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1、剑2TapescriptsLOUISE Oh hello, Id like to join the video library. MR MAX OK. Would you like to fill in the application form now? LOUISE Yes, I can do it now. MR MAX Hold on and Ill get a form. Now, Ill just ask you a few questions and then Ill get you to sign at the bottom. LOUISE Right. MR MAX Whats

2、 your full name? LOUISE Louise Cynthia Jones. Example MR MAX Jones? LOUISE Yes, thats right. Repeat MR MAX OK, and whats your address? LOUISE Apartment 1, 72 Black Street, Highbridge. Ql MR MAX Black Street, thats just around the corner, isnt it? LOUISE Yes. MR MAX OK, so the post code is 2085, righ

3、t? Q2 LOUISE Yes, 2085. MR MAX Mm. And your telephone number? I need both home and work. LOUISE Home is 9835 6712 and work is 9456 1309. Do you need any ID or anythinglike that? Q3 MR MAX Yes, we need your drivers licence number, that is if you have one. LOUISE Yes, 1 know if off by heart, its an ea

4、sy one, 2020BD. Do you need to see it? Q4 MR MAX Yes, Im afraid I do. LOUISE Mm . . here. MR MAX Right, thanks. And could you tell me your date of birth please? LOUISE 25 July 1977. Q5 MR MAX Thats the most important part out of the way, but could I just ask you a few questions for a survey were con

5、ducting? LOUISE OK . MR MAX What kind of videos do you prefer to watch? Have a look at this list. LOUISE Well, I love anything that makes me laugh. I just love to hear jokes and funny punch lines. Q6 Im not very keen on westerns, although my father likes them, but Im a real softie, so anything with

6、a bit of a love story is good for me. Q7 It doesntmatter how old. Not musicals though, theyre too much! MR MAX Anything else? LOUISE Im pletely taken by documentaries of the great outdoors, you know thesort, animals, plants and far away places. Q8 1 saw a wonderful one on dolphins last week. It was

7、amazing. MR MAX Now, I think thats all from me, except I need you to sign here on the line. Heres a pen. Oh, and I nearly forgot, the membership fee. $25, refundable if you leave the library for any reason. Q9LOUISE There you are. And do I sign here? MR MAX Yes, thats it. You can borrow videos now,

8、if you like, but your card wont be ready until next week. You can e and pick it up when you bring your first videos back. That is if you want to take some now. Q10LOUISE Yes, Id like to. Ill have a look around. MR MAX Fine. SECTION 2 INTERVIEWER A dream came true in 1995, when over 96 days of the sp

9、ring and summer, an expedition of four men undertook what they believe to have been the first and only plete end-to-end crossing of Moroccos Attora mountains. I talked to Charles Owen, the leader of the expedition group, about the trip. Charles, how much planning went on beforehand? CHARLES Well, as

10、 you know, I run these walking trips across the mountains for tourists and over the years, Ive collected maps and other data to prepare what I call a route book for this trip and this book basically shows the route across the mountains that we took. Q11INTERVIEWER You actually broke records while yo

11、u were out there, didnt you? CHARLES Mmm. Yes, it was 900 miles in total Q12 and we managed to climb 32 peaks that were over 3000 metres high, including Toubkal, which is of course thehighest in North Africa. Q13 We werent actually out to make a name for ourselves - it just happened really. INTERVIE

12、WER What was the. weather like? CHARLES It got us right from day one and we were pretty taken aback really to findthat it rained on quite a number of days, and so we were forced to start Q14re-planning our route almost from the outset. One of the obvious problems is the heavy snow which blocks the m

13、ountain passes, so you have to make considerable detours. When we were on the way to Imilchil, for example, the snow forced us into a northern bypass which was new to us, but anyway, either way we would have been rewarded because we fell upon amazing, high meadows, huge gorges and wonderful snow-cap

14、ped mountains. The scenery was as fine as any we saw on the trip and that was how it was every time - having to take another pass was never adisappointment. Q15INTERVIEWER It was in many ways a social trip, wasnt it? CHARLES Yes, yes . wed arranged to meet up with friends at various points on the .

