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1、2023NCCNV1围手术期诊断、评估和治疗更新(全文)近日,非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)NCCNV1版更新,此版更新(对比2022V6版)针对早期和局部晚期NSCLC的诊断、治疗等领域进行了大篇幅的更新。详情如下:DIAG-A1/3诊断评估原则NCCNNationalComprehensive Cancer Network*NCCNGuidelines Version 1.2023Non-Small Cell Lung CancerNCCNGmctofcneB IndexTable of Contents DiscussionPRINCIPLESOFDIAGNOSTICEVALUATIONPa
5、redbeforesurgicalresection(NSCV2). AsparatbronchoscopymaynotbnMddfortreatmentdecisionsbforttimofsurgeryandaddstime,costs,andproceduralrisk. ApreoperativebronchoscopymaybeappropriateIfacentraltumorrequirespre-reMctionevaluationforbiopsy,surgicalplanning(g.potentialsgerMCtio),orproprativoairwaypropart
6、ion(g.coringoutanobstructivelsion). InvasivomediastinalstagingisrecommendedbeforesurgicalresectionformostpatientswithclinicalstageIorHlungcancer(NSCL2).FOfpatientsundergoingEBUSndoscopicultrasound(EUS)staging,thismostcommonlyshouldbasoparatproceduretoallowpathologicvaluation. Patientshavingmediastin
7、oscopyshouldpreferablyUndergOInvasivemediastinalstaging(mediastinoscopy)astheinitialstpbeforetheplannedresection(duringthesameanestheticprocedure),ratherthanasaseparateprocedure. aahpro6durdosiig.cost,drAAthotcr.idovo6d6.artandoaanestnttcrliik. PreopQrativoinvasivemediastinalstagingmaybeappropriatef
9、气管镜检查,而不是单独进行。修改并移至第4点:对于大多数I或II期肺癌患者,建议在手术切除前进行侵入性纵隔分期。对于接受EBUS/超声内镜(EUS)进行分期的患者,通常应单独操作以进行评估。修改第1行描述:在计划切除之前,应首选侵入性纵隔分期(纵隔镜检查)作为初始选择(同一麻醉过程),不应单独进行。NSCL-1NSCLC的病理诊断、初始评估和临床分期NationalComprehensive Cancer Network,NCCNGuidelines Version 1.2023Non-Small Cell Lung CancerNCCNGUideIineSlndeX Tbe “ COnteO
10、tS DtcwonPATHOLOGICINITIAL EVALUATION DIAGNOSISOF NSCLCNSCLCPathologyrovi。Wa H&P (include performance status weight lott)b CT ChMt and upper abdomen with contrast, including adrenals CBC1 platelets Chemistry profile Smoking cessation advice, counsoling, and pharmacotherapy Uie the 5 A,s Frarmwortc A
11、sk, Advise. Assess. Assist. Arrange http WWWhrq .goWdinlc/ tobacco5steps.htmIntograto 网HatiVO crc NCCN Guidelines forPalliativo CaroFor tools to aid in th。 optimal assessment and mnagOmnt of NSCLC In older adults, see the NCCN Guidelines for Older Adult OnCOIOqyClinicalstageSta9eIA. POriPhor.2 (T1ab
12、c. NO) Stago IB. POriPhorrd (T2, NO);Stage I. central4 (T1abc-T2a. NO); Stago U (T1abc-T2b, N1; T2b. NO);Stage IIB (T3. N0); Stage IIIA (T3t N1)Stage IIBr (T3 invasion, NO);Stage IIIAf (T4 extension. NO-1; T3t N1;T4, NO-1)Stage IIIAf (Tl-Z N2); Stage IIIB (T3t N2)Pretreatment副副 UMiQnlNSCkaPretrMtmwl
13、Evaluation (NSCL-3)PwttwrtmentEvglMation (NSCL-S)PretreetmentEvaluation (NSCL)Multiplelung SnCorSPrtr)EyaluatiQn(NSGhJl)Evaluation(NSCL-13)PretreatrMntEflstlo (NSe3 3)StageIVA(M1b)cdPwttMttMfltEvgIuMion (NSCL-14)StageIVB (M1c)c disseminated metastasesSxfttfimicTbaaDy(NSCL 18)dBased on the CTcrfIhe c
