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1、3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集3DHR-HR 3D High resolution high ?seismic survey 三维高分辨高密野外资料采集。AAC= adjusted AC;ABI inclination at the drill bit AC acoustic 声波时差 A=adjusted ;ADN Azimuthal neotron densityAIT* Array Induction Imager ToolA&S admistration&serviceAHCAscendant Hierarchical Cl

2、usteringARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated toolARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent DatumAPWD apparatus whle drillingASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪AVG: AverageAVOAmplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset cal

3、ibration)振幅-炮检距关系AZI: Azimuth (deg)BBC Buy Back ContractBGG: Background Gas (%)BGP 物探局BHFP bottomhole flowing pressureBHS :Borehole StatusBHT :Bottom Hole Temperature BHTA 声波幅度 BHTT 声波返回时间 BLWH Blue WhiteBML below mud line BOP Blow out preventerBOP stack 防喷器组BS Bit SizeBSW basic? saturation water(综合

4、含水)CAL borehole diameter 井径 CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪CBI Central Bank of IranCBIL 井周声波成像 CBL Cement Bond LogCC correlation coefficient CCAL mon core analysis常规岩心分析CCL Casing Collar LocatorCCM Contractors mittee MeetingCDF cumulative density functionCDF Calibrated Downhole Force CDS condensatCF core faciesCF cu

5、t fluorescenceCFA position Fluid AnalyzerCGR Condensate-to-gas RatioCMC Crown mounted pensator安装在天车上的升沉补尝器CMR binable Magnetic Resonance 可组合的核磁共振测井仪CMR-ATimur/Coates PermeabilityCMR-BTimur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_DMRPTimur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_FLOWTimur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_SMRPTimur/Coates Perme

6、abilityCMRTTimur/Coates Permeability neutron 中子 P AMP pessional amplitude纵波幅度 P ATTNpessional attunuation纵波衰减 CON induction log 感应测井COPA panhia de Petroleo de AngolaCP conductor pipeCQG Crystal Quartz GaugeCRA Corrosion resistant Alloy CRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度)CSI 组合地震成像仪CT cut fluorescen

7、ceCtConductivity of un-flushed CTRY COUNTRYcvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)C*oConductivity of flushed zonesDAC 阵列声波 DC drilling collarDCCRDaily Cost Control ReportDDR Daily Drilling ReportDEN density 密度 Dev deviation井斜DF direct fluorescenceDGR Daily Geological ReportDHI direct hydrocarbon indicatorDLS dog leg sev

8、erityDPH Development PhaseDPPM Density Porosity Processing ModeDSC drill string pensatorDSI*Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole F13.4DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole DT

9、3RDelta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley DT4P Delta-T pressional - Monopole P&S DTCO Delta-T pressionalDTRP Delta-T pressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S DTSMDelta-T Shear F13.4DTTP Delta-T pressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S DVRT 数字垂直测井Dyn Clustering Dynamic ClusteringECD

10、 equivalent circulation densityEchoes(Echoescope)Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool标准回波数据 EMW equivalent mud weightEFAC Electro-faciesEOS Equation of StateE&P e*ploration&productionFCM finantial mittee meetingFFV free fluid voluneFG Formation GasFLD FIELDFLW: mud flow rate(gpm)FMI Formation

11、 Micro-scanner Image全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea LevelFRF final recovery factorFPSO 浮式采油轮FV: Funnel ViscosityGCSE Generalized Caliper SelectionGDAT GeoDetic DatumGDT gas down toG&G Geology&geophisicsGIIP gas initially in placegpm gallon per minuteGR natural gamma ray 自

12、然伽马 GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity SelectionGTSE Generalized Temperature SelectionHDIP 六臂倾角HGNS Highly IntegratedGamma Ray Neutron Sonde HRMS High-Resolution MechanicalSonde HRLAHigh-Resolution Azimuthal LaterologSondeHWDP heavy wall drillpipelb/ft pounds/foot IFD 低频偶极测井仪IGIP InitialGas In placeIl

13、d deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Image DIP 图像的倾角 INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de GeologiaINC: Inclination (deg)IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪IRR Initial Remuneration Rate?JOA Joint Operating AggreementJMC Joint Management mite

14、eK potassium 钾 kips kilo poundsKRI KernelRepresentative Inde*KOP Kick Off PointKTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马 KTIMTimur/Coates Permeability,NMR_PermeabilityHALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪HGS high gravity solidsHRI 高分辨率感应测井仪LATI LATITUDELATD Latitude (N=+ S=- )L/D lay downLFA Live Fluid AnalyzerLGS low gravity

