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1、-听力局部25分.听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子听一遍。5分1.A. No,I dont.B. I like it.C. Yes,sure.2.A. Yes,I am.B. No,you cant.C. Yes,I can.3.A. Its a good meal.B. So I like it.C. Because its interesting.4.A. Thank you.B. Its Lucys dog.C. Its a good dog.5.A. Sorry,I dont have any money.B. Its Sunday today.C. Youre wele.听短对话,

2、选择与所听容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。5分6.What will the girl do7.What should you do if you argued with your friend8.What does the boy ask his mom to do9.Whats Mary going to do this weekend10.What does the girl help her mom do.听长对话,选择正确的答案。对话听两遍。5分11.When is Tom going to have a partyA. On Sunday.B. On Monday.C. On Sat

3、urday.12.What does Tom want to buyA. Drinks.B. Snacks.C. Drinks and snacks.13.What is Toms mother going to doA. Have a party.B. Go shopping.C. Clean the room.14.When did Tom clean his roomA. Last week.B. Last Saturday.C. Last night.15.What does Tom have to do firstA. Do his homework.B. Clean his roo

4、m.C. Have a party.听短文,完成表格。短文听两遍。10分笔试局部95分.单项选择。15分21.Did Rose invite youher house,LindaOf course,she did. A. atB. toC. forD. from22.Its very cold outside.Could you pleasethe doorA. dont openB. not to openC. to not openD. not open23. you please play basketball with usSorry,I.A. Could;cantB. Could;d

5、idntC. Can;dontD. Could;couldnt24.Could youthe bo*Sure.A. to help me carryB. help me carryC. to help me to carryD. help me carrying25.I enjoy playing puter games,but I canttoo much timethat.A. take;doingB. spend;doingC. spend;for doingD. take;to do26.Taian is a really fortable city to live in.,and i

6、ts world-famous for Mount Tai.A. So it isB. So is itC. So it doesD. So does it27.Could Iyour English dictionarySorry,Iit to Lucy just now.A. borrow;borrowedB. borrow;lentC. lend;lentD. lend;borrowed28. improve his English,Jim does a lot of listening practice every day.A. In order thatB. In order soC

7、. In order toD. In order29.I will go to visit my aunt in Englandthe summer holiday starts.A. whileB. sinceC. untilD. as soon as30.If Nancythe e*am,she will go to Australia for English study.A. passB. passedC. passesD. will pass31.I want to sleep,would you mindTVA. watchB. watchingC. not watchD. not

8、watching32.For us, very importantEnglish well.A. its;to learnB. thats;to learnC. its;learningD. thats;learning33.The charity provides homeless peoplefood and clothes.A. withB. forC. asD. of34.When I got to the bus stop,I missed the early bus and I had tothe ne*t one.A. give upB. keep offC. call offD

9、. wait for35. you are, grades you will get.A. Careful;goodB. More careful;betterC. The more careful;the betterD. The most careful;the best.完形填空。15分Mr. King works in a restaurant.He often 36 tired and likes sleeping at home.His wife,Sally,is a shop assistant and likes dancing.She often goes to 37 whe

10、n she is free.Mr.King often asks her to do chores,but she 38 listens to him.So his mother,old Mrs.King,has to do all for them.Last month the old woman was ill in 39.When she came back home two weeks later,all their rooms 40 in a terrible mess.She told her 41 Mr.King to do it.The young man didnt answ

11、er her.She said 42 and had to stay in bed. It was a Friday evening.Sally was free and wanted to go to dance.But she couldnt find her new 43.She saw Mr.King watching TV and asked him 44 her look for her sweater.The young man didnt move at all.“Our sheet(床单) is 45,said Sally.“You should wash it tomorr

12、ow.“Ill be busy, answered Mr. King,“Turn it over!“How lazy you are! said Sally.“I turned it over one month ago!36.A. soundsB. feelsC. beesD. turns37.A. danceB. singC. swimD. skate38.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never39.A. bankB. hotelC. hospitalD. library40.A. wereB. wasC. areD. is41.A. brotherB. s

13、onC. friendD. father42.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing43.A. skirtB. T-shirtC. sweaterD. scarf44.A. helpB. to helpC. helpsD. helping45.A. dirtyB. newC. longD. cheap.阅读理解。20分AIt is difficult for the parents of every family to teach their children to be responsible(有责任的) for housework.Th

