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1、1,INTESTINAL INTEGRITY IN BROILERS:SHORT CONSIDERATIONS肉仔鸡肠道健康攻略,Intestinal tissue in broiler represents about 5%of body weight,but requires:肉鸡肠道组织重量约占其体重的5%,但需要消耗的是:15-30%of protein ingested(Gaskins,2001)15%-30%蛋白质(Gaskins,2001)20%of gross energy ingested 20%的总能due to high renewal rate and to the i

2、ntense cells metabolic activity(McBride&Kelly,1990)原因:细胞更新快速和细胞新陈代谢活动活跃(McBride&Kelly,1990),Gastro intestinal tract 胃肠道,2,Several infective and not-infective agents can damage the mucosa layers of the gastro-intestinal tract,thus affecting the digestive and absorption process(Ito et al.,2000)许多传染性和非

3、传染性因素损害胃肠道粘膜,从而影响消化和吸收(Ito et al.,2000),MICRO-ORGANISMS微生物Bacteria 细菌Protozoa 原虫Viruses 病毒Fungi 霉菌,FEEDING饲料Phytates植酸盐Haemagglutinin血凝素NSPs非淀粉多糖Tannins单宁Peroxides过氧化物Mycotoxins霉菌毒素Biogenic amines生物胺Physical form饲料物理形态,MANAGEMENT饲养管理Fasting after disclosure 出壳后禁食Cycling Temperature 舍温,Gastro intesti

4、nal tract:the challenges胃肠道面临着挑战,3,4,MANAGEMENT:FASTING AFTER DISCLOSURE饲养管理:出壳后禁食,Some practices adopted at first day after hatching can affect chick development,especially the following systems:实践证明,出壳后第一天的饲喂方式影响雏鸡生长发育,尤其是以下系统的发育:digestive 消化系统 immune免疫系统 thermo regulatory体温调节系统When chicks in post

5、-hatching period are not properly managed,significant loss in global production can occur.若雏鸡在出壳后饲喂方式不妥当,会造成整个生产周期的严重损失。,Fasting after disclosure出壳后禁食,5,A.Maiorka et al.,Key factors are also interactions with:影响肉仔鸡生产性能的其他因素:Breeder age繁殖日龄Post-hatching weight 出壳重Diet nutrients日粮营养Water quality水质Mana

6、gement饲养管理Temperature温度Humidity湿度,Fasting after disclosure出壳后禁食,6,A.Maiorka et al.,At hatching the digestive system is complete,but not functional在小鸡出壳时,其消化系统就是完整的,只是不具备任何功能性Assuring feed and water at hatching will allow a fast and regular development of the intestine structure出壳后立即供给饲料和水,可使肠道组织快速且规

7、律地发育The complete adaptation of the gastro intestinal tract to exogenous diet requires 3-4 days胃肠道需要3-4天才能完全发育至适应外源饲料的状态Disaccharides?activity during embryo development is extremely limited,due to low carbohydrates reserves,but increases by 4 times in the first two days of life and is extremely susce

8、ptible to diet composition 胚胎发育期,二糖酶活性极低,因为碳水化合物的储备低;但是出壳后2天内活力会提高4倍,完全可以适应日粮成分,Fasting after disclosure出壳后禁食,7,Maiorka,Moran,Not all eggs hatch at the same time;delays of 24-36 hours can occur;if transport time is added 48 hours fasting chick will use the yolk sac resources不是所有的蛋都在同一时间入孵;有的会延迟24-36

9、小时;若运输时间增加 禁食48小时 雏鸡会动用卵黄囊内的营养储备This can theoretically provide 9 kcal,while the baby chick requires at least 11 kcal,in the first day negative balance理论上,卵黄囊储备可提供9大卡能量,但是这段时间雏鸡机体至少需要11大卡能量,出壳后第一天 负平衡Chicks receiving feed at hatch use reserves of yolk sac in a much faster way,compared to chick depriv

10、ed of feed与雏鸡出壳后禁食相比,立即进食可以使雏鸡以更有效更快速的方式利用卵黄囊储备Using yolk sac nutrients also diverts resources from developing the immune system 动用卵黄囊储备也把用于免疫器官发育的营养转移了,Fasting after disclosure出壳后禁食,8,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,Small Intestine villi小肠绒毛,9,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,Small intestine a