15、solids?LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference)LMRP lower marine riser packageLNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas -Sour-rich-wet gas at the outlet of the receiption facilities for hand over to NIOC LNG plantL/O lay outLOC LOCATIONLONG LONGITUDELOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)LOT leak o

16、f testLPG Liquified Petroleum GasLWD logging with drillingMAC 多极阵列声波成像MATRRock Matri* for Neutron Porosity CorrectionsMBVI 束缚流体体积 MBVM 可动流体体积 MC motion pensator升沉不成器MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log MD: Measured Depth (m)MDP Master Development PlanMDRT Mesured Depth Rotary TableMDT Modular Format

17、ion Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)MER Ma*imum Efficient Ratemkwh milk whiteMIT 多道感应测井仪MMBBL metric million barelMMS Minerals Management Service MOA Memorandum of AgreementMOU Memorandum of UnderstandingMPERM 核磁共振渗透率 MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度 MRGC Multi-ResolutionGraph-based ClusteringMRILMagnetic Reso

18、nance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井 MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drillingMR_KLAMBDA_PERMSTimur/Coates PermeabilityMRP Magnetic Resonance PorosityMSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台msl mean sea levelMTSA Master Technical Services AgreementM/U make up,mount upMUSD million United Stat

19、es DollarMW: Mud Weight (ppg)NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马 NGS Natural Gamma SpectrumNIDC National Iranian Drillingpany NIOational Iranian Oil panyNMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNSP 防磨补心NTG Net to GrossOBM Oil Based MudOBMI Oil Base MicroImage toolOCM operating mittee meetingODP overall development plan

20、总体开发方案OGWC Original Gas Water Contact OOCOil On Cuttings OOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量OPS operationsOWC oil water contactP90 which represents the realistic low sideP50 the Median value rangeP10representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.P16H_RTARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing

21、 at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimeP16L_RTARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimePCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气Pd dew pointPD permanent datumPDAT Permanent DatumPEMA Pesquisas Minairas de AngolaPETRANGOL panhia de Petroleos de Angola

22、PE*Platform E*press(The Platform E*press toolstring includeseither the AIT* Array Induction Imager Toolor High-Resolution Azimuthal LaterologSonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. TheThree-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tooland Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL)are housed in the High-Resolution

23、 MechanicalSonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above theHRMS are a pensated thermal neutronand gamma ray in the Highly IntegratedGamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) anda single-a*is accelerometer.)PHIE Effective Porosity PHIEMultimin Porositypl poorly?PML ParaMagnetic测井公司PMS positioning motor systemPNC 脉冲中子俘获测

24、井POOH pull out of holePOOW pull out of wellPOSPossibility of SuccessPPG pond per gallonProdn productionPSA production sharing agreement PSIA pound per square inch apparentPSDM prestack depth migration叠前深度偏移PSTM prestack time migrationPTB interval Permian-Triassicboundary interval P/U pick upPV: Plas

25、tic ViscosityRADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度 Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井 R/D rig downRHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron DensityRIH run in holeRMR risked mean reserveRMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井 ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr)ROR Rate of ReturnROV remotely operated vehicle

26、 RPM Rotations per minuteRs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井 R/S/C Rotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling)Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率 RT real timeRT Rotary Table R/T running timeRTE Rotary Table ElevationR/U rig upR*o flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗

27、带地层电阻率 S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3SBM Oil Based Mud (OBM) included synthetic oils .SBT 分区(扇段)水泥胶结测井仪,SC Service ContractSCAL special core analysis特殊岩心分析SDCSonangol Data CentreSG specific gravityShear AMP Shear Amplitude横波幅度 Shear ATTN ShearAttenuation横波衰减 SHT Surface Hole TemperatureSICP Shut in ca

28、sing presureSIDP Shut in drill pipe presure关井钻杆压力SOM Self-Organization MapClusteringSONANGOL Sociodade Nacional bustiveis AngolaSP spontaneous potential 自然电位 SPP: Stand pipe Pressure(psi)SPDSouth Pars DrillingSRVC SERVICE PANYst stonelyST side trackStar Imager 微电阻率扫描成像 STAR-II 声电组合成像测井 STD stand 立柱S

