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1、Translation,2008-Translation,56.By pooling their resources together,small groups of students generally gain advantages over individuals who prefer to study alone.by doing sthattributive clause,57.It seems strange that in the past ten years Mike and I might just as well have been in different worlds.

2、Could/might just as well:used to say that you/sb would have been in the same position if you had done sth else,because you got little benefit or enjoyment from what you did do:不如,还是。的好The weather was so bad we might just as well stayed at home.天气糟透了,还不如呆在家里好。,58.Pessimists are such people who always

3、 expect bad things to happen in the world.The word“pessimist”Attributive clause,59.Too little brushing and too many sweets can cause tooth decay,sometimes very seriously.60.A few years ago,it was popular to speak of a generation gap,a disagreement between young people and their elders.speak of:to ta

4、lk about同位语,61.通常一顿西餐可能包括汤、鱼、肉和点心,有些还有水果和奶酪。62.要达到他们想去的地方,人们需要运用他们的感官,尤其是眼睛。63.西方流行最广的迷信之一是,人走在梯子下面是不吉利的。64.总是抱怨是无用的。65.阅读使人全面,写作使人精确。,61.Generally speaking/Usually,a western-style food may have soup,fish,meat,dessert,and perhaps fruit and cheese.注意英文中列举时的习惯。,62.To reach the place that they want to

5、go to,people need to use their sense organs,especially the eyes.63.One of the most popular superstitions in the western world is that it is not lucky to walk under a ladder.形式主语的运用64.It is useless to complain all the time.65.Reading makes people comprehensive,while writing makes people precise.,Back

6、 to the English version,2007-Translation,56.The words and phrases given in this dictionary are those that are likely to be needed by every person.GivenAttributive clauseBe likely to do,57.The people there will pay two or three times as much as they used to pay for a house.英文倍数表达法有三种:倍数原级 倍数比较级 倍数名词短

7、语 例如:和-三倍一样长 1.three times as long as 2.three times longer than 3.three times the length of 再如:和-四倍一样宽 1.four times as wide as 2.three times wider than 3.three times the width of Used to do.,58.As far as an advertising and Sales Manager is concerned,excellent oral English is also a necessary require

8、ment.,As far as sb.be concerned59.It is reported that so far,foreign insurance companies have made their way into cities of China.It is v-ed thatMake ones way into/towards.:to move or get somewhere,to make progressSo far,.,60.Air moves from places where the pressure is high to places where the press

9、ure is low.Attributive clause,61.是我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来。62.他要是知道她的电话的话,就用不着费那么多事儿了。63.比尔。盖茨是世界上最富裕的人,没有他买不起的东西。64.他会讲法语、德语.西班牙语,更不用说英语了。65.我仍然记得20年前我第一次遇到我的老师的情景。,61.It is what we do and what we do not do that decides our future.62.It would have saved all the troubles if he had known her phone numbers

10、.63.Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and there is nothing that he can not afford to buy/he can afford anything.64.He can speak French,German and Spanish,and not to say/mention English./as well as65.I still remember the scene when I saw my teacher for the first time twenty years ago.,Back t

11、o the English version,2006-Translation,56.His ignorance of the companys financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures.Result in/from Ones failure to do sthTake measures to do sth,57.Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters,the total grain output was higher

12、 than that of last year.,Although.Suffer from Be+comparative form of adj.+than that of,58.Pessimistic forecasts say that there is only enough coal for 450 years,enough natural gas for 50 years and that oil might run out in 30 years.run out:用光 用尽I have run out of all the money I have.All my money has

13、 run out.59.For one reason or another,all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders.For one reason or anotherImpose sth on.:将强加于;征税 to impose a tax on bicycle 征收自行车税,60.Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in an honest and constructive m

14、anner.Attributive clauseIn a.manner/wayConstruction constructive,61.我代表公司对你所作的一切表示感谢。,62.高昂的学费使一些贫穷的学生不能进入大学。63.我们最关心的是那个城市的饮用水的质量。64.鉴于政府在解决失业问题上效果不佳,他们在选举中获胜的机会似乎不大。65.在我们做出决定前,必须确定我们已经将所有有关因素考虑进去了。,61.On behalf of the company,I would like to express/extend my gratitude to you for all you have don

15、e./thank you very much for.62.The high tuition/expense prevents/keeps some poor students from entering universities.63.What we concern most is the quality of drinking water in this city.64.Due to the governments inefficiency in solving the problem of unemployment,they seem to have little chance wini

16、ng the election.65.Before we make the decision,we have to take/put all the factors concerned into consideration.,Back to the English version,concern,n.1.(U)A feeling of worry about/over/for Following the accident,there is growing concern over the safety of food.The doctor expressed serious concern a

17、bout her health.2.(C)sth that makes someone worriedThe main concern is that the health of the employees will be at risk.How much money I earn is none of your concern.,vt.,1.(never passive)make someone feel worried or upsetThe fact that she spends too much time alone really concerns me.What concerns

18、the experts most is the increasing level of pollution in our cities.2.(never passive)be about somethingThe story concerns two woman ghosts.,3.(passive)有关的,牵连的The affair is greatly regretted by everyone concerned.4.(passive)担心be concerned about/for/that.Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two me

19、n trapped in the ruins.5.(passive):a.有关。b.认为。重要The story is concerned about two woman ghosts.Congressmen seem to be more concerned with getting elected rather than passing legislation.,2005-Translation,71.Experts have long thought that depression could be bad for your heart.A new study demonstrated

