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1、,Unit One,Lesson 1 Air Lesson 2 The Need of Air Conditioning Lesson 3 The Cleaning of AirLesson 4 Thermal Storage,New Words&Expressions:TextNotes to the TextExercise,Lesson 1 Air,Lesson 1,New Words&Expressions,mixture n.,混合,混合物,混合剂,compound n.,混合物,(化)化合物,essentially adv.,本质上,本来,essential adj.,实质的,基本

2、的,精华的,nitrogen n.,化氮,oxygen n.,化氧,argon n.,化氩,carbon dioxide,二氧化碳,volatile adj.,挥发性的,可变的,critical temperature,物 临界温度,Lesson 1,New Words&Expressions:,compress vt.;n.,vt.压缩,摘要叙述;n.(外科)敷布,manufacture vt.;n.,vt.制造,加工;n.制造,制造业,产品,氢,prepare v.,准备,预备,有能力而且愿意,process vt.;n.,n.过程,方法,步骤;vt.加工,处理,inert adj.,无活

3、动的,惰性的,迟钝的,combustion n.,燃烧,respiration n.,呼吸,呼吸作用,poisonous adj.,有毒的,unite v.,联合,团结,magnesium n.,(化)镁,hydrogen n.,New Words&Expressions:,atmosphere n.,大气,空气,气氛,introduce vt.,介绍,传入,引进,提出,balance n.;v.,n.秤,天平,平衡;v.平衡,称,结算,constant n.;adj,.,n.数、物常数,恒量;adj.持续的,comfort n.;vt.,n.安慰,舒适;vt.安慰,uncomfortable

4、 adj.,不舒服的,不安的,不合意的,discomfort n.,不便之处,不适,impurity n.,杂质,混杂物,不洁,不纯,regulate vt.,管制,控制,调节,校准,evaporation n.,蒸发(作用),moist n.;adj.,adj.潮湿的;n.潮湿,Lesson 1,Text,Air is a mixture,not a compound.It is essentially composed of nitrogen,oxygen,and argon with small amounts of water vapor,carbon dioxide,and dust

5、.Air can be liquefied and separated into its constituents by letting the more volatile nitrogen to boil off first.,空气是一种混合物而非化合物。它由氮、氧和少量的水蒸气、二氧化碳组成。把空气液化后通过加热使较轻的氮挥发,可使空气分离。,Lesson 1,Text:,There is a definite temperature below which a gas must be cooled before it can be liquefied.1 This is known as

6、 the critical temperature,and it is different for different gases.The critical temperatures of both oxygen and nitrogen are so low that it is impossible to liquefy these gases at ordinary temperatures however much we compress them.2 To liquefy air we must cool it to a very low temperature as well as

7、 subject it to a high pressure.3.,Lesson 1,气体必须冷却到一定的温度即临界温度以下才能液化。不同气体有不同的临界温度。氧和氮的临界温度很底,所以无论怎样压缩都不可能使它们在常温下液化。必须在低温及高压下才能使空气液化。,Text:,液化空气是液态氮和液态氧的混合物。可以把较轻的氮从氧中分离出来。用这种方法可以生产工业用氧,并将其装入氧气钢罐。氮气也可以用同样的方法生产。,Lesson 1,Liquid air is really only a mixture of liquid nitrogen and liquid oxygen.It is poss

8、ible to separate the more volatile nitrogen from the oxygen.In this way,oxygen is manufactured for industrial use and is compressed into steel tanks.Nitrogen is also prepared by the same process。,Text,Nitrogen is an inert substance.It is a colourless,odourless,tasteless gas;does not burn;does not su

9、pport combustion or respiration;is not poisonous.It does not easily unite directly with other elements.4 At high temperatures it combines with a few metals,such as magnesium,and also with oxygen and hydrogen.Oxygen is also a colourless,odourless gas.It is somewhat heavier than air.It is the most act

10、ive element in the atmosphere.It is essential to life.Argon is present in air to the extent of nearly one percent by volume.,氮是一种惰性物质。它是一种无色、无味、不能燃烧、无毒的气体。它不易与其他元素化合,在高温下可以与少数金属化合,如镁,也可以和氧、氢化合。氧也是无色、无味气体。它比空气的密度略大。氧是大气中性质活跃的元素。氧是生命所必须的。氩的体积约占空气的1%。,Lesson 1,Text,Carbon dioxide is introduced into the

11、 air by combustion and respiration.It is removed by green plants,which get all their carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air and produce oxygen.The balance of plant and animal life keeps the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air constant.5,Lesson 1,空气中的二氧化碳是由于燃烧和呼吸形成的。绿色植物带走空气中的二氧化碳,吸收其中