11、t hatch刚出壳时小肠绒毛,Small intestine at 3 days孵化后第3天小肠绒毛,Effect of fasting after disclosure on small intestine villi出壳后禁食对小肠绒毛的影响,10,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,Feed available进食,Fasting禁食,After disclosure the major part of dietary protein and energy are devoted to the development of the gastro int

12、estinal tract出壳后,日粮蛋白质和能量主要用于胃肠道系统的发育During the first week of life the intestine increases his size by 200%,if chicks are fed at hatch,but only by 60%,when deprived of feed若出壳后进食,第一周雏鸡肠道长度增加200%;若禁食,则只增加60%Chicks receiving feed at disclosure have 11%more live weight at day 40,when compared to chicks

13、 deprived of feed与雏鸡出壳后禁食相比,进食雏鸡的40日龄活体重会增加11%,Fasting after disclosure出壳后禁食,11,Noy et al.,12,Effect of fasting on body weight(BW)loose or gain in day old chick禁食对出壳雏鸡体重损失或增重的影响,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,%,出壳后24小时体重损失,出壳后72小时增重,进食,禁食,13,Take care of them!悉心照料雏鸡!,14,MANAGEMENT:CYCLING TEMPER

14、ATURES饲养管理:舍温,15,Effect of cycling temperatures on jejunum flora in broiler舍温对肉 鸡空肠微生态区系的影响,Suzuky et al.,days,38 C,#microbes log10/g细菌log10/克,20 C,38 C,20 C,日龄,乳酸菌,链球菌+葡萄球菌,16,Effect of cycling temperatures on duodenal flora in broiler(35 days)舍温对肉仔鸡十二指肠微生态区系的影响(35日龄),Suzuky et al.,P 0.01,17,FEEDIN

15、G:饲料Phytates植酸盐Haemagglutinin血凝素(植物凝集素)Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖Tannins单宁Peroxides过氧化物Micotoxins霉菌毒素Biogenic amines生物胺Physical form物理形态,18,FEEDING:PHYTATES饲料:植酸盐,Phytate can constitute up to 2%of weight in cereals and leguminous植酸盐占谷物和豆科植物重量的2%About 70%of dietary P is present as phytate大约70%植物

16、中的磷以植酸盐的形式存在Phytate is phytic acid salt,myo-inositol ring,associated with up to 6 phosphate anions(IP6=1,2,3,4,5,6 hexakis dihydrogen phosphate)植酸盐是肌醇六磷酸盐,肌醇环结合6个磷酸根离子(IP6=1,2,3,4,5,6 六磷酸二氢酯)Is generated during the maturation process产生于植物成熟时Hydrolysis of bonds phosphate:inositol ring is necessary fo

17、r absorption硫酸根的水解:吸收过程必不可少的物质是肌醇环Broiler do not posses effective phytase肉仔鸡胃肠道不能分泌有效的植酸酶,Phytates植酸盐,19,Cowieson,Nunes,Dari,Selle,Can generate complexes with:可与以下物质结合产生复合物:-minerals(Ca,Na,Zn,Cu,Mg,Fe,Mn)矿物质((Ca,Na,Zn,Cu,Mg,Fe,Mn)-amino acids氨基酸-carbohydrates 碳水化合物Negative effect on:对如下过程产生不利影响:-enz

18、ymatic activity(amylases,proteases)酶活(淀粉酶、蛋白酶)-energy and protein metabolism/availability能量和蛋白代谢/利用率-Ca+phytate complex+fatty acids not soluble soaps钙+植酸盐复合物+脂肪酸 不溶性的脂肪酸盐,Phytates植酸盐,20,Cowieson,Nunes,Dari,Selle,Crop 嗉囊Proventriculus腺胃Gizzard肌胃,Proteins and Phytates in diet日粮中的蛋白和植酸盐,Low pH=formatio

19、n of complex phytates+protein低pH=形成植酸盐+蛋白复合物High secretion of HCl and pepsine HCl和胃蛋白酶大量分泌Extra secretion of mucine 粘液蛋白的过量分泌,Duodenum十二指肠Jejunum空肠leum回肠,Low pH secretion of NaHCO3 pancreatic enzymes低pH-NaHCO3 分泌 胰蛋白酶Increase of Na in intestine小肠Na浓度提高,Reduced activity of Na-K-ATPase降低Na-K-ATP酶活性Red

20、uced transport of nutrients(glucose and AA)降低营养物质(葡萄糖和氨基酸)的转运速度,Increased production of mucine in intestine增加肠内粘液蛋白分泌量,Increased flux of endogenous AA,minerals and energy提高内源氨基酸,矿物质和能量分泌量,Increase in loss of endogenous nutrients 内源营养素流失增加Growth of micro organisms(increased protein in intestine)细菌增殖(