20、just how dangerous it can be.depress depressing depressed depressionbe good/bad for sthdemonstrate:证明、证实His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was.,72.In the end,they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients

21、 who werent depressed.in the end find that at least 倍数的表达 be likely to do.die of,73.All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training,and they work long,difficult hours for the money they earn.74.There are just a few of the many situations in which the men and women who are public inter

22、est lawyers serve to extend justice throughout society.Attributive clauseServe,Serve,1.给提供,端上Breakfast will be served between 7 and 10.a.m.Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.Pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.2.对.有用;能满足.的需求Most of their economic policies serve the inte

23、rests of big business.How can we best serve the needs of future generations?3.工作,服务,履行义务He served as a captain in the army.She served in the medical corps.,75.To make things worse,the nations agricultural adjustment has forced more than 150 million rural workers to quit farming.to make things worse.

24、force sb to do sthquit sth/doing sth,76.据估计已经有1000多万人从这项工程中获益。77.如果你想获得成功,除了努力工作以外别无选择。78.我们应该勇敢地面对遇到的困难,否则我们就无法取得更大的进步。79.她把所有的闲暇时间都用来学习英语,目的就是尽快适应国外的生活。80.尽管警察怀疑这名年轻人,但是还没有足够证据证明他就是罪犯。,76.It is estimated that more than 100 million people have benefited from the project.,77.If you want to achieve s

25、uccess/you want to become a success,there is no other choice but to work hard/except working hard.78.We should/are supposed to face the difficulties we come across bravely,otherwise,we can not make more progress./face up to79.She spent all her spare time learning English,with the goal of adjusting t

26、o the foreign life more quickly.80.Although the police suspected/was suspicious of this young man,there was not enough evidence/proof to prove that he was the criminal.,Back to the English version,2004-TranslationSection A,51.It is a fact that this countrys using up energy faster than we produce it.

27、形式主语use up:run outthan52.Unless every person in every block does his part,the future looks pretty dim.do ones part,play ones roleprettydim:dim-lit room,53.It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and rainfall.形式主语54.To find out the weather of ten years ago,count

28、 the rings of a tree trunk from the outside to the inside.,55.We are sure this was just due to carelessness in quality control,and that you will send another shipment of shirts promptly to replace this faulty one.due toshipment:a shipment of armspromptlyreplace,2004-TranslationSection B,56.我们希望您能接受我

29、们的邀请,并盼望在北京与你会面。57.就他的经验而言,他并不十分适合这个职位。58.长城是中华民族的象征,是世界七大奇迹之一。59.保护自然环境不受污染是人类的责任。60.如果天气许可,我们将明天清晨出发。,56.We hope that you will accept our invitation,and look forward to meeting you in Beijing.,57.As far as his experience is concerned,he is not up to the post/position.He is not suitable to 58.The G

30、reat Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation and one of the seven great wonders in the world.59.It human beings responsibility to protect the environment from being polluted.60.Weather permitting,we will set off/out/forth tomorrow morning.,2003 Translation,61.Take care of the penny and the pound wi

31、ll take care of themselves.62.Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.63.He felt upset and almost as if he alone were responsible for what had happened.64.This year they have made by far the greatest progress in business than they did last year.,65.In no case are

32、you to break your word to us.,in no case.In any case We are leaving tomorrow in any case.In case.In that caseWord:promiseI give you my word that this wont happen again.to keep ones word,66.学生们对计算机非常感兴趣。,67.大学生学好英语是很重要的。68.汤姆直到做完作业才看电视。69.我的英语老师总是对我如何学好英语提出一些建议。70.你练的越刻苦,你取得的进步就越大。,66.The students ar

33、e very interested in computer.,67.It is important for college students to learn English well.68.Tom did not watch TV until he finished the homework.69.My English teacher always make some suggestions about how to learn English well.70.The harder you practice,the bigger progress you will make.,2002-Tr

34、anslaiton,61.He had scarcely/hardly handed me the letter when he asked me to read it.62.Since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth,he spent money like water.63.I made it clear to them that they must hand in their papers before ten o clock in the morning.64.Chinese trade delegations have been

35、 sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreement.65.Only by this means is it possible to explain his failure to act decisively.,66.2008年奥运会将在北京举行。,67.我想知道他是否能看英文小说。68.你和同学相处的怎么样?69.他一生致力于环境的改善。70.我们有必要了解一些英语国家和中国的文化差异。,2001-Translation,61.Any academic breakthrough,brilliant as it may be

36、,does not automatically ensure that it can be applied to practice.62.With increasing awareness of the environment,people have realized that the way coal is used is critical and new approaches have to be sought.,63.The global market in these services is likely to touch US$540 billion,a figure compara

37、ble with the size of the IT industry.64.The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school,along with science courses.65.Air is to man what fish to water.,66.他想成为一名宇航员,献身于太空科学的研究。67.他尽自己最大的努力以赶上班上的同学。68.除了英语外,我们还需要学习第二门外国语。69.他们已经答应对这个问题进行调查。70.

38、她直到她妈妈回来才睡觉。,66.He wants to become an astronaut,devoting himself to the research of space science.,67.He made every effort to catch up with other classmates in his class.68.We have to learn a second foreign language besides English.69.They have promised to take an investigation on this problem.70.She did not go to bed until her mother came back.,


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