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1、大学英语四级写作辅导,大学英语四级满分710分,其中写作占15%,满分为106分。能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、回答问题和写提纲,能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120-150词的短文,能写短信或便条,表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。,一、测试基本点,大学英语四级作文主要考查:1、学生组织英语语言的能力2、和用英语表达思想的能力对于语言知识点的测试,主要体现在1、测试基本词汇运用能力2、测试基本语法点英语四级考试作文的评分依据是:文章切题,条理清楚语言准确和字数符合要求,四级作文的字数要求一般是不少于100字。,计分标准介绍:,大学英语四级的具体评分标准 2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语

2、言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。5分基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。8分基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。11分切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。14分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。(注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。),For Example:Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on th

3、e topic Private Cars.You should write at least 120 words,and base your composition on the outline given below in English:1.Private cars are increasing rapidly.2.They have given rise to some problems3.Your opinion about the increase of private cars.,With the development of China,the number of people

4、own private cars is on the rise.Private cars are increasing rapidly.But,there are too many problems are caused by it.First and foremost,the polluted air given off by cars will harm our health.Besides,too many private cars will have traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted an so on.In s

5、hort,private cars should be discourage in China.In order to leave clean air,wide and safe road,we should say”no”to private cars.,With the development of Chinas economy,private cars have been playing a vital part in our daily activities.On one hand,private cars provide the most convenient form of tra

6、nsportation.On the other hand,the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers.In our world,private cars are indispensable.However private cars have given rise to a series of problems.Firstly,they are responsible for a large proportion of air pollution,causing a lot of disease to man,anim

7、als and plants.Secondly,Traffic accidents kill thousands of people every year and disable many more.Besides,Traffic jams on busy roads delay us painfully every day.The consequences of all these are becoming even more serious.As far as I am concerned,I think we should find ways to reduce these disadv

8、antages so as to solve the problems of heavy traffic and air pollution.Only in this way,can our life become more exciting and comfortable.,二、历年四级题目概括总结,1、具体分类(1)话题分类:A社会热门话题:如2006年12月On the Spring Festival GalaB校园常用话题:如2004年1月关于专业报考的建议C日常生活话题:如2004年6月 A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction,(2)

9、题型分类:四级作文的题型可以大致分为以下几种:A 图表图画题型(Graphs/Tables and Cartoons/Pictures)B应用文类型 a、书信 b、通知 c、演讲词 d、导游介绍C表达观点型D记叙文型从体裁上讲,可以大致分为议论文、记叙文和说明文。,然而从近些年看,部分四级作文不是单一的体裁,而是几种体裁的糅合体。例如:2008年6月 recreational activities1、娱乐活动多种多样2、娱乐活动可能使人们收益,也可能有危害性3、作为大学生我的看法,学生四级作文存在的问题和对策,1.缺乏主题句意识,主题模糊,缺乏统一性(unity)2.缺乏连贯或过多使用或不当使

10、用连词(coherence)-意连和形连3.母语的翻译思维严重,句型结构,词的用法,词性,词的使用,词组掌握不扎实。4.缺乏套路表达,三、四级作文题目写作步骤5分钟审题+20分钟写作+5分钟修改,1、审题(体裁+题材)审体裁:确定文章是议论文、说明文还是描述文。审题目,一审文章的中心论点或中心主题,二审题目提示。,二、确定主题句主题句:文章全文、或每个段落的中心观点。1、主题句能保证作文不跑题,使作文看起来立意清晰,观点明确。2、主题句能帮助你制定写作思路。根据英语思维的特点,主题句更适宜放在第一句,要求精练全面,立场鲜明。,如:2007年12月Elective courses to choo

11、se1、各大学开设了多种多样的选修课2、学生因为各种原因选择了不同的选修课3、以你自己为例,1、Nowadays more and more universities are opening more opportunities for students to choose a wild selection of elective courses in their spare time.2、There are a multitude of reasons for students to select elective courses,in which there are some most s

12、ignificant ones.3、As far as I am concerned,choosing an elective course,I am inclined to combine personal interest and practical utility together.,Nowadays there are varieties of elective courses in university.(第一段的主题句)Students choose elective courses due to several reasons.(第二段的主题句)I also take two e

13、lective courses based on my own interests.(第三段的主题句),三、组织段落及各题型作文分析,以“简单协调”为原则。使文章结构完整、匀称,给人以整体感及连贯感。做到整体感首先要分清段落,宜控制在三段或者四段,段落不宜过多。而且段落划分要得体,长短合理。做到连贯感段落之间,以及段落内部要有逻辑性,使用适当的衔接词汇。,文章基本结构,开篇段-扩展段(正文)-结尾段开篇段:开门见山,直接切题,可以适当加例子和自己的生活体验扩展段:主题句明确,有顺序展开,层层递进,主次分明,句子之间有逻辑紧密联系,句子之间连接流畅(Unity+coherence)结尾段:概括全