21、肠内蛋白质含量增加),Cowieson et al.,2009,Phytates植酸盐,Colon结肠,21,Sialic acid are compounds of the oligosaccharide units of glycoproteins and mucins唾液酸是由糖蛋白和粘蛋白这类低聚糖复合而成的Mucins play a key role in maintaining the integrity of the gastro-intestinal tract粘蛋白在维持胃肠道完整性方面起着至关重要的作用Glycoproteins containing sialic acid

22、 are constituent of plasma membrane组成唾液酸的糖蛋白是胞浆膜的成分No sialic acid was fed to birds in study indication of excess endogenous production of mucins 在研究中,禽类不饲喂唾液酸 内源粘蛋白产生过量,Phytates植酸盐,22,Cowieson et al.,23,Sialic acid mg唾液酸mg,Cowieson et al.,Effect of IP6 on sialic acid excretionIP6对唾液酸分泌的影响,+185%,-54%

23、,P0.01,a,ab,c,b,对照组,植酸酶,IP6,植酸酶+IP6,24,mg/kg DM intake mg/kg摄入DM,Cowieson,Ravindran,Selle,Effect of phytic acid(PA)and bacterial enzyme on ileal endogenous flow of some amino acids植酸(PA)和细菌酶对回肠内源性氨基酸流的影响,P0.05,a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c,a,b,c,对照组,PA,PA+酶,异亮氨酸,亮氨酸,苯丙氨酸,赖氨酸,Dietary phytate has the capacity to

24、influence secretion and absorption dynamics in the gastro-intestinal tract 饲料中的植酸盐影响胃肠道分泌和吸收功能This is most probably due to the reactive nature of phytate and electrostatic aggregation of dietary protein主要是由于植酸盐和饲料中的蛋白质发生静电聚集1 g of phytate can bind 10 g of protein up to 50%of dietary protein level ca

25、n be negatively influenced by the phytate:protein complex formation 1g植酸盐可以结合10g蛋白质 植酸盐:蛋白质的复合物对50%以上的日粮蛋白质产生不良影响The loss of endogenous protein has a direct effect on the digestible energy value of the diet内源蛋白质损失直接影响日粮消化能,Phytates:effect on endogenous loss植酸盐:对内源损失的影响,25,Cowieson&Ravindran,26,FEEDI

26、NG:HEMAGGLUTINS饲料:血凝素,Borges et al.Cheeke,Maenz,Hemagglutins(lectins)are glycoprotein present in many vegetables,especially in Phaseolus spp.血凝素(植物凝集素)是一种糖蛋白,存在于多种植物,特别是菜豆中The definition“hemagglutin”is due to the capacity to agglutinate erytrocites of various spp.“血凝素”-各种豆科植物使血细胞凝结的能力They react with

27、 the intestine mucosa,causing severe damage,impaired nutrient absorption and poor growth与肠粘膜反应,导致严重的粘膜损伤,影响营养物质吸收、引起生长受阻60%of soybean lectins get intact into small intestine link with carbohydrates of cell membrane micro villi distruction and increased turnover of intestine cells 60%大豆凝集素可以完整到达小肠 与细

28、胞膜上的碳水化合物结合 微绒毛损伤,小肠细胞周转率加快,Hemagglutins(lectins)血凝素(植物凝集素),27,They can also link with carbohydrates present in the intestine mucosa:凝集素也能与小肠粘膜上的碳水化合物结合:Breaking of the intestinal ephytelium reduced villi height/surface破坏小肠上皮细胞 降低绒毛高度/表面积Changes in the enzymatic activity of the mucosa of the brush b

29、order刷状缘粘膜上的酶活性改变Hyper secretion of endogenous protein hyperplasia in small intestine内源蛋白质过度分泌 小肠增生Increase of the number of caliciform cells increased mucus production and reduced absorption of nutrients 杯状细胞数量增加 粘液增加,降低营养物质吸收,Hemagglutins(lectins)血凝素(植物凝集素),28,Borges et al.,Accumulation of nutrien

