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1、word高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级)历年全真试卷Part I. Listening prehension: (20 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections.Section ADirections:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recordeddialogues in it. After each dialogue, ther

2、e is a recorded question. Both the dialoguesand questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decideon the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and Dgiven in yourtest paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line thr

3、ough the center.1. A) A testing system. C) A measuring system. B) A monitor system. D) A control system. 2. A) Car prices. C) The panys business. B) Car services. D) The panys culture. 3. A) Its easy to do. C) He can get a high pay. B) Its challenging. D) He did the same job before. 4. A) She11 meet

4、 a friend. C) She11 attend an interview at 5 Oclock. B) She11 take a flight. D) She11 see a doctor before 5 Oclock. 5. A) She will report the plaint to the manager. B) The manager refused to talk to the man. C) The manager was on a business trip D) She will deal with the plaint. Section BDirections:

5、This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question a question, you should deicide on the

6、correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A) Breakfast. C) A 5-dollar gift card. B) Dinner. D) Bus service to the airport.7. A) His member c

7、ard. C) His credit card. B) His driving license. D) His passport.Conversation 28. A) The telephone is out of order. C) He is at a meeting. B) The line is busy. D) He wont be back until next Monday9. A) It has been cancelled. C) It has been delayed.B) It will arrive on time.D) It will arrive ahead of

8、 schedule.10. A) Make an appointment with her.B) Talk with her about a new order.C) Send her an about the shipment.D) Call her back when receiving the shipment.Section CDirections:In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the testpaper, but with some words or

9、phrases missing. The passage will be read two times.You are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order ofthe numbered blanks according to what you hear. Now the passage will begin.Ladies and Gentlemen,Wele to the pany. My name is Peter Johnson. Im the Production Manage

10、r. Ill 11today.It should take about 20 minutes to see the factory, and another 10 minutes to take a look atthe 12 . Altogether our tour should last about half an hour. During the tour, please feelfree to ask questions. Ill be happy to answer them.Now please wear these protective hard hats and safety

11、 glasses because we must 13 yoursafety and we want to ensure therere no injuries. I must also tell you that smoking is not 14during the tour.Well, if you dont have any questions, shall we 15 ? First, Ill take you to the factory.This way, please.Section DDirections:This section is to test your abilit

12、y to prehend short passages.You will hear arecorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should plete theanswer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questionsand inplete

13、 answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answerson the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.16. How can you get information if youre going to buy a motor bike according to thespeaker? To look in your newspaper.17. What kind of motor bikes is advertised in the

14、 newspaper? Different kinds of motor bikes, both new and .18. What is one of the advantages of using the advertisements on the newspaper? It gives you the opportunity to haveof the motor bikes.19. Whats the possible problem if you buy a bike in this way? You might have to until the motor bike is ava

15、ilable.20. What is another way to find a good motor bike according to the speaker? Another way is to look .Part II. Structure: (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections:In this section, there a

16、re 10 inplete sentences. You are required to plete eachone by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A,B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center.21. The guidebookfor those who are going to star

17、t a business online in this country.A) is intended B) to intend C) intends D) intending22. Reactions to the online management system were more positivethose to a paper-basedversion of the same system.A) which B) as C) than D) that23. We all recognize the necessity for peoplethe rights of others.A) r

18、espect B) to respect C) respecting D) respected24. If theres one manopinion matters more than any others, its our manager.A) whom B) which C) who D) whose25.my opinion, customer service here has improved but not as much as expected overthe last 2 years.A) On B) In C) For D) With26. We are sure that

19、weour second project by the end of the next month.A) will have pletedB) had pleted C) pletedD) were pleting27. The bank clerk listened carefullyhe could discover exactly what the client wanted.A) in case that B) now that C) so that D) provided that28. This dictionary is a three-thousand mon word col

20、lection with samples of _ andspoken language.A) writing B) wrote C) write D) written29. He was educated at the local grammar school, afterhe went on to Cambridge.A) what B) that C) which D) whom30. If hehere now, he would be doing everything he could to help you.A) were B) is C) will be D) beSection

21、 BDirections: There are 5 inplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the properform of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding spaceon the Answer Sheet.31. Dont forget (lock)the doors when you leave your car in the parking lot.32. Over the past few y

22、ears, these panies have been able to maintain a steady (grow)intheir business.33. Your prices were (reasonable)than those of the other two panies.34. The job increase is a (hope)sign for small and medium businesses that employ 90%of the US workforce.35. While (live)in the UK, a driving license issue

23、d in your country only remains validfor up to 12 months.Part III. Reading prehension: (40 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1:Directions: Aft

24、er reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the ce

25、nter. Marketing by ing is on the increase. pared to other media, messages areextremely cheap to send. With TV you are spending on ad agencies and cable channels. Withprint ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive.Direct mail costs more than$600 per thousand pieces. With , there ar

26、e almost no costs at all. Its low cost makes marketing bee the most cost-effective (划算的) advertising method available today.With TV, you do not know who is watching your ads. Even with direct mail, you cannot besure that your mail has been delivered, or that anyone reads it when it gets there. With

