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1、大学英语四级听力,大学英语四级听力要求,1 能听懂英语讲课,并能听懂题材,熟悉句子结构比较简单,基本上没有生词,语速为每分钟130-150 词的简短对话,谈话,报道和讲座,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度2 词汇量:4200,四级听力题型及分值分配,1 短对话:8个 占8%分值2 长对话:2个 占7%分值3 短文:3个 占10%分值4复合式听写:一篇 占10%分值,四级听力的命题依据,一 理解中心思想和重要细节 1 理解中心思想 2 听懂重要的或特定的细节 3 判断说话人的观点和态度二 理解隐含的意义 1 推论隐含的意义 2 判断话语的交际功能,三 借助语言特征理解听

2、力材料1 辨别语音特征,如从连续的话语中辨别语 音,理解重音和语音语调等。2 理解句间关系,如比较,原因,结果,程度和目的等等。,影响听力理解的因素,1 语言知识因素:语音(同化,省音,连读 弱读),语法(虚拟语气,特殊否定),词汇基础2 听力技能因素:辨别重要信息,推测言外 之意,归纳中心思想,四级听力应试策略,1 全神贯注,延长疲劳点的出现时间2 该放就放,调整心态3边听边记,时间及数字4 浏览选项并预测(13-15秒)5 练习口语,短对话听力要求,1 八个短对话及问题只读一遍2 两题之间有大约15秒的间歇3 考试时间设在10点钟进行,9点55收答题卡 一,然后1分30秒试听,30秒Dir

3、ection朗 读4 短对话的命题大量集中在听懂细节和推论 隐含意义上。5一男一女各一句,短对话类型,1 习语词汇类2 场景与人物关系3 时间数字类4 原因结果类5 虚拟语气与特殊否定6 话题讨论与观点态度7 行为活动与事实推理,习语与词汇类常见提问方式,1 What does tha man or woman mean?2 What are the two speakers talking about?3 What does the man or woman say about?4 What do we learn from the conversation?,场景人物类常用提问方式,1Wh

4、ere did the cinversation take place?2 What are the speakers doing?3 where are the two speakers?4 What was the woman or man tring to do?5 What is the relationship between the two speakers?6 Who do you think the man is talking to?7 Whats the mans job or occupation?,时间数字类常见提问方式,1 When did.the match sta

5、rt?2 How long did it take the man to?3 At what time did the cinversation take place?4 How often?,原因结果类常见提问方式,1 Why didnt the man?2 Why is the man is doing?3 Why cant the man answer the question now?4 Why was the man late?5 What propaly caused.?6 What was tha cinsequence of the accident?7 What will t

6、he man have to do?8 What happened to the man?,虚拟与否定常见提问方式,1 What does the man mean?2 What does the man imply?3 What can we learn from the conversation?4 What can be infered from the conversation?5 What does the man think of?6 How did the man feel about?,话题讨论与观点态度提问方式,1 What are they talking about?2

7、What does the man suggest doing?3 What does the man advise?4 What does the man imply?5 What did the man say about?6 What did the man feel about?,行为活动与实施推理提问方式,1 What does the man want to do?2 What will the man have to do?3 What is the man doing?4 What does this conversation tell us about?5 What can

8、be infered from?6 What can be concluded from the conversation?7 What do we know about the man?,场景人物类内容,一 场景:1 机场 飞机 2 车站 3 饭店 4 酒店 旅馆 5 邮局 6 医院 7 学校 8 图书馆 9 银行二 人物关系:1老板和秘书2 同学3 同事4 医生病人5 雇主雇员6 主人客人7 夫妻8 律师与委托人9 图书管理员与读者 10 经理与职员 父母与孩子 11 修理工与顾客 12 师生 13 店员与顾客14 服务生与顾客15邮局职员 与顾客,时间数字类内容,1 时刻与日期2 货币的

9、读法3数量之间的关系4日期的其他表达法(大前天,后天)5 与时间有关的词和短语(weekly,ahead of)6分数,小数,百分数及加减乘除7与数量有关的词和短语(decade,percent,dozen),长对话听力,一 长对话的长度平均为260词左右,6-10个来回二 长对话的内容广泛如:大学校园活动(选课,考试,借书,打工,社团活动),租房,求职,商务,旅行,访谈,三 考题类型:1 细节识别题2 推理判断题3 主旨大意题,长对话六大常考点:1 开头处:主旨全文 第一题2 强调处:强调句型 Its.that.3 时间数字处:与数字有关的其他信息4 干扰信息处:细节题5 信息集中处:观点态

10、度类6 结尾处:内容概括 推理题,短文听力,1文章长度为200-250单词2内容为:近十年说明文55%(人物,名胜古迹,自然,社会,日常生活,学习和工作,科普知识等),记叙文44%(人物,时间,地点,事件,和出乎意料的结局),一般情节简单多以细节判断和推理题为主议论文1%3题型:细节,推理,主旨大意,顺序未必一致,复合式听写,1以实词为主:名词40%动词26 形容词24%副词8%介词2%2 名词和动词此为有变化26%3 拼写有一定难度:四级词汇50%中学50%单词较长,易听懂却拼错,句子听写1 以简单句为主(并不简单),并列句,复合句2连词反复出现3 技巧:重点放在大意和关键词上,然后再用自己

11、的话把关键词连接起来。如果句子简单,不妨用原句。,一,单词填空,六个考查点二,单词预测五大技巧三,句子听写三大备写技巧四,五步攻克复合式听写五,复合式听写六大注意事项六,真题实测,一,单词填空,六个考查点,1.名词:单复数 2.动词:人称,时态,语态及在虚拟语气中 的变化3.形容词:易混,音近,形近,及分词变化来的形 容词。4.固定搭配:动词,介词,形容词短语5.拼写较复杂的单词6.易混,音近,形近单词的考察,二,单词预测五大技巧,1,根据上下文预测单词 2,根据语法结构预测单词3,根据固定搭配预测单词4,根据语意关系预测单词5,根据文章大一预测单词,三,句子听写三大备写技巧,1,抓住文章段落

12、的主题句2,理清语意关系3,通过总结段义来推断段首段尾所缺句子,四,五步攻克复合式听写,1,迅速浏览卷面2,第一遍听音以听为主3,第二遍听音尽量记录所缺单词与 句子4,第三遍听音,将漏填部分补全5,检查,核对内容要点,五,复合式听写六大注意事项,1,注意音变现象(连读,同化,弱读,失爆)2,注意英音美音差别(r音等,词汇)3,注意同音词与音近词4,注意单词拼写5,注意名词单复数6,注意动词变化,Students pressure sometimes comes from their parents.Most parents are well-1-,but some of them arent

13、very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in 2to college,and a few of them seem to go out of their way to add to their childrens troubles.For one thing,parents are often not 3 of the kings of problems their children face.They dont realize that the 4 is keener,that the required-5 o

14、f work are higher,and their children may not be prepared for the change-6to seeing As and Bs on high school report cards,they may be upset when their childrens first7college grades are below that level.At their kindest,they may gently8why John or Mary isnt doing better whether he or she is trying as

15、 hard as he or she should,and so on.9,Sometimes parents regard their children as extension of themselves and-10-.In their involvement and identification with their children,they forgot that everyone isdifferent and that each person must develop in his or her own way.They forgot that their children,-

16、11-.,1 meaning 2 adjusting3 aware 4 competition5 standards 6 Accustomed7 semester 8 inquire9 At their worst,they may threaten to take their children out of college or cut off funds.10 think it only right and natural that they determine what their children do with their lives.11 who are now young adults,must be the ones responsible for what they do and what they are,


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