30、ts in GI tract胃肠道营养物富积Loss of endogenous protein内源蛋白损失,Cells fusion细胞融合 Cells lesions细胞病变,Hemagglutins in feed饲料中的凝集素,Link with enterocytes与肠细胞结合,Digestion消化 Absorption吸收,Performance生产性能,Hemagglutins(lectins)血凝素(植物凝集素),29,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,吸收细胞,隐窝,杯状细胞,固有层,粘膜肌层,内分泌细胞,Raw soybean mea

31、lfed for 3 days饲喂生豆粕3天,Raw soybean mealfed for 10 days饲喂生豆粕10天,Processed soybean meal fed for 10 days饲喂加工后的豆粕10天,Durigan,by Borges et al.,Hemagglutins(lectins):effect on small intestine villi血凝素(植物凝集素):对小肠绒毛的影响,30,Intestinal lesions caused by hemagglutins凝集素引起小肠病变,VI=Normal villi VI=正常绒毛VE=Damaged v

32、illi extrudedVE=受损绒毛-倒伏的,VE,A,B=antinutritional factorB=抗营养因子,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality(Giachetto),A=normal A=正常,VI,Hemagglutins(lectins)血凝素(植物凝集素),31,Persson,Antinutritional effect of soybean on broiler performance(day 8-17 of age)大豆对肉仔鸡生产性能的不良影响(8-17日龄),Hemagglutins(lectins)血凝素(植物凝集素),32,

33、TIA=Trypsin Inhibitory ActivityTIA=胰蛋白酶抑制因子,P0.05,33,FEEDING:NON STARCH POLYSACCHARIDES饲料:非淀粉多糖,Long chain carbohydrates,mainly present in the cell wall of vegetables长链碳水化合物,主要存在于植物细胞壁中All cereals used in broiler diets contain NSPs用于肉仔鸡饲料中的所有谷物都含有NSPs,Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖,34,Souza,Cousins

34、,Yegani,Yegani,Cell wall NSPs细胞壁NSPs,35,Yegani,Non cell wall NSPs非细胞壁NSPs,36,Negative effect on:不良作用于:-enzymatic activity酶活-bile salt activity胆汁盐分泌-transport of nutrients营养素转运They absorb water and increase the intestine viscosity非淀粉多糖吸收水,增加肠道食糜粘度Diets with high viscosity increase microbial activity,

35、due to more undigested nutrients available in the anterior part of the gastro-intestinal tract,resulting in higher microbial fermentation 日粮粘度高可提高微生物活性,由于未消化的可被利用营养物质蓄积在胃肠道前端,引起微生物大量发酵 Reduced performance降低生产性能,Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖,37,Souza,Cousins,Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖,38,A.Mai

36、orka,Master Intestine Quality(Buhler et al.),Effect of NPS on the metabolism of intestine AA and flora非淀粉多糖对小肠氨基酸和微生物区系代谢的影响,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality(Burrin&Stoll),39,Colony forming units(log CFU/g)and viscosity(Pa-s)in cecal content in broilers fed with corn or wheat+barley diets玉米或小麦+大麦日

37、粮对肉仔鸡盲肠内容物中微生物定植(log CFU/g)和粘度(Pa-s)的影响,*Supernatant of intestinal content(Pascal-seconds)肠道内容物上清液(帕斯卡/秒),A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality(Mathlouthi et al.),Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖,40,P0.05,Non Starch Polysaccharides非淀粉多糖,41,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,42,FEEDING:TANNINS饲料:单宁,Natur

38、ally phenolic compounds,based on gallic esters of glucose or oligomers of flavanoids自然存在的酚醛类化合物,是葡萄糖酸酯或类黄酮低聚物Present in sorghum,millet,barley,faba beans,.存在于高粱、粟、大麦、蚕豆中High molecular weight分子量大Can precipitate(different from others phenolic compounds/polyphenols)可沉淀(不同于其它酚醛化合物/多酚)-proteins蛋白-lipids脂类

39、-metallic iones金属离子-amino acids氨基酸-polysaccharides 多糖,Tannins-basic characteristics单宁-特性,43,Maiorka,Master Intestine QualityT.Acamovic,Similar to many others anti nutritional factors,they 与其它抗营养因子相似:stimulate the secretion of endogenous protein in the intestine刺激肠内源蛋白质分泌cause the erosion of the inte

40、stinal mucosa损害肠粘膜cause necropsy of villi导致绒毛倒伏受损increase the number of goblet(caliciform)cells增加杯状细胞数量create insoluble complex that can be used by the intestinal population as a substrate,favoring the development of Necrotic Enteritis产生不溶性复合物,此类物质被肠道菌群作为基质,引起坏死性肠炎,Tannins-basic characteristics单宁-特性

