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1、Unit 5 There is a big bedPart A1、 主要单词clock时钟 photo照片 plant植物 water bottle水瓶 bike自行车grandparent祖父;祖母 house 房屋 flower花朵2、 课文导入Sarah:Your room is really nice!Zhang Peng:Thanks.Mike: There is a big bed1.Zhang Peng:Yes,I like my bed.Mike: There is a nice photo,tooSarah: Wow! You look cool!Zhang Peng:Tha

2、nk you. Hey,my computer is here on the desk. Lets play!、简单介绍there be 句型 There be 句型用来表示某地有某物,它的基本结构是: There is/are + 名词 + 地点注意,there be句型中,如果be动词后面跟的是可数名词单数或不可数名词,就用is;如果be动词后面跟的是可数名词复数,就用 are!例如:There is a pen in your hand 你手上有一只笔 There are two pens in your hand 你手上有两只笔 There is some water in the w

3、ater bottle 水瓶里有一些水练习:用恰当的be动词填空 There _ many books in the study. There _ many birds in the sky. There _ an apple on the table. There _ some juice in the glass. There _ lots of flowers in the garden. There _ a piano near the desk.此外,要注意there be 句型遵循 就近原则 !桌子上面有两支笔和一块橡皮 桌子上面有一块橡皮和两只笔 虽然两支笔和一块橡皮共同构成复数

4、集体名词,然而,be动词遵循就近原则,后面如果紧先跟着的是单数名词,用is!如果后面紧先跟着的复数名词,用are! There are two pens and an eraser on the desk There is an eraser and two pens on the desk There _ a bed,a desk,two chairs in my room There _betwo chairs,a bed,a desk in my room.三、语 音 字母组合ai, ay在单词中的发音: ei 例:rainy 下雨的 rainbow 彩虹 paint 涂色 wait 等

5、待 say 说 way 路,方法 birthday 生日 Monday 周一 day 天 today may可以 课外补充: 元音字母a在开音节中也发 ei 例:cake 蛋糕 face 脸 name 名字当堂检测一、填入所缺字母,完成单词1.植物 pl _ _ t 2.水瓶子w_ter b_ t tle 3自行车b _ i_e 4.照片ph _t_ 5时钟 c _o_ k 6.前面 fr _ _t 7. 在中间betw _ _n 8.在下面 _ nd _ r 9在后面b _ h _ nd 10.在旁边 n _ _r 二、 将汉语与对应英语连线A. on the third floor 1.我

6、的房间B. in front of the desk 2.在第三层C. my room 3.在书桌前面D. beside the bed 4.在墙上E. on the wall 5. 在床的旁边三、选出不同类的一项1、A. toy B. pencil C. crayon 2、A. we B. their C. my 3、A. behind B. email C. under 4、A. ball B. draw C. move 5、A. mouse B. dog C. plant 6、A. Sunday B. today C. Thursday 7、A. dance B. speak C. so

7、ng 8、A. thirsty B. favourite C. salad 9、A. read B.tired C. wash 10、A. young B. strict C. finish 四、选择填空 1.There _ a small bike in my bedroom. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2.There _ some pictures on the wall. A. am B. is C. are D. be 3.My father has _ pictures. A. a B. an C. many D. 4.Tom is behind Jim, J

8、im is _Tom. A. front B. in front of C. over D. behind 5.There is a TV _ the bed. A. near B. in C. under D. behind 6.This is a picture _ my room. A. on B. in C. of D. to 7.My father can draw very_. A. good B. well C. pretty D. beautiful 8.Two photos _ near the bed. A. am B. is C. are D. be 9.There _

9、a desk, a TV and two sofas in my room. A. is B. am C. are D. be 10.We are rabbits. We_ a new house. 五、找出句中的错误并在它下面划线,将正确的单词写在横线上1、I have an new room. _ A B C2、There are a book on the desk. _ A B C3、There is a bike on the bed. _ A B C4、The pens is in the pencil-case. _ 5、There is so many pictures her

10、e. _六、连词组句1、flowers there so are here many _ 2、boy door behind there the is a _3、are two there and a chairs desk _ 4、give to lets it him _ 5、bed a is big there _ 七、阅读理解AHello, my name is Lin Lin. Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a window, a shelf, a desk, a chair, and

