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1、Book 4 Unit 1 1. They are hoping to _C_ the Japanese market with their latest product.A transmit B plunge C penetrate D filter2. Both the labor and the management made a lot of _C_ and at last they came to an agreement.A sessions B recessions C concessions D conferences3. A lot of ants are always in

2、vading my kitchen. They are a thorough _A_.A nuisance B trouble C worry D anxiety4. Out of _C_ revenge , he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.A perfect B total C sheer D thorough5. Ive already had one holiday in Africa, and Im not _D_ on going there again.A willing B rea

3、dy C eager D keen6. To call the music of another music-culture primitive is _B_ ones own standards on a group that does not recognize them.A putting B imposing C forcing D emphasizing7. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _D_ enough to eat.A mild B slight C light D tender8. The mana

4、ger needs an assistant that he can _B_ to take care of problems in his absence.A count in B count on C count up D count out9. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to _A_ to any military threat.A yield B apply C resort D appeal10. What I hate most is making a great _C_ about such a simple

5、 matter. A confusion B initiative C fuss D bark11. Paul said he would give me a piece of cake if I stayed here, but I didnt give in to the _C_. A intention B appeal C temptation D charm12. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a _A_ because he had too much luggage with hi

6、m. A porter B employee C servant D assistant13. The speaker _D_ his angry words with forceful movement of the hands. A associated B connected C assisted D accompanied14. Dont joke with Linda; she takes everything far too _C_. A carefully B gravely C seriously D critically15. The car wont start becau

7、se the battery has _B_. A run up B run down C run over D run off16. If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make _A_ judgments. A sensible B sensitive C sentimental D sensational17. Parents have a legal _D_ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient educ

8、ation suitable to their age. A instinct B influence C sympathy D obligation18. Space scientists believe that the black hole is _D_, and would draw everything, even light, toward its center. A vacant B empty C bare D hollow19. Any electric products sold in this famous department store will be _B_ for

9、 one year. A protected B guaranteed C preserved D ensured20. The inquiry found that the innocent civilians had been _A_ to inhumane treatment for too long. A subjected B attached C related D resisted21. _D_ your long service to this country, we have decided to give you this gold watch as an expressi

10、on of our thanks. A By means of B By nature of C By way of D By virtue of22. Material abundance has been the life blood which has _C_ Americans in their basic beliefs and values. A contributed B provided C sustained D favored23. The planets surface temperature is a 100 degrees C below zero at night,

11、 so that butter put outside will not _C_. A thaw B dissolve C melt D harden24. The thieves _D_ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring. A spread B scratched C burned D scattered25. Joe had many regrets when he _C_ the years he spent abroad. A looked up to B l

12、ooked down on C looked back on D looked forward to26. Cultural _D_ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another. A transformation B transaction C transport D transmission27. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens, set to _A_ when it arri

13、ved in New York.A go off B get offC come off D carry of 28. There are strict rules _C_ the use of chemicals in food. A reforming B relating C regulating D registering29. People go to the church to _A_ God. A worship B pray C respect D admire30. The homeless _D_ from the flooded town were helped by t

14、he Red Cross. A scouts B saints C beggars D refugeesUnit 21. Jacks shirt was burned by _C_ from the fire. A spots B spills C sparks D sprays2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it _C_ into fragments. A broke off B broke away C broke up D broke through3. We shall have to _A_ the meeting un

15、til next week, Im afraid. A postpone B conduct C replace D last4. To our _C_, Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A entertainment B judgment C relief D relaxation5. The working of the machine _D_ that of the human brain. A compromises with B competes with C communicates t

16、o D corresponds to6. The attack was the latest in a series of border _B_ in that area. A accidents B incidents C events D occurrences7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they dont _D_ themselves better. A direct B accustom C adjust D behave8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed

17、 _A_. A revolt B rebel C chaos D challenge9. I had to shake him several times to _A_ him from his sleep. A rouse B stimulate C motivate D prompt10. Three days after the trial the prisoner was _C_ secretly, and the body was buried under a tree inside the prison. A murdered B convicted C executed D pu

18、nished11. His skin was _C_ from years of working outdoors. A elastic B clumsy C coarse D delicious12. Three people were killed in a head-on _C_ between a bus and a car. A collapse B conflict C collision D crush13. Ruth has gone back to California _D_. She will not return to the East. A for long B be

19、fore long C ever since D for good14. When the singer appeared, the audience started to _C_ loudly. A claim B crack C clap D crash15. I dont know if youve heard, but theres a _B_ going around the office that Mr. Smith is leaving at the end of the month. A news B rumor C saying D proverb16. I guess Jo