41、,44,Vhora et al.,;Martnez,Mitjavila,Chang,Tannins-effects on apparent AA digestibility of chick peas,with and without tannin单宁-含有单宁与不含单宁豌豆对氨基酸表观消化率的影响,45,Bento et al.,Increased number of caliciform cells(goblet cells)in jejunum-day 21 提高空肠杯状细胞数量-21天,Tannins-effects on performance单宁-对生产性能的影响,46,P.B.D

42、e Oliveira et al.,CTR对照组,TEST试验组,Sobstituting?corn with sorghum in diets has negative effct on intestinal wall:高粱替代玉米对肠壁不良影响:Reduction of villi height in duodenum十二指肠绒毛高度降低Reduction of villi number in jejunum空肠绒毛数量减少 Reduced absorption surface吸收面积减少 Reduced absorption of nutrients营养物质吸收减少 Negative e

43、ffect on performance生产性能降低,47,Torres,Tannins-effects on performance单宁-对生产性能的影响,48,FEEDING:PEROXIDES饲料:过氧化物,Fats rich in unsaturated fatty acids are more suscetible to oxidation process富含不饱和脂肪酸的脂肪更容易发生氧化作用Oxidation results in:氧化作用导致:-destruction of vitamins破坏维生素-destruction of essential fatty acids破坏

44、必需脂肪酸-damages to animal tissues动物组织受损-damages to cell structure and alterations to cell membrane 细胞结构受损,细胞膜发生改变,Peroxides过氧化物,49,Adams,Combs,Peroxidized ingredients in the diet result in:日粮中的过氧化物:Increased cellular turnover in gastro-intestinal tract提高胃肠道细胞周转率Increased proliferation of intestine and

45、 liver cells肠和肝脏细胞增生Decreased immune response linked to intestinal mucosa 减少与肠粘膜有关的免疫应答反应Reduced membrane permeability,viscosity and secretory activity other systemic secondary effects:生物膜通透性、粘度、分泌能力降低 其它系统不良效应-reduced glucose absorption energy deficiency葡萄糖吸收降低 能量不足-alterations of villi and crypts

46、structure 绒毛和隐窝结构改变,Peroxides过氧化物,50,Dibner et al.,Peroxides:concentration during the oxidation process of fats and oils过氧化物:脂肪和油发生氧化反应过程中过氧化物浓度,51,InductionPeriod诱导期,Propagation Period快速反应期,Final period终止期,(meq/kg),Time时间,Rocha,52,Microns微米,Dibner et al.,Effect of oxidized fats on villus height of

47、the intestinal mucosa in broilers 氧化脂肪对肉仔鸡肠粘膜绒毛高度的影响,高度,氧化脂肪,对照组,氧化脂肪+ANTOX,对照组+ANTOX,53,Microns微米,Dibner et al.,Effect of oxidized fats on villus surface area of the intestinal mucosa in broilers氧化脂肪对肉仔鸡小肠粘膜绒毛表面积的影响,对照组,对照组+抗氧化剂,氧化脂肪,氧化脂肪+抗氧化剂,表面积,Peroxides过氧化物Fat with 120 meq/kg 过氧化值120 meq/kg 的脂肪

48、,54,A.Maiorka,Master Intestine Quality,55,FEEDING:MYCOTOXINS饲料:霉菌毒素,Anytime I hear a nutritionist say that they do not have mycotoxin problems,I always feel compelled to insert 每次听到 配方师说他们那儿不存在霉菌毒素问题,最后 我总是只能勉强地说“我们了解一些”。“that we know about”at the end of the sentence.We can probably agree that mycot

49、oxins are always present;maybe not always in a concentration high enough to cause visible problems,but-for sure-enough to negatively affect performance.霉菌毒素无处不在得到大家认同;或许其浓度不高,不会引起肉眼可见的问题,但是确实会降低生产性能。,Mycotoxins:perception霉菌毒素:认知,56,D.Bunting,Reliability of feed sampling is a very strong limiting fac

50、tor in identifying the origin of mycotoxins in feeds检测饲料霉菌毒素时,饲料样品可靠性和代表性至关重要It is estimated that the submitted sample represents 85%of the error in mycotoxin detection霉菌毒素检测中,估计有85%送检样品不具代表性Method and cost of mycotoxin analyses represent a limit to on farm analysis对养殖场而言,霉菌毒素检测方法和费用是限制因素Relatively


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