14、e Shatian School in Shanghai is making its students do housework for their parents.Third graders(三年级学生) must learn how to cook and clean,si*th graders do some washing and fold the clothes,and seventh and eighth graders cook balanced meals with 15 yuan.Many parents think its a good way for children t

15、o try housework,but they dont know how to do it at home.With the following ideas,you really can get your children to help at home.If you want to make your children think that they can do everything quite right,please dont always scold(批评) them but give lots of praise(鼓励) at home.Talk more about what

16、 he did right,not about what he didnt do.If your child finished some difficult work,give him or her a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad as a reward. 46.Who should learn to cook balanced meals with 15 yuan according to the passageA. A third grader.B. A fourth grader.C. A si*th grader.D. A seventh g

17、rader.47.What should parents do when the children do houseworkA. Scold them when they are wrong.B. Give them a lot of praise.C. Dont let them do it.D. Tell them not to do difficult work.48.Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “reward.A. 说明B. 奖励C. 惩罚D. 报答49.From the passage we know that.A. all the c

18、hildren like to do housework at homeB. there is no way to make children help to do housework at homeC. doing housework is the students homework in Shatian SchoolD. all the parents dont want their children to do housework50.The best title(题目) of the passage may be.A. Make Children Do HouseworkB. How

19、to Teach ChildrenC. HouseworkD. School and HouseworkBLinda,14My parents do 10 hours housework a week.My mother does most of the housework(家务),like cooking and folding the clothes.My father can only do the washing,sweep the floor and take out the trash.He really needs to learn how to do housework.Cel

20、ina,13My mother and my father each do 50% of the work.My mother does the washing and cleans the living room.My father makes the bed and drives me to school.Paul,16My father doesnt do a lot but he tries to help.He hangs up the clothes after my mother does the washing and my mother is happy that he al

21、ways gives her a hand.Bill,15My mother is a doctor.She is busy with her work every day,so she has little time to do housework.In fact she isnt good at doing housework.So my father has to do most of it.Sometimes my grandmother es to help.51.Lindas father doesntat home.A. do the washingB. take out the

22、 trashC. sweep the floorD. fold the clothes 52.How does Celina go to schoolA. By bike.B. By bus.C. By car.D. By subway.53.The underlined phrase “hangs up means “ in Chinese.A. 闲逛B. 晾晒C. 熨烫D. 清洗54.Whose father does most of the houseworkA. Lindas.B. Celinas.C. Pauls.D. Bills.55.Which of the following

23、is TRUE according to the passageA. Linda is one year older than Celina but one year younger than Bill.B. Celinas father needs to learn how to do housework.C. Pauls mother is angry with his father because he never helps her with housework.D. Bills grandmother helps Bill with his schoolwork.用所给单词的适当形式

24、填空。10分56.Dont give too much (stress) to your son.57. (do) chores helps to develop childrens independence.58.I cut my finger and Im trying(not get) it wet.59.I think its(fair) to make the students give up testing.60.He is good at(fold) the clothes.根据汉语意思完成句子。10分61.我们没有必要把所有时间都用来学习。There isfor usall o

25、f our time on our school work.62.住校有助于开展孩子们的独立性。in the school helps tochildrens.63.我们应该尽自己的职责帮助那些残疾人。We shouldhelping the disabled. 64.在外面我们应该学会照顾好自己。We should learn toourselves outside.65.你越年轻,越应该多做点事。you are,work you should do.任务型阅读。10分从方框中选择正确的选项复原短文6669题,为第70题选择正确的答案。Should parents ask their chi

26、ldren to do chores66. They think that children are too young to cook or clean for themselves or their parents.But many people believe that children can learn a lot from doing regular chores.Parents should help children learn to do the housework that they will have to do when they live on their own.6

27、7.Most e*perts(专家) do agree,however,that the chores should suit children.Parents shouldnt ask a schoolboy to cook when he is doing his homework.If the child has activities after school,the time left to do chores may be short.68. When a child does what his parents ask him to do happily,he will probab

28、ly have the feeling of growing up.Chores can be useful.They are a teaching tool(工具).Parents use the tool to teach children,so that they can care for themselves some day.69.If parents keep a clean house,children wont find any reason to do chores.70.Which of the following is NOT trueA. By doing chores