29、TDS standsSTAT STATESTT 送入工具suc sucrosicSWAL 横波声波测井仪SWD Seismic While DrillingSWF shallow water flow Swb saturation of bond waterSwm saturation of movable waterSwirr saturation of irreducible waterT2 Dist T2分布数据 TBRT thin bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率TCLThorium Clay GlobalTCM technicalmittee meetingTCRT

30、 过套管电阻率测井仪TD: Total Depth (m)TDEP HNG Coin Msg River Depth TENS Cable Tension TGTrip GasTG: Total Gas (%)TH thorium 钍THP tubing head pressureTIM 公司TJVA Temporary Joint Venture Arrangement for Operating PurposesTLC Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed systemTLD Three-Detector Lithology DensityTOC t

31、op of cementTP test pressureTPOR 总孔隙度 TRQ: Rotary Torque KIb*ft) TVD: True Vertical Depth (m)TVDSS True Vertical Depth SubseaTVT true vertical thicknessT/W together withU uranium 铀 U Photoelectric absorption cross-section UAEUnited Arab EmiratesUGCunderground contourUMR unrisked mean reserveUSGS U.S

32、. Geological SurveyUSI ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪UWI :UNIQUE WELL IDVDL Variable Density LogVPC verticalproportion curveVSI Versatile Seismic ImagerVSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While DrillingWBM Water Based MudWEC Well Evaluation ConferenceWH well head WHP well head pressureWOB: Weight on Bit(KIbs)W

33、THP well tubing head pressure*/O cross over 大小头, 转换接头*PT-A *press Perssure Tool-A*RD *-Ray diffractionYP: Yield PointRcalculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formulaMR*abbr. Magnetic Resonance e*pert tool 核磁共振专家测井仪*PTabbr. *press Pressure ToolGPITabbr. General Purpose Inclinometer ToolFMIab

34、br. Fullbore Formation Micro Imager 全井眼地层微电阻率成像测井USIPabbr. UltraSonic Imaging Platform HNGSabbr. Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray SondeVSIabbr. Versatile Seismic ImagerCBLabbr. Cement Bond Log 水泥胶结测井APSabbr. Accelerator Porosity SondeTLDabbr. Three-Detector Lithology DensityCCLabbr. Casing Coll

35、ar Log 套管接箍测井.slb./modules/mnemonics/ChannelItem.asp*?codeLow fluid loss and gel strengths of pad mud spotted in the hole just prior to running casing.Riser pipe 隔水管Circulation circuit 循环管道5700系列的测井工程及曲线名称Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools,Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools,

36、a triple rig (able to trip 3 joints of pipe,* 西方阿特拉斯的ECLIPS-5700成像测井系统* 主要包括:声电组合成像测井STAR-II、核磁共振测井MRIL-C、多极子声波成像仪M AC和扇段水泥胶结评价SBT等* 哈里伯顿的E*CELL-2000成像测井系统* 主要包括:井周声波扫描成像测井CAST,微电阻率扫描成像EMI* 斯伦贝的MA*IS-500成像测井系统* 主要包括:微电阻率扫描成像FMI、阵列感应AIT、方位电阻率ARI、偶极横波DSI、核磁共振CMR等成像测井* (pressional)Slowness (time)(tc) *

37、 Shear Slowness (ts) HSGR .GAPI :HNGS Standard Gamma Ray F13.4HCGR .GAPI :HNGS puted Gamma Ray F13.4HFK .V/V :HNGS Formation Potassium Concentration F13.4HTHO .PPM :HNGS Formation Thorium Concentration F13.4HTPR . :HNGS Thorium/Potassium Ratio F13.4HTUR . :HNGS Thorium/Uranium Ratio F13.4HUPR . :HNG

38、S Uranium/Potassium Ratio F13.4HURA .PPM :HNGS Formation Uranium Concentration F13.4GR_EDTC.GAPI :EDTC Gamma Ray F13.4CHR1 :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole F13.4CHR2 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole F13.4CHR3 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopol

39、e Stoneley F13.4CHRP . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, pressional - Monopole P&S F13.4CHTP . :Label Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, pressional - Monopole P&S F13.4ITT .S :Integrated Transit Time F13.4HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth F13.4P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth F13.4RB .DEG :Relative Bearing F13.4SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation F13.4P1AZ_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth F13.4RB_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Rotated Relative Bearing F13.4PP_OBMT_2. :Pad Pressure F13.4DEVI .DEG :Hole Deviation F13.4RB_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Relative Bearing F13.4P1AZ_OBMT.DEG :


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