14、文,强调要点,表明作者观点,提建议和解决方法,做预见。,2008年12月四级写作 Limiting The Use of Disposable Plastic Bags1.一次性塑料袋曾被广泛的使用2.造成的问题3.限制使用的意义,第一段要开点明现象,引出问题 It is an undeniable fact that;It is widely/generally/universally held/believed that 简单阐述+转折第二段要开始阐述问题 注意词语、句式、扩展内容、层次分明结尾段中,再次强调意义,表明作者观点,Disposable Plastic Bags(2008年12

15、月四级作文题目),In our daily life,most people use disposable plastic bags for shopping and other purposes.However,the excessive use of disposable plastic bags has resulted in a great damage to our environment.,The problems brought by disposable plastic bags are various,ranging from environment to peoples h

16、ealth.In the first place,it takes years for the(1)plastic products to decompose and be absorbed by the soil.Secondly,the use of disposable plastic bags will indirectly(2)do harm to peoples health.Sometimes people buy hot food packed into disposable plastic bags for saving time to wash their dining u

17、tensils.Yet they are not informed of the chemical material the bags release in high temperature when they enjoying the tasty food(举例).,In conclusion,Its enlightening and significant that our government has banned the use of disposable plastic bags officially,and people will be charged for the use of

18、 such bags.This action is reducing the consumption of bags to a great extent.It is a great measure for the sustainable development of our earth.,2005年1月四级作文题Directions:A Campaign Speech 1、你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作?2、如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么?,第一段:介绍自己的身份。介绍自己今天演讲的目的和主题。,Today I have the honor to have

19、the chance to run for president of the students union.(点明主题,介绍目的).,First of all,let me introduce myself to you.I am Li Ming,a senior student in the Education Department(自我介绍).,第二段:结合考题提示介绍自己的能力、性格、爱好,说明自己具备当学生会主题这一职位的条件。,There are something making me feel qualified to take this position(主题句).,Ever s

20、ince I came to this university,I have been the monitor of my class.I have done a very good job for my classmates.I am good at communication and organizing activities(点出自己的能力,表明竞选的优势与亮点).,Also I am warm-hearted and always try my best to meet the needs of my fellow students(介绍自己的性格).Besides,I have a v

21、ariety of hobbies such as singing,dancing and playing basket-ball.(介绍自己的爱好).,第三段:说明如果当选学生会主席会为同学们做些什么 If I am lucky to be the president of the Student Union,Im sure Ill do better than before(主题句,表明段落中心).Ill manage to make the Union attractive by organizing all kinds of activities for my fellow stude

22、nts(行动一).And Ill be working in close cooperation with the monitor of every class to make our university life as lively and exciting as possible(行动二).The very important thing I will do is that Ill do something help my fellow students to improve their study(行动三).At last,let me put a great emphasis on

23、your broad support,and with that I can learn to reach these goals,and without that I can do nothing.Thank you.(希望得到大家的支持,并表示感谢).,图表题:,1、描述图表 from the table it can be seen(shown,calculated)according to the table X is muchthan Y in 2、阐述图表(具体原因)several factors may contribute to(first,second,third)one o

24、f the causes of is one consequence of is3、做出总结,预测 in conclusion,we can/may say that finally,it can/may be said that therefore,it can be concluded,道歉信:,1、表达道歉 we very much regret/we are extremely sorry/we offer our sincere apologies/2、阐述事由 some mistakes must have made/because there is something wrong

25、 with3、做出调整,表达决心 we have investigated your complaint/we wish to assure you that/4、再次道歉,或表达感谢 thank you also for bringing this matter to our attention/please accept our sincere apologies for again,作文得分技巧总结,1、卷面整洁,书写清楚2、构思简单,少犯错误3、中心突出,层次分明4、固定经典,名言注目5、重在变化,宁简勿滥,四、连贯与衔接,一是指文章在内容上是连贯、统一的,文章中所有的句子都是为全文的

26、中心服务的。二是指的是表达上的连贯。文章的段落之间、段落中各句子之间要有一定的衔接。段落结构和句与句之间的衔接应遵照一定的顺序。段落之间的连接也应符合逻辑。这样使文章连贯紧凑,自然流畅,层次分明,脉络清晰。,连贯的方法和技巧,一是内容上的连贯二是使用代词或有意地重复一些词三是使用关联词语。,介词替代:On the one hand,private schools can meet the special needs of the society or the particular requirements of people.On the other hand,they often bring

27、 people extra burden because of comparison and competition.,When asked to decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools,I will not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.,使用关联词(表并列),1.Different students learn English for different purposes.Most of

28、the students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals and attend English lectures,(while)(Meantime)(in comparison with)a few students use it to talk to English-speaking visitors,attend seminars,or write letters and reports.,表转折,2.Many people applaud/welcome this new deve

29、lopment while others have expressed their concern about this.,表递进,3.Bird flu and SARS are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life.(Besides)(Furthermore)(Moreover),forest destruction,water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.,

30、表开始,4.Serious as the problem seems,we can come up with some measures to deal with it.(First of all)(To begin with)(Previously),the authorities should adopt the policy of“sustainable development”.,表递进,(Whats more)(Additionally)(Besides)(in the second place),every citizen should realize the seriousnes