15、journey. I mean this was actually one of the purposes of the trip . . . and we managed to keep all these dates, Q16 which is amazing really considering the. detours we made. An old friend acted as a sort of transport organiser Q17 for everyone and the Hotel Ali in Marrakech was a good social base -

16、Id really remend it, although I cant remember who runs it. Anyway, groups of friends actually joined us for three-week stints Q18and others just linked up with us. Some, whom we hadnt met before the trip at all, tagged on for short bursts - people from the area - who just came along for the ride. Bu

17、t outside the major visitor areas like Toubkal we only met one other group of travellers like ourselves in the whole 96 days. INTERVIEWER Were there any bad moments? CHARLES We took two, I must say, long-suffering donkeys with us to help transport water and tents and things. I suppose if we were to

18、do it all again wed probably hire donkeys along the way. Taza and Tamri, as we called themafter the last places in the trip, Q19 well, they made quite a unique journey between them, and . . but it was continuously demanding for them. On both the really high summits, they took diversions that were qu

19、ite out of character Q20 and I can only assume that it must have been due to tiredness. INTERVIEWER Well, thank you . . And Charles has put together a video about thijourney and continues to lead groups to the Attora mountains, so if you want further information.SECTION 3 JANE Hi Tim! (Tim: Jane.) H

20、ow are you? (Tim: Fine.) Id been wondering when Id run into you. Have you been here long? TIM I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. How about you? JANE I got here a few days ago, on Saturday. No - wait a minute, whats today? - Sorry Friday, not Saturday. Q21TIM But we didnt have to be here till today. JAN

21、E Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved into my room, and just take a look around. So, did you decide to do English in the end? TIM No, I changed my mind and opted for history instead. JANE Yes, although to start with I couldnt decide between that and geography. TIM How much reading have

22、you got? I was given an amazingly long list of books to read. See! JANE Wow, it does look pretty long. TIM Well, I counted 57.I could hardly believe it! Whats your list like? Q23JANE Well, its not as long as yours, but its still pretty big. There are 43.I dont know how Im going to get through them a

23、ll. Q24TIM Well you dont have to read them all this week! You just have to stay ahead of the lectures and seminars. Have you got your class schedule yet?JANE Yep. It came with the reading list. Whens your first lecture?TIM Tuesday. How about you?JANE The day after.JANE Its going to be different from

24、 school, isnt it!TIM Yeah, particularly the lectures. Have you got any special strategy for listening to lectures?JANE Well Im going to use a cassette recorder and record them all. Q26TIM What! Are you allowed to? JANE Sure. Lots of people do it nowadays. It means you can listen to the lectures all

25、over again later, and make really good notes.TIM I couldnt do that. I like to take notes as Im listening. I usually find I get all the important points. Reading is different of course. My approach is to skim the book first to see whats important and what isnt. It saves hours of time.JANE But what if

26、 you miss something?TIM You dont mean youre going to read every word, do you?JANE Well, thats what I usually do.TIM Well, thats up to you, but I think youre crazy! JANE Whats your first lecture on, anyway?TIM Oh, its a lecture on the French Revolution.Q28JANE The French Revolution! How boring! TIM I

27、ts not boring at all! It was an amazing period of history. It changed everything in Europe. So whats your first lecture about?JANE Its about animal behaviour. It sounds really interesting. TIM Look, I was on my way to the library. Im going to get some of these books out and start reading for the fir

28、st essay Ive got to write. JANE And what have you got to write about? TIM Well, youll never believe it, I think our professor must have a sense of humour. Hes given us the title Why study history? Q29JANE Thats a good one. When you find the answer, let me know! TIM Im going to enjoy writing it. Have

29、 you been given any writing assignments yet? JANE Yes, Ive got to write about animal language. Q30TIM Hmm! That sounds a challenge. I suppose youll be off to the zoo to do field research.SECTION 4 LECTURER Wele to further education Information Week. This is the Physical Education Facultys session an

30、d Im the Head of the Faculty. During the course of this morning we hope to give you a clear idea of what we offer in our training programs and we will look at the types of courses and the entry requirements, if any, for those courses. Some of these courses are open to school leavers, but for some yo

31、u need previous qualifications, or relevant successful employment.So firstly, the Physical Fitness Instructors course is offered as a six-month certificate course which includes an important ponent of personal fitness but there are no specific entry requirements. ExampleFor Sports Administrators we