14、est Penpheral outer thrd of lung; Central inner two PnnaDieSo(PathotoycReVMyW(NSCH).bEnhancedfraculartysurgeryApreferredfraMryassessmentsystemhasnotbeenestabitsbedstagA(priphral T1abc, No)。Tng悔 no hMd G order ooo rkd mdasnoscopy. mdstmofny. EBUS. EUS. and CTumM trtopey. An EBUSTBNA ne9w Icx mfcgrncy
15、 S *9y (PET nd0f CT) pomv mdtMttnum should UMer90 sutaquntCCnnfmabOn1rrmm. & SUnKtf TTmcwy (NSCL-lneris kx IIKeilhood of POewve medaMa rymph nodes when these nodes are CT and PET rwgav tn PenPMrai tuxx (outer trwd of IUng) mduMftnal vakMon is Opbonal m 9wm smngs kwsv meaMa* staging 0 recommended for
16、 central HxnortIn PatWntB who ar medcaty moperaNe, whn (KnA) therapy (eg. CryO(hera力.xrowav. r8dcfrQuncy) may b an OPOon for M*d PaXnU not rctvtg SABR of Ocfintive RT;PeS c It-c-GuQM IbcfT8. Aiatcn T*cay NwL-j0 If mprtc therapy 9 COntem*ated *80pary vaua*on M at Kast nduds EfVeno2 radtokgy. horac su
17、rgery, and wcvntxxai PUlrnonCiogy ts rqured to (Mn t sast and mort ont approach k CHoy. or Io Pfgde consensus tha( a MPey 椎 too Efcy 9 1(central T1bc-T2, NO)Stag Il (TlabC-2a N1;T2b. NO) Stago IIB (T3, N0) Sta9 IIIA (T3. NI)don) Bronchoscopy Pathologicmdiastinal lymph node valuation11FOG PET/CT gn.
18、(H not previously done) Brain MRI with contrast (Stag II. IIIA) (Stage IB optional)IBflnitis RT. NO preferably SABRmQIPositive mediastinal InodesDeftnitiveChefnoalCfiatio2Conskterduvt chemot hcapyp for highUk stages IB-IIBrDurvalufnab1category2A stage II),SurveiIUncetteCLdfi)T3.NO EMed to sin or saM
19、lo odus9 Tsug t not UMed m ord,of 即Onty and ts dependent On CMCal rcumsUncs. GSMgonai rocMSM. and udboon mcAxto ea8nscopy. md8Mmotomy. BUS. EUS. and CT-uried bicpy. An EBUS*TBNA negative for malignancy G CWWCa(PET an6,0f CT) PaMrVe meOasbnixn tftodd Under90 subsequent metcopy prior Io surgical mectt
20、on* PET心T pdormed3lbaM to knees or wto body Positive PET/CT scan rdgs for dsum disease need pathologic Of OChef raddogtc co1iabon If PET/CT scan is pA PrVKof of Ration Thcaoy INSCL LoIf Om(NnC therapy is ContempAated IMthOUt tasue Corlirmalton. mu!MscIlnary vauat) that at least includes HerWlgnal ra
21、d*o dtrmno the sast and most Mkxnt appcoac tor tM*y. or Io pcov) COnSnWS that a hcpy too my or (USMW犷 MA. J Tcrac Oncol 2019.14 583-595 )Q Perioperative Sytefc Therapy (NSCL-El.Qtf ZRl P no俯件呻f T ” Mad加中(yv叫lung neuroedocnno tumor* (xcgng weHMlefentatd nuroendocne tumofs), vascular nvgo. Qdge resect
22、ion, visceral Pieural involvement. nd unknown *ymp node status (Nx) Ths UaOrS ndepdny may not be an ndbc0bon and my X constdrd wn dtog tralmfM wt adjuvant治疗前评估新增:围手术期治疗的评估(适用于NSCL-5、NSCL-8)o初始治疗对于纵隔淋巴结阴性患者可手术患者的治疗修改:若计划手术,手术探查和切除+纵隔淋巴结清扫术或术前全身治疗后系统性淋巴结取样(适用于NSCL-7、NSCL-9sNSCL-10)脚注移至NSCL-E:手术评估后,可能接