27、,you know within 24 hours exactly which messages have been opened, by whom, what links theopeners clicked on (点击), and what part of your message was working.Because of electronic links, those who open your s can do their own research: they canexplore and see any of the thousands of products that you

28、 sell. They can see the colors and sizes.They can, and they do, read ratings and reviews. They can put products in their shopping cartsand buy them.36. marketing has bee the most cost-effective advertising method because .A) it is of extremely low cost C) it is popular with young peopleB) it is a ne

29、w marketing method D) it is the best marketing method available37. By saying “With print ads, you are helping to keep newspapers and magazines alive(Para. 1), the writer means that . A) your investment is important to newspapers and magazinesB) your ads are helping newspapers and magazines surviveC)

30、 print ads are more attractive than TV and adsD) print matters are less expensive than s38. According to the passage, if you place an ad on TV, you are unable to know.A) how often your ad is displayed C) when your ad is shownB) how much your ad costs D) who your audience is39. If you market by ing,

31、you can learn within a day .A) who have opened your messagesB) how old your message readers areC) what quality your advertised product hasD) how much your advertising messages cost40. What enables the ad readers to do their own research?A) The TV program ratings and reviews. C) The electronic links.

32、B) The products color and size. D) The shopping carts.Task 2:Direction:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.To make your driving experience in the United States safe and enjoyable, our pany isproviding you with this “Rules of the Road pamphl

33、et. Please note, however, that this pamphletdoes not represent a plete list of the motor vehicle and traffic laws of the various states.Regardless of whether or not a specific law is outlined below, it is your responsibility as the driverto follow all applicable (适合的)motor vehicle and traffic laws.D

34、o Not Drink and drive!Each state strictly prohibits Driving While Drunk.Wear SeatbeltsIts the Law!Also, the use of child scats for babies and small children (usually under age 5) is required tostay in all states. Place child seats in tile back seat only.Stay to the Right In the United States, motor

35、vehicles are operated on the right hand side of the road. Beextremely careful to stay to the right at all times-especially if you are from a left-hand drivecountry.Obey the Speed LimitIn most states, the maximum highway speed is 65 miles per hour (mph) in rural areas and55 mph in urban (市区的) areas.

36、Speed limits on secondary roads and in cities and towns areusually significantly lower, generally 30 mph and even lower in school zones.Stop for School BusesTraffic approaching in both directions must stop for a school bus while its red lights areflashing.41. The purpose of the “Rules of the Road pa

37、mphlet is to .A) provide a full list of traffic laws and regulations in the USB) help drivers to enjoy safe and pleasant driving in the USC) tell drivers to avoid dangerous roads in various statesD) show drivers the different road signs in all the states42. If you travel with a child under the age o

38、f 5, you should .A) put him in a child seat C) have him sit beside youB) carry him in your arm D) fasten him in the front seat43. What does a driver from a left-hand drive country need to do while driving in the US?A) Stick to his driving practice. C) Take a special retraining course.B) Apply for a

39、new driving license. D) Keep to the right side all the time.44. The speed limit set for school zones is .A) 65 miles per hour C) lower than 30 miles per hourB) 55 miles per hour D) higher than 30 miles per hour45. When a school bus flashes its red lights, . A) people should cross the street quickly

40、C) all vehicles must slow downB) approaching vehicles must stop D) police should be called inTask 3:Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to plete the outline below it (No.46 to No. 50. You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer

41、 Sheet correspondingly.Our pany, “UK London Chauffeur based in NW London is conveniently located for all of the London airports as well as Central London. We have been operating since 2002. We providea pre-booked private car hire service door to door for all occasions.As UK London Chauffeur is a fam

42、ily-owned business, we feel we are able to offer a servicewith a personal touch that is sometimes lacking with a larger pany.High quality customer service is a must at UK London Chauffeur. Our drivers are always wepresented in a suit and tie, and excellent time keepers and our vehicles are always ke

43、pt clean, neat and tidy.Our objective is to be at your service from arrival to departure, getting you to your destination on lime in a safe manner. UK London Chauffeur has grown in the past years due to our goodcustomer services. We look forward to serving you to your satisfaction.UK London Chauffeu

44、rLocation: in NW LondonHistory: in operation since 46Services provided: pre-booked private car hire serviceService characteristics:1) a service with a 472) 48 customer service3) drivers: well presented in a suit and tie; excellent 494) vehicles: always kept clean,50Objective: be at your service from

45、 arrival to departure, getting you to your destination on timein a safe mannerTask 4:Directions:The following is a list of specialterms aboutReal Estate(房地产). After reading it, you are required to find items equivalent to(与.等同)those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corres

46、ponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 5l through 55.Afloor area Jurban planningBtitle document Kstate-owned landCland use certificate Lthe Municipal Land AdministrationDmercial/residential plex BureauEland use fee Mconstruction projectFland use term Nhousing residencesGplanning approval Ogo through the formalitiesHreconstruction of old area Pland efficiencyI public utilities Qlocation classificationExample: ( D


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