
上传人:夺命阿水 文档编号:602455 上传时间:2023-09-07 格式:PPT 页数:19 大小:1.02MB
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1、45分语言知识运用练 八限时25分钟,.完形填空It was an extremely hot spring day.The1 felt more like July than May.A thunderstorm had passed over earlier but now the clouds were clearing and the sun had 2.Steam was coming off the 3 sidewalk as I parked my car next to the parking meter(a coin-operated timer)and 4 a coin i

2、nto it.I headed into the local charity store to buy my son a shirt.The air-conditioner inside was a welcome 5 from the heat outside.,After I made my purchase I walked back out into the6.I got in my car but had to wait to 7 because of all the cars lined up at the red stop light.I looked out of my car

3、 window and saw 8 on the sidewalk.A single butterfly was 9 moving its wings up and down but not getting off the ground.Whats worse,it was 10 in front of a trucks tyre.Without thinking I got out of my car,held my hand 11 so the truck driver wouldnt move forward,and 12 down to look at the butterfly.On

4、e of its legs was 13 in what looked like spilt milk.I reached down and gently 14 the butterfly in my hands.I lifted its leg up and suddenly it was 15.I opened my hands and up it flew towards the shining sun.My own eyes shone brighter and my own heart felt 16 as I watched it.,Now a lot of people migh

5、t wonder why I would17 into traffic like that to rescue a single butterfly.All I can say is that my heart was 18 me at that moment.And when I was done I felt more like my true self than I had all day.The truth is that the more love you19 in your life,the more love you will take with you.Fill your da

6、ys with20 and love then.And your heart will feel as light as a butterfly.,【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了“我”在雷暴雨之后,拯救了一只因受伤而陷入危险境地的蝴蝶,并由此带来了关于爱心与善良的美好故事。1.A.temperatureB.atmosphereC.condition D.climate【解析】选A。根据首句extremely hot(非常炎热)可知这里指的是温度(temperature)。2.A.fallenB.disappearedC.returnedD.risen【解析】选C。分析上下文语境,这里不

7、是指早上太阳升起或是傍晚太阳落山,而是指暴风雨后乌云散去,太阳重新出现(returned)。,3.A.muddy B.wet C.crowdedD.smooth【解析】选B。根据语境,此时大暴雨过境,太阳正炙烤大地,因此水汽从潮湿(wet)的人行道往上冒,人行道一般不是泥土路,因此不宜用泥泞(muddy),加之全文也无相关依据佐证,应排除。4.A.withdrewB.droppedC.struckD.threw【解析】选B。该句中a coin-operated timer(投入硬币即开始生效的计时器)直接提示了此处应为“投掷硬币”,固定的动词短语为drop a coin,注意此处不能与thro

8、w搭配,且throw多有丢弃、抛弃之意。,5.A.messageB.signC.discoveryD.relief【解析】选D。本句中the air-conditioner inside和the heat outside形成一组鲜明的对比,室内空调缓解(relief)了室外高温。6.A.heatB.rainC.storeD.thunderstorm【解析】选A。联系上下文语境可知,外面正是大热天,“我”走回外面去,迎接自己的当然还是高温(heat)。7.A.live throughB.hold upC.pull outD.check out【解析】选C。根据语境,现在马路上都是排队等红灯的车,

9、因而我必须等待才能驶出去(pull out)。,8.A.nothingB.somethingC.anythingD.everything【解析】选B。结合上下文可知,人行道上有只蝴蝶,“我”朝车窗外一看发现了它(暂时还看不出来是什么,只看到有某个东西),故选B。9.A.gracefullyB.casuallyC.calmlyD.wildly【解析】选D。根据语境,蝴蝶一直无法离地飞起,肯定是十分激烈地(wildly)扑腾翅膀。,10.A.rightB.simplyC.rarelyD.properly【解析】选A。蝴蝶飞不起来,并恰巧处在卡车轮胎前方,十分危险,只有right(正好,恰好)符合语

10、境。11.A.outB.backC.down D.up【解析】选D。在道路交通中,人们往往在车前方举起(up)手来,以示意司机停车。12.A.settleB.fellC.layD.bent【解析】选D。蝴蝶在地上,我想要仔细看它或帮助它,自然要弯下腰(bent)。,13.A.lostB.absorbedC.stuckD.occupied【解析】选C。根据语境,蝴蝶的一条腿被卡在(stuck)看起来像洒了的牛奶中。14.A.caughtB.trappedC.cuppedD.pulled【解析】选C。我此时想要帮助一只受伤的蝴蝶,因而是双手捧成圆状(cup)将其托起。15.A.freeB.miss