24、于NSCL-6、NSCL-7xNSCL-9.NScL-12、NSCL-13)NSCL-4术中发现.辅助治疗FINDINGSAT SURGERYADJUVANTTREATMENTStageIA (T1abc, NO) loslrn8TmB78TonylTeoorexCTzLo5oK/ I Reresection chemotherapy!OrChemoradiationrn (sequentialp or concurrent*) IReresection Chemotherapyp I or.Concurrent chmoradiationfns IStagoIIlA I x (TI-2,N2
25、;T3,N1) KStage IIIB (T3, N2) I Marginsnegative (R0)tFtnotes,NSCL-4AMarginspositive Iosimertinibp(EGFR exon 19 doletion or exon 21 L858R)u orI Soquontlal Chomothorapyp and consider RTmChQmoradiationm (squntialp or concurront9)R2t. Concurrent Chemoradiationm sNot:AlrconM9mentoanypetntwttoncftnclinAltr
27、)oNSCL-9纵隔活检结果、初始治疗MediastinalbiopsyfindingsINITIALTREATMENTADJUVANTTREATMENTT1-3,NO-1 (Including T3 with multiple nodules in same lobe)ResectablelModicallyinoperableSurgicalresection1 mediastinal lymph node dissection or systematic lymph node sampling after preoperative systemic therapy, if planned
28、Troatmont according to clinical stage (NSCL-3)Definitiveconcurrent Chemoradiationmi (category 1)T1-2,T3 (other than invasive), N2 nodes positive, MOInductionsystemicIherapyPy RNoapparent progrossionDurvalumabs(category 1)Surgeryl Consider RTmHNSCL4SUryfiiHanCdlNSCLJ)SUrVeiIIanCe(NSCL 16)T3(Invasion)
29、, N2 nodos positive, MODefinitiveconcurrentChemoradlationm9caNy (PET and/or CT) PoSltrVe mediastinum should undergo subsequent mediastinoscopy PdOr to surgical resectionh PET/CT Ped(Xmed skull base to knees or Wh* body Powtive PET/CT son findings foe distant disease need pathologic or other radiolog
30、ic confirmation If PET/CT scan is positive in the mediastinum, lymph node status needs PathoIOgBC confirmationIPnnQPteS Of Surgtcal Thefapy (NSCL向一 m PngDteS o Radiauon TberaoV (NSCLC). q If MRI is no (NSCLwLJrreniChemOradlatIoH CeQme5 (CSCLF).1RO residual tumor. R1 = microscopic residual tumor. R2
31、macroscopic fetdual tumor, For patients wt EGWexofydebon or exon 21 L85 who received previous adjuvant chemotherapy or are neligl to receive platinum-based ChemOtheQPywFx patients with P0L1 1% and ne9atrve kx EGFR exon 19 deletion Of ex 21 L858R mutations or ALK Teafrangement5 who receved previous a
32、d)uvantce types (egquamous cell cardnoma. adeocanoma) are usually different primary tumors. This analysis may be limited by small biopsy samples HoWeVef. lesions of the same cell type are not necessanly metastases Single contralateral lung nodules wt CMCaL radolog:. or pathologic features suggestive of a synchronous Pnmary lung cancer (eg. IOng disease-free survival, ground glass components. M!cen0n sequeng (NGS) testing vwth broad gene cove