25、 . A. Chen , Jiayu B. Jiayu , Chen C. Chen , yuD. Chen Jiayu, / 8. A: Whats _ telephone number? B: _ phone number is 381-7916. A. you, My B. your, My C. your, ID.your, It 9. : _ my answer. A.Its B. ItsC. ItsD. its 10. How to say the number 7810 in English. A.eight seven one zero B. seven eight ten C. seven eight one zero D.seven eight six one 11. Look! _ his ruler. A. ThissB. this isC. This is D. Its 12. A: Is that a pencil?


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