11、ingC.aliveD.broken【解析】选A。之前它由于腿被卡住而飞不起来,在我的帮助下,它的腿被舒展开,可以自由(free)飞翔了。,16.A.emptierB.lighterC.heavierD.stranger【解析】选B。蝴蝶在我的帮助下摆脱险境,飞向太阳,看着它的时候我内心也感觉更愉快(lighter)。17.A.pass byB.come aboutC.step outD.look out【解析】选C。联系上文故事情节,我看到车窗外的蝴蝶后,临时从车里出来(step out),走到路上截停了卡车。,18.A.guidingB.accompanyingC.forcingD.req

12、uesting【解析】选A。“我”在那一时刻做出了帮助受伤蝴蝶的行动,是因为有一颗美好、博爱的心在指引(guiding)我做出这个决定。,19.A.obtainB.shareC.receiveD.demand【解析】选B。“我”帮助了一只受伤的蝴蝶,将爱心分享出去,本句是作者结合此事的所思所感,因此句中提到的爱心是自己分享(share)的,而非自己收到爱心。20.A.determinationB.wisdomC.honestyD.goodness【解析】选D。结合全文故事内容,与拯救受伤蝴蝶这一举动最为契合的词语是goodness和love。,.语法填空Dressed in a flowing

13、 long robe 1._(decorate)with floral embroidery(花卉刺绣)from a past era,stylist Xiao Hang looks like she surfaced from a time machine.She walks across the noisy Beijing subway,2._(attract)curious glances and questions.China 3._(welcome)western fashion and futuristic technology during the last decades,4.

14、_ a growing number of young people like Xiao are looking to the past for their dressing choices.5._(obvious),they prefer to put on traditional“hanfu”,or“Han clothing”.,These historic 6._(costume)of the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance because the government is promoting traditional cul

15、ture.Period dramas have also contributed to a 7._(great)interest in traditional Chinese clothing and a higher demand for it.Xiao,who used to work at a state-owned machine manufacturing company,now runs her own hanfu business,8._ she dresses customers for photo shoots and even plans hanfu-style weddi

16、ngs.However,there is some way before the style reaches wide 9._(accept)in China.Many people say their hesitation is due to the odd looks they get when wearing hanfu 10._ public.,【文章大意】这是一篇说明文,文章主要说明了中国越来越多的人开始穿传统的“汉服”,这些具有历史意义的汉族服饰正在复兴,部分原因是政府正在推广传统文化,以增强爱国主义和民族认同感。1.【解析】decorated。考查非谓语动词。decorated此

17、处作后置定语,修饰robe,意为:身穿一件以花卉刺绣装饰的古代飘逸长袍,robe和decorate之间是被动关系,用过去分词。故填decorated。2.【解析】attracting。考查非谓语动词。attracting这里用现在分词表示自然而然的结果。故填attracting。,3.【解析】has welcomed/has been welcoming。考查时态。从during the last decades 这个时间状语,可知为现在完成时或现在完成进行时。故填has welcomed/has been welcoming。4.【解析】but。考查连词。句意:在过去的几十年,中国人接受了西

18、方的时尚和先进的未来技术,但是越来越多像肖航这样的年轻人在穿着打扮上追求复古,穿起了汉服。所以前后句意是转折关系,故填but。5.【解析】Obviously。考查词性转换。此处修饰整个句子,用副词。故填Obviously。因位于句首,第一个字母大写。,6.【解析】costumes。考查名词。根据These可以推出此处 costume应使用复数形式。故填costumes。7.【解析】greater。考查形容词比较级。根据后面的a higher demand可以看出这里存在一个比较关系,因此用比较级,故填greater。8.【解析】where。考查定语从句关系词。句意:肖航现在经营汉服生意,主要为汉服摄影顾客提供服装搭配服务,有时还会策划汉服形式婚礼。该句先行词是抽象的地点名词business,在定语从句中作地点状语。故填where。,9.【解析】acceptance。考查词性转换。该句中wide是形容词,修饰名词,故填acceptance。10.【解析】in。考查固定搭配。此处in public,表示“公开地,在公共场合”,为固定搭配。故填in。,


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