31、s of the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment.,表强调,(In addition)(moreover)(what is more important)(in particular),planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.,表举例,5.One method is to conserve and save our energy.(For instance)(as an illustration)(a good example

32、of.)(take the case of)some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting.(And)(While)Some have enforced serious penalties on overuse of electricity,water,and farming land.,表结果,(By these means)(accordingly)(thus)(as a consequence);the using of energy resources could be

33、slowed down.,五、词汇的使用和选择(要保证拼写的正确!),(1)准确 largebig(2)清晰 learn ascertain(3)使用有具体含义的词语 go,comewalk,run,rush goodfriendly,generous,kind,(4)要避免使用并列句 We entered the office of the rubber factory.We met the director,and he called a guide to show us around the plant.When we entered the office of the rubber f

34、actory,we met the director,who called a guide to show us around the plant.,六、检查,一、检查是否切题二、检查语言的连贯性,上下文是否通畅,过渡 词语使用是否恰当。三、逐句检查语法,主、谓一致性,时态、语态、语气、习惯搭配等使用是否准确。四、检查大小写、拼写等。,七、书写认真,卷面整洁,现场作文,Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest.Y

35、ou should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象 2.诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实 It Pays to Be Honest,第一段:there are dishonest people in our society第二段:the phenomenon and the result of dishonest(dishonest people are short-sighted)第三段:the phenomenon and the result o

36、f honest(first,second,besides,so)第四段:my opinion(in conclusion),Nowadays in our society,although honesty is believed to be a virtue,there are still dishonest people in our society.dishonest behavior would do great harm to our society while honest behavior would benefit a lot both for individuals and

37、people at large.,Dishonest people are short-sighted.For example,some businessmen sell fake product to their consumers;some students cheat in the exams.Those who sell fake products may make money at first,but consumers wont buy their products any more.As a result,they will lose their fortune or even

38、be sent to prison.,By contrast,honest people gain a lot.(1)Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well.Such persons are sure to have a lot of good friends.Because they are trustable and respectable,everyone is eager t

39、o make friends with them,Besides,(2)it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job.Generally speaking,every employer wants his employees to be honest.So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later.,In a word,honesty wins trust,respect and honor,so it is important tha

40、t we should be honest.,八、四级作文经典句型介绍,一)比较 1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.3.A may be preferable to B,but A suffers from the disadvantages that.4.It is reasonable to maintain that.but it would be foolish to claim that.5.For all the

41、 disadvantages,it has its compensating advantages.6.Like anything else,it has its faults.7.A and B has several points in common.8.A bears some resemblances to B.9.However,the same is not applicable to B.10.A and B differ in several ways.11.Evidently,it has both negative and positive effects.12.Peopl

42、e used to think.,but things are different now.13.The same is true of B.14.Wondering as A is,it has its drawbacks.15.It is true that A.,but the chief faults(obvious defects)are.,二)原因 1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.A number of factors might contribute to(lead to)(account for)

43、the phenomenon(problem).2.The answer to this problem involves many factors.3.The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that.4.The factors that contribute to this situation include.5.The change in.largely results from the fact that.6.We may blame.,but the real causes are.7.Part of the explanations fo

44、r it is that.One of the most common factors(causes)is that.Another contributing factor(cause)is.Perhaps the primary factor is that But the fundamental cause is that.,三)后果 1.It may give rise to a host of problems.2.The immediate result it produces is.3.It will exercise a profound influence upon.4.Its

45、 consequence can be so great that.,四)批驳 1)It is true that.,but one vital point is being left out.2)There is a grain of truth in these statements,but they ignore a more important fact.3)Some people say.,but it does not hold water.4)Many of us have been under the illusion that.5)A close examination wo

46、uld reveal how ridiculous the statement is.6)It makes no sense to argue for.7)Too much stress placed on.may lead to.8)Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that.9)Contrary to what is widely accepted,I maintain that.,五)举例 1)A good case in point is.2)As an illustration,we may take.3)Such exa

47、mples might be given easily.4).is often cited as an example.六)证明 1)No one can deny the fact that.2)The idea is hardly supported by facts.3)Unfortunately,none of the available data shows.4)Recent studies indicate that.5)There is sufficient evidence to show that.6)According to statistics proved by.,it

48、 can be seen that.,七)开篇 1)Many nations have been faced with the problem of.2)Recently the problem has been brought into focus.3)Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.4)Recently the issue has aroused great concern among.5)Nowadays there is a growing concern over.6)Never in our history has

49、 the idea that.been so popular.7)Faced with.,quite a few people argue that.8)According to a recent survey,.9)With the rapid development of.,.,八)结尾 1)From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that.2)It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop.3)It is necessary that ste

50、ps should be taken to.4)In conclusion,it is imperative that.5)There is no easy method,but.might be of some help.6)To solve the above-mentioned problem,we must.7)In summary,if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue,more problems will crop up.8)With the efforts of all parts concerned,the prob


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