32、provide a four-month certificate course Q31but you should be aware that this is designed for those who are in employment. This employment must be current and related to sports administration. Q32For the Sports Psychologist course we offer a one-year diploma course,Q33 but this diploma course is avai

33、lable only to those who already hold a degree inpsychology, so you need to make sure you have that before you apply to do this course. Now . . . for Physical Education Teachers we offer a four-year degree in education. This degree course is designed for preparing students to teach in primary andseco

34、ndary schools and needs no prior qualifications as it is entered directly by school leavers. Q34And lastly for the Recreation Officers course we offer a six-month certificate.Q35 Entry to this course normally includes applicants of a wide range of ages and experiences, but we do not insist on any pr

35、erequisites for this course. Remember that this is a vocational training institute. We train you so that you can take up a particular kind of job. So it is important that you know the main roles of the jobs - what the work is like and what kind of qualities you need to succeed at them. A Physical Fi

36、tness Instructor works in health and fitness centres preparingQ36individual programs for ordinary members of the public. Physical Fitness Instructors prepare routines of exercises to suit the individual clients age and level of fitness. Sports Administrators run clubs and sporting associations. Thei

37、r duties include such things as booking playing fields with local councils and organising the schedule of games or events for the club, so they need good organisational skills. Q37Sports Psychologists spend time with professional athletes helping them approach petition with a positive mental attitud

38、e to enable them to achieve their personal best. They do this by improving motivation and concentration or assisting with stress management. Q38Physical Education or PE Teachers instruct young students in how to exercise, play sport, and do other recreational activities correctly and safely. PE teac

39、hers help the development of co-ordination, balance, posture, and flexibility with things like simple catching and throwing skills. They are not expected to be experts in all sports, but must be able to show students the basic techniques involved in a wide range of activities. Q39Recreation Officers

40、 often find themselves working for local government authorities and local groups. Their aim is to raise peoples awareness of healthy lifestyles and improved general fitness through arranging recreational activities for groups of all ages from the very young to the elderly. Q40There are many other jo

41、b opportunities which our graduates can look forward to. If you are interested in any of these .SECTION 1 DIANE Good morning. Diane Davies. Can I help you? GAVIN Yes, Id like to get some insurance for the contents of my home. DIANE Fine. When did you move into the house? GAVIN A couple of weeks ago,

42、 and its an apartment actually. I was told by the landlord that it would be a good idea to get some insurance for the furniture and other personal possessions. ExampleRepeal DIANE Fine. Well, lets get some details. What kind of apartment is it? GAVIN Its a two-bedroom apartment. DIANE What floor is

43、it on? GAVIN Why do you need to know that? DIANE Because it affects the cost of the insurance. An apartment on the ground floor isnt as protected as others and theres more chance of a break-in. GAVIN Really? I didnt know that. Its on the third, no,. . second floor Q1DIANE Second . and how much is th

44、e rent? GAVIN Its $615 per month. Q2DIANE Good, and where is it located? GAVIN In Biggins St, South Hills. DIANE I see. And what things did you want to insure? GAVIN Well, what do you remend?DIANE Well, the most important things are those which you would normally find in a home. Things like the tele

45、vision, fridge and so on. GAVIN I see. Well, Ive got a fridge and a stereo system which Ive just bought from a friend. DIANE And how much did you pay for the fridge? Q3GAVIN Er, $450.DIANE 50 OR 15? GAVIN 50, and the stereo system cost $1,150. Q4DIANE Have you got a television? GAVIN Yes, but its ve

46、ry old and not worth much. DIANE OK. Well, is there anything else you want to insure? GAVIN Yes, Ive got a couple of watches and my CDs and books.DIANE How much do you think theyre worth? GAVIN The watches are worth $1,000 . DIANE For both of them? GAVIN No, each one and, all together, the CDs and b

47、ooks cost me about $400. Q5DIANE OK, so the value of everything you want to insure is $4,000. GAVIN How much will the insurance cost?DIANE Let me see, $4.000 divided by . plus 10% . . . right, so this kind of insurance, er, thats Private Contents insurance, it es to $184.00 for a twelve-month period.Q6GAVIN $184.00. Well, that sounds pretty good. OK, Ill take that policy.GAVIN Can I arrange the policy over the phone? DIANE Sure, just let me get the details down. So thats Mr . . . GAVIN Gavin Murray, that


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