11、a computer. The windowis in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed. There is a a computer on the desk. My bedroom is small, but its nice. I love it. Do you like my bedroom? 1、根据短文内容,判断正误,对的打,错的打。1. There is a closet衣柜in Lin Lins bedroom.2. The desk is near the bed. 3. The window is behind the d

12、esk. 4. The bedroom is big. 5. Lin Lin likes her bedroom very much. B My favourite room is my bedroom. Its small, but its very clean and beautiful.There is a small bed near the window. Near the bed, there is a brown desk. You cansee a clock, a radio and many books on it. Near the door, there is a cl

13、ose t衣柜.Whats that over上方the bed? Its an air-conditioner空调I like my bedroom very much. .2、根据短文,填空。1.My room is _, but its clean and beautiful. 2.The _ is near the bed. 3.On my desk, there is a _, a _, and many _. 4.There is a closet _ the door. 5.You can see an _ over the bed. 6.Is there a small bed

14、 near the window? _, _ _. Part B1、 主要单词in front of 在.前面 between在.中间 above在.上面Beside在.旁边/附近 behind在.后面 their他们的 lots of = a lot of 许多 move搬家 dirty肮脏的 everywhere到处/处处2、 课文导入Zhang Peng:This is the living room. Mike:Wow!There are so many1 pictures here.Zhang Peng:Yes. My father can draw very well2. Sara

15、h:There are so many plants here,too.Zhang Peng:Theyre my grandmothers plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of3their house. There are lots of4 flowers in it. Sarah:Cool!(1) / 、so many +可数名词复数 许多. so much+ 不可数名词 许多. 例如:_ _同样地,lots of也是许多.的意思,而且 lots of = a lot of,不同的是lotsof+可数/不可数名词用上面例句写同义句

16、 _ _(2) 、动词+verywell Well是很好地的意思,它只可以修饰动作,表示.做得很好 例:She sings well 她唱歌唱得很好 You dance very well你跳得非常好比较:be+verygood,.是很好的;在这里,good是形容词,不能修饰动作,只能形容某物/某人是很好的 例:Thebookisverygood.这本书非常好 You are very good. 你很棒!(3) 、方位介词 In front of 在.前面 behind在.后面 The hospital is in front of the cinema,so the cinema is b

17、ehind the hospital Between 在.中间 _ obove/over 在.上方 on在.上面区别:above指一个物体在另一个物体的上方不一定是正上方,两者不接触 The picture is above the bedover指一个物体在另一个物体的正上方,两者不接触 There is a bird over his head 而on强调两者互相接触! My books are on the desk beside 在.旁边The park is beside the shop当堂检测一、单词翻译1.在、上面_ 2.在、前面_ 3.在、后面_ 4.在、旁边_ 5、bike

18、_ 6.between_ 7.时钟_ 8.plant_9.photo_ 10.bottle_ 二选择填空。1There _ a desk in the picture.A.in B.are C.is2.There _ many books in my bag.A.are B,is C.of3.Betty is in front _ the window.A.eleven B.seven C.of 4.How many days are there in a week?There are_.A.eleven B.seven C.six5.There are three green _ in th

19、e classroom.A.bag C.boy D.balls6.I have a new bed . It s _ ?A. dirty B.big C.short 7.There are _ of flowers in it A.a B.lot C lots8.- _ are the picture? - Theyre on the wall.A.What B.Which C.Where9.There _ some orange juice in the glass.A.is B.are C.isnt10.There is _ phone near the bed.A. some B.a C

20、.an 11. There a big bed. A. are B. is C. am 12. Look! Therea big desk.And there many books. A. are; is B. is; are C. are; are 13. There are so many _ in the living room. A. flower B. plants C. plant 1 4. is the photo? Its on the wall.A. Where B. What C. When 15. Where is the man? He is _ the cars. A

21、. behind B. beside C. between3、 连词成句1.are , two , desks , there , in , my , room 2.is , behind , cat , the , the , door 3.is , picture , where , the 4. is , in , there , of , a , chair ,the , front , desk 5. , look, at , picture ,my 四.从方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空. on in front of behind third in 1.The cat is _ t

22、he door.2.Our classroom is on the _ floor.3.The picture of my family is _ the bedroom.4.There are four windows _ the wall.5.Im tall. Ann is short. Shes standing _ me.五.请选择there is 或there are 填空.1._ a board ,two pictures and many desks in our classroom .2._ three pandas and a tiger in the zoo.3._ a r