29、 children can learn some important skills.B. It is important for children to get into the habit of doing chores.C. To give children much housework to do,parents dont have to keep the house too clean.D. Children are born to learn everything useful.书面表达。15分现在的很多孩子在家不做或很少做家务。同学们针对“帮助父母做家务进展了讨论,下面是你们组的讨

30、论记录,请你根据记录写一篇短文作值日报告,并发表自己的看法。80词左右。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Hello!Everyone!Let me tell you about the chores we discussed in class yesterday.There were four students in my group.Thats all.Thanks for your listening!Unit 3检测卷听力局部.答案1.C2.B3.C4.A5.A听力原文听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子听一遍。1.Could you please take out the rubbish2

31、.Could I go to the party3.Why do you like making meals4.I can help to take care of your dog,Lucy.5.Could you buy some drinks and snacks for us.答案6.C7.A8.A9.C10.B听力原文听短对话,选择与所听容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。6.M:Could you please help me sweep the floorW:Yes,of course.7.M:I argued with my friend. What should I doW:I t

32、hink you should call him up first.8.M:Mom.Im late for school.Could you help me make the bedW:Sorry,Im busy.9.M:Why dont you go camping with your friends this weekend,MaryW:I have a test on Monday,so I have to stay at home to study for it.10.M:Do you often help your mother do choresW:Yes.I often help

33、 her do the dishes.答案11.C12.C13.B14.A15.A听力原文听长对话,选择正确的答案。对话听两遍。M:Could I invite my friends to my birthday party on Saturday,MomW:Sure,you can.M:Could you give me some moneyW:What forM:I need to buy some drinks and snacks.W:Well,I will go shopping tomorrow.And I can buy them for you.M:Oh,gooD. Thank

34、 you,Mom.W:Tom,could you clean your roomM:I cleaned it last week.W:You need to clean it again for your party.M:OK,but I need to do my homework first.W:Yes,sure.答案16.Sunday17.house18.Fold the clothes19.cat20.CD player听力原文听短文,完成表格。短文听两遍。Dear Lucy,Im going to visit Shanghai this weekend. I need your he

35、lp.When you e over to my house on Sunday,could you help me sweep the floorCould you help me take out the rubbishCould you help me fold the clothesCould you feed my catIll e back ne*t Monday morning.Then youll see a gift from mea CD player.I think you will love it.Thanks,Uncle Brown笔试局部.21.B22.D【点拨】C

36、ould you please(not) do sth.你能不做吗.23.A24.B【点拨】help sB. (to) do帮助*人做。25.B【点拨】因为主语是*人,所以用spend“花费。spend time doing sth.花时间做*事,应选B。26.A【点拨】此处用“So+主语+助动词/be动词/情态动词,意为“确实如此。应选A。27.B【点拨】borrow sB. s sth.=borrow sth. from sB. 向*人借*物;lend sth. to sB. =lend sB. sth.把*物借给*人。根据句子构造及句意,选B。28.C29.D【点拨】由句意可知选as s

37、oon as“一就。30.C【点拨】条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现的原则。31.D【点拨】mind not doing sth.“介意不做*事。32.A【点拨】由its adj.(for sB. ) to do sth.这个构造可知。33.A【点拨】provide sB. with sth.“为*人提供*物,应选A。34.D35.C【点拨】由构造“the+比拟级,the+比拟级可知选C。.36.B【点拨】由tired一词可知用feel搭配。37.A【点拨】由上句she likes dancing可知。38.D【点拨】由asks her to do chores,but she可知选否认词,应选D

38、。39.C40.A41.B42.D43.C【点拨】由下文look for her sweater可知。44.B【点拨】由ask sB. to do sth.句型可知。45.A【点拨】由下句You should wash it tomorrow可知。.46-50D B B C A51-55D C B D A.56.stress57.Doing58.not to get59.unfair60.folding.61.no need,to spend62.Living,develop,independence63.do our part in64.take good care of65.The you

39、nger,the more.One possible version:Hello!Everyone!Let me tell you about the chores we discussed in class yesterday.There were four students in my group.Wang Bo makes his bed after getting up every day.Liu *in doesnt like chores.She never does any housework at home.Li Fei sometimes helps clean up rooms.As for me,I often go shopping and help my mom make meals.In my opinion,its necessary for us teenagers to do some chores.When we do chores with our parents,we can understand and talk with them well.We can also rela* ourselves from hard work at school.Thats all.Thanks for your listening!. z.


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