20、nes didnt have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for his _A_. A opponent B candidate C colleague D advocate17. He was _D_ of his friends reputation. A greedy B controversial C competitive D jealous18. The newspaper uncovered a sex _D_ involving several governme

21、nt officials. A shame B conviction C rumor D scandal19. The dog waiting behind the gate looked so _B_ that I did not dare to go in. A bold B fierce C wild D harmful20. The workers there held a _A_ to call for better working and living conditions. A rally B conjunction C episode D riot21. The protest

22、 march developed into a _D_ when the police tried to stop it. A rebel B strike C violation D riot22. He said he had _C_ the performance of the new model and was surprised at what he had seen then. A endeavored B demonstrated C witnessed D judged23. It is my _C_ wish that you use this money to furthe

23、r your research. A intensive B generous C earnest D voluntary24. He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably _D_ after a meal and a rest. A renewed B recreated C reshaped D refreshed25. In Britain today women _A_ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid

24、work. A make up B build up C stand for D conform to26. The garden is _D_ in a formal pattern. A laid up B laid off C laid down D laid out27. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan _C_ the great job mobility in the United States. A contrary to B in regard toC i

25、n contrast to D with respect to28. Gasoline is processed from _C_ oil. A raw B rough C crude D tough29. New York _A_ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year. A ranked B occupied C arranged D classified30. After reading the _D_ of the play, the director made several

26、 changes. A scrape B catalog C category D scriptUnit 3 1. We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of _D_ materials. A primitive B rough C original D raw2. The social security system provides _B_ for retired citizens. A wages B pensions C profits D rewards3. It is well-kno

27、wn that the retired workers in our country are _A_ free medical care. A entitled to B involved in C associated with D assigned to4. Although she was not very rich, she wasquite _C_ with her money. A noble B flexible C liberal D liable5. He received a letter of thanks for his _B_ of books to the Shak

28、espeare library. A publication B donation C acquisition D quotation6. The bus ran over the cliff because its _A_ failed. A brakes B controls C gears D signals7. Not long ago, a government official whom I know very well was _B_ a bribery. A related to B involved in C included in D subjected to8. They

29、 put in the highest _C_ for the house. A currency B proposal C bid D purchase9. A good hunting dog is _A_ to every sound and movement in the field. A alert B aware C cautious D nervous10. This diploma _B_ that you have completed high school. A proves B certifies C secures D approves11. He was accuse

30、d of _A_ vital secrets to the enemy. A leaking B loosening C relieving D issuing12. Only the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can _A_ this phenomenon. A account for B count on C account of D count for13. At the end of his trial, he was _A_ of murder. A convicted B convinced C sentenced

31、D condemned14. Most flowers will not _D_ without sunshine. A cultivate B boom C sustain D thrive15. The company has an employee _A_ of everyone working for them. A profile B acquaintance C administration D acknowledgement16. When Mary paid the bill, she was given a _C_ for her money. A cheque B tick

32、et C receipt D label17. There is a whole _B_ of bills waiting to be paid. A stock B stack C number D sequence18. The members of the club _D_ a plane to take them on holiday to France. A assembled B dominated C monitored D chartered19. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _A_ populated regions o

33、f Western Europe. A densely B vastly C enormously D largely20. Hes well known in the _C_ of foreign affairs. A settlement B operation C realm D scope21. She _D_ the sports page to find out who had won the game. A plunged B perceived C sketched D skimmed22. The lighting of the Christmas tree was the

34、_D_ of the evening. A peak B boom C summit D highlight23. We didnt like the color of the curtains, and so we _C_ them a beautiful dark green. A soaked B sketched C dyed D dipped24. Bruce Stephen gripped the _C_ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down. A stirring B driving C steering D rotating25.

35、Years of heavy burden and hard work made him _C_ at his early forties. A lower B lean C stoop D bow26. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _B_, drawing millions of visitors every year. A attention B attraction C appointment D arrangement27. He _C_ for the day when he would see his hometown again. A des

36、ired B countedC longed D urged28. The insurance company paid him $ 10,000 in _B_ after his accident. A installment B compensation C substitution D commitment29. The noise _C_ until she couldnt stand it any longer. A set up B rang up C built up D called up30. They _A_ for a progressive cause and died willingly. A bled B wounded C devoted D departedUnit 5 1. It took him several months to _D_ the wild horse. A tend B cultivate C breed D tame2. I dont think it was an accident.


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