23、uler ,a pen and four pencils in the pencil-case.4._ an apple , an orange and five bananas in my bag.5._ two end tables ,a lamp and a table in your room.六.阅读理解。 根据所给的汉语提示,填空This is my house . There is a _,a _ and two _ in it . My _水瓶 is _在、正上方desk .The cat is _door .根据短文内容,判断正误.TF1.There is a植物 and t

24、wo 桌子 in my house .2.The水瓶 is in front of the desk .3.There is a bed , a desk and a chair in the house.4. There is a植物,a 照片 and two 椅子in it .5. The cat is chairs .七 there is there are1. _ a clock on the wall.2. _ a desk beside my bed.3. _ many books on the shelf.4. _ lots of flowers in my garden. a

25、an many1. There are _ photos on the wall.2. There is _ apple on the table.3. There is _ dog under the bed.四 1. The woman is under the tree.2. There is a man in front of the car.3. The pen is beside the book.4. The dog is behind the cat.5. There is a book, a clock and a pencil. 五。找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 1.A

26、.desk B.chair C.banana 2. A.book B.photo C.schoolbag 3.A.bike B.car C.clock 4. Aputer B.football C.ping-pong 5. A.dog B.cat C.bed6 根据图意选词填空,将下列句子补充完整。 in on beside1. There is a photo _ the wall2. There is a bike _ the room.3. There is a chair _ the desk.7 根据汉语意思选择句子 1。我的房间里有张大床。A. There is a big bed

27、 in my room. B.There is a big clock in my room. C.There is a big bag in my bedroom. 2.我的电脑在桌上A. My computer is in the desk. B.My computer is on the desk. C.My computer is near the desk. 3.你告诉别人这是我的房间时,应说:A. This is my classroom. B .This is my room. C.Is this your room? 4.你告诉别人我的房间里有一张照片时,应说:A.There

28、is a photo in my room. B.Is there a plant? C.There is a plate in my room?七、阅读短文,判读句子正T误FThis is my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk and a chair here. I have a big desk and a big shelf . There is a lamp on the desk. There are many books on the shelf. There is an end table床头柜near the bed. The phone is

29、on the end table. There is a picture above the bed. The chair is in front of the desk. Where is my dog? Its under the bed. How cute! I love my room very much. Do you like it? 1. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf in my bedroom. 2. There is a lamp on the end table. 3. There is a phone on the desk. 4.

30、 There is a cat under the bed. 5. There is a chair behind the desk.五年级英语上册第五单元测试题Name_Mark_一 选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。 1. A. strong B. above C. beside 2. A. many B. big C. between 3. A. bottle B. clock C. cool 4. A. there B. is C. are 5. A. this B. where C. That二 选出与句子相对应的图片。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内。 1.

31、The rat is beside the box. A. 旁边 B. 上面 2. The rat is behind the box. A.下面 B. 后面 3. The rat is in front of the box. A.上方 B.前面 4. The ball is between the dogs. A.前面 B.中间 5.The ball is above the dog. A.上方 B.旁边3. 单项选择题。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内 1.There is a big bed, _. A. to B. too C. two 2. -_ is the bike? It is

32、behind the door. A. Where B. What C. Who 3.There are _ trees. A. lot of B. many C. any 4.I just moved into _ old house. A. an B. a C. / 5.This is _ garden. A. Toms B. Toms C. Toms 6.There _ a clock, two flowers and three books. A. is B. are C. am 7. My grandmother can _ very well. A. sing B. sings C

33、.singing 8.The ball is _ the bed and the plant. A. on B. above C. between 9. There _ some books in my bag. A. are B. is C. have 10. Lets_ with ping-pong on the weekend. A. plays B. to play C. play 11._ have a new room A.I B.my C.me 12. There are three _ on the table. A. a fish C. fish C. fishs 13. I

34、s this your water bottle?-_ A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, he is. 14. _ is in the room?There is a book and a bed.A. Where B. What C. Who 15. The clock_ on the desk. A. are B. is C. Be4 按要求完成下列各题。请注意大小写和标点符号。1. The picture is in the living room . 对划线部分提问2. The ball is above the dog. 对划线部分提问3. the, is, my, on, computer, desk 4. many, there, pictures, so, are 5. really, your, nice, is, room 五情景交际。并将其正确的字母编号写到相应的横线上。1. 询问对方的房间是怎么样的。该怎么说:_A. Whats in the classroom? B. Whats your room like? C. Wher


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