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1、One,Art of Public Speaking,Learning objectives of the course,To study the process of preparing a speechTo study the elements of speech presentationTo be aware of certain presentation errors that can negatively affect a speech evaluation To learn the basic steps in making a good impression,Introducti

2、on,Learning objectives of Chapter 1:1.Explain the value of a course in public speaking 2.Discuss the long tradition of studying public speaking.3.Identify the major similarities and differences between public speaking and everyday conversation.4.Speech communication process,Key-terms,orator rt(r)/ad

3、dresserchannel rhetoricIntercultural communicative competenceframe of reference interferencemassage situation,The tradition of public speaking,“一人之辩,重于九鼎之宝,三寸之舌,强于百万之师”,The power of public speaking,public speaking,job hunting,various competitions,personal life,Force and empowerment,Genre of public s

4、peaking,artistic expression(song,poetry,play)persuasionadvisinginspiringargumentation,PS&intercultural communicative competence,English Language,Chinese heritage,To respect diversity of cultureAvoid ethnocentrism(民族优越感),Cultural Diversity andPublic Speaking,Speechmaking becomes more complex as cultu

5、ral diversity increases.Not only do words change from language to language,but so do ways of thinking and of seeing the world.Even meanings attached to gestures for such basic messages as“yes”and“no”are culturally based.,Cultural Diversity andPublic Speaking,Diversity and multiculturalism are such b

6、asic facts of life that can play a role in almost any speech you give:A business manager briefing employees of a multinational company.A lawyer presenting her closing argument to an ethnically mixed jury.An international student explaining the customs of his land to students at a U.S.university.,Cul

7、tural Diversity andPublic Speaking,1.Avoid ethnocentrism,the belief that ones own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures.2.If there is a language difference between you and your audience,avoid any words or phrases that might cause misunderstanding.3.When delivering your speech,

8、be alert to feedback that might indicate the audience is having trouble grasping your ideas.,Critical Thinking Skills,Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation,Organizing thoughts logicallyTailoring the message to the audienceTelling a story for maximum impactAdapting to listener feedbac

9、k,Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation,Public speaking is more highly structuredPublic speaking requires more formal languagePublic speaking requires a different method of delivery,The Speech Communication Process,SpeakerMessageChannelListenerFeedbackInterferenceSituation,The Speech

10、Communication Process,Insert Figure 1.1,Speaker,The person who is presenting an oral message to a listener.,Message,Whatever a speaker communicates to someone else.,Channel,The means by which a message is communicated.,Listener,The person who receives the speakers message.,Frame of Reference,The sum

11、 of a persons knowledge,experience,goals,values,and attitudes.Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listeners frame of reference.No two people can have exactly the same frame of reference.,Feedback,The messages,usually nonverbal,sent from a listener to a speaker.,Interference,Anything that

12、 impedes the communication of a message.,Situation,The time and place in which speech communication occurs.,Summary,1.Explain the value of a course in public speaking 2.Discuss the long tradition of studying public speaking.3.Identify the major similarities and differences between public speaking an

13、d everyday conversation.4.Speech communication process,The Secret to Success,The script Exercise,oratorrhetoricIntercultural communicative competenceframe of referencecommunication processWhat is a good public speech?,Review Chapter1:Think about the following,Chapter Two Speaking Confidently and Eth

14、ically,Learning Objectives:Skills and information to speak confidentlySkills and information to speak ethically,Key Terms:,Stage frightpositive nervousness visualization ethics plagiarism pledrzm 剽窃(3 types:global,patchwork,incremental plagiarism)paraphrase,Stage Fright,Anxiety over the prospect of

15、giving a speech in front of an audienceFear of public speaking and fear of death usually rank top in most surveys asking people of their fear!,31,What Causes Stage Fright?,inadequate preparationfear of being judgedunfamiliarity with the audience or the environmentlack of knowledge about public speak

16、ing feelings of inadequacyfear of the unknownnegative past experiences,32,Important UnderstandingsAbout Stage Fright,It is normal.Almost everyone experiences some nervousness about speaking in some situations.It is mostly internal.You will usually feel more nervous than you look.Or mental stress.,33

17、,Dealing with Nervousness,Acquire speaking experiencePreparation Think positively Use the power of visualizationDont expect perfection,Reducing Speech Anxiety,Know your audienceSelect an appropriate topicRe-create the speech environment when you rehearseKnow your introduction and conclusionBe organi

18、zedUse visual aids,35,Being smiling,Ethics,The branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs.,Ethical Decisions,Weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines.,Guidelines for Ethical Speaking,Make sure your goals are ethically

19、 soundBe fully prepared for each speechBe honest in what you sayPut ethical principles into practiceAvoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language,Name-Calling,The use of language to defame,demean,or degrade individuals or groups.,Plagiarism,Presenting another persons language or ideas as on

20、es own.,Types of Plagiarism,Global plagiarismPatchwork plagiarism Incremental plagiarism,Global Plagiarism,Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as ones own.,Patchwork Plagiarism,Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as ones own.,Incre

21、mental Plagiarism,Failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.,Plagiarism and the Internet,Wikipedia!Cite sources when using Internet materialsTake careful research notes,Guidelines for Ethical Listening,Be courteous and attentiveAvoid prejudging the s

22、peakerMaintain the free and open transaction of ideas,Chapter 3 Giving Your First Speech,Learning Objectives:the basic introduction about:How to develop and organize your first speechHow to deliver your first speech,Key Trems,Preview statementChronological orderTopical ordertransition,Developing You

23、r First Speech,Focus your speech to fit the time limitSelect a limited number of points and develop them clearlyOrganize your speech into 3 parts:introduction,body,and conclusion,Introduction of the speech,Posing a questionTelling a storyMaking a startling statementOpening with a quotation,Rehearsing Your First Speech,Rehearse the speech out loudAsk friends or family members to listen and to give constructive feedbackTime your speechTo visualize your delivery several times?,Interpersonal Communication,Speech 1:“Introduce a Chinese Celebrity”and let us guess him/her!,


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