12、的碳生产出氧气。植物和动物的呼吸使空气中的氧和二氧化碳维持稳定。,The chief factors in the air which affect human comforts are(1)moisture,(2)temperature,(3)dust,(4)small amounts of impurities given off by the human body.The human body is normally at a constant temperature 37C,and this temperature is regulated by the evaporation of

13、water from the surface of the body.The temperature and moisture of the surrounding atmosphere affect this process of evaporation.,Lesson 1,Text,空气中影响人类生活的主要因素有(1)湿度,(2)温度,(3)灰尘,(4)从人体排出的少量混杂物。人体的常温为37,靠人体表面水分的蒸发来调节。周围大气的温度和湿度会影响人体表面的温度调节。,If the air is very hot and moist,this process of evaporation

14、is very slow,and we feel uncomfortable.If the air is too dry;the evaporation from the body is too rapid,we also feel uncomfortable.Thus it is very important to have a proper regulation of temperature and moisture.,如果空气非常湿热,人体表面水分的蒸发过程就会很慢,我们就会感到不舒适。如果空气很干燥,人体表面的蒸发过程就会很快,我们也会感到不舒适。所以,适当的温度和湿度是很重要的。,L

15、esson 1,Text,The presence of dust in the air causes a great deal of discomfort to human body.Air in the country is far much cleaner than that in the cities.6 After a rain,the air is also much cleaner than at ordinary times.,空气中的杂质和灰尘使人体非常不舒适。乡村里的空气要比城市里的空气好的多。雨后的空气要比平时的好得多。,Lesson 1,Text,Notes to th

16、e Text,Lesson 1,Notes to the Text,1.There is a definite temperature below which a gas must be cooled before it can be liquefied.,Lesson 1,在这复合句中,主句是There is a definite temperature;在这里主语是temperature,below which a gas must be cooled是定语从句,修饰temperature;关系代词which在意义上代替temperature,起着连接两句的作用,又是定语从句中前置词bel

17、ow的宾语。before it can be liquefied是定语从句的状语从句,修饰 must be cooled。本句翻译为:气体必须冷却到一定的温度以下才能液化。,Notes to the Text,2.The critical temperatures of both oxygen and nitrogen are so low that it is impossible to liquefy these gases at ordinary temperatures however much we compress them.,Lesson 1,在这复合句中,主句是The crit

18、ical temperatures of both oxygen and nitrogen are so low;其中主语是temperatures,critical of both oxygen and nitrogen 修饰 temperature。that it is impossible to liquefy these gases at ordinary temperatures是状语从句修饰so;it 是语法上的主语,真正的主语为to liquefy,at ordinary temperatures是修饰to liquefy的状语。however much we compress

19、them是让步状语从句,修饰impossible to liquefy。本句翻译为:氧和氮的临界温度很低,所以无论怎样压缩都不可能使它们在常温下液化。,Notes to the Text,这个复合句的主句是we must cool it to a very low temperature。To liquefy air是用作目的状语的不定式短语。as well as是连接词,连接状语从句subject it to a high pressure。,Lesson 1,3.To liquefy air we must cool it to a very low temperature as well

20、 as subject it to a high pressure.,Notes to the Text,4.It does not easily unite directly with other elements。,Lesson 1,句中unite原意为“使合成一体;联合;结接合”,“使混合;使粘合,使结婚”。在句中,解释为“化合”。例如:Unite bricks and stones with cement.用水泥将砖和石块粘合在一起。Unite two families by marriage.两家联姻。Working men of all countries,unite!全世界无产者

21、,联合起来!Oil and water will not unite.油和水不相融。,Notes to the Text,植物和动物生活的平衡使空气中氧和二氧化碳的含量维持恒定。在本句中,The balance是主语;keeps是谓语;amounts是宾语;of oxygen and carbon dioxide 和in the air都是修饰的定语;constant是宾语补足语。,Lesson 1,5.The balance of plant and animal life keeps the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air c

22、onstant.,Notes to the Text,Air in the country is far much cleaner是主句,that in the cities为状语从句,说明程度,从句中省略了谓语(is clean)。,Lesson 1,6.Air in the country is far much cleaner than that in the cities.,Exercise,Lesson 1,Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the text.,Less

23、on 1,1.Air conditioning is needed to remove the energy and water vapor and maintain comfort in the interior space in most areas of the country.,(T),2.Air conditioning will account for about 8 percent of the energy used in the residential and commercial sectors since it is becoming widely accepted in

24、 both commercial buildings and residences.,(F),3.Air conditioning usage is thus a first factor in determining both the installed capacity of the power plant and its total electrical output.,(F),4.Historically,the interest has been on sizing of equipment,and the ASHRAE guides present detailed methods for evaluating bottom loads.,(F),5.The seasonal energy requirements have no relationship with the heat and moisture flows into the building.,(F),main,currently